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Posts posted by (PSN)InvictusAsmodeus

  1. i think another thing that can be done to help is having some indicator of which sigil belongs with what sydicate, all syndicate sigils have a making showing that theyre syndicate sigils, but not which syndicate its for, they all have the tilted banner on them, but instead of the syndicate symbol, they all have some random snowflake design

    some are pretty obvious to which syndicate they belong, some are not, but i think them being obvious may be in part due to using that syndicate more often, but if u try to switch syndicates, some times u have to guess which sigil goes with the syndicate you're wanting to get points in

  2. The Market also shows you if you own a weapon or blueprint. It definitely does on PC, don't see why they would omit that from consoles.

    Also, how long have you been playing? At the beginning you don't have access to the more lucrative missions (high tier Voids and Dark Sectors, which currently don't even have taxes on them).

    PS4 doesn't show if you built them in the market, only blueprints owned, and i have everything up locked, not all the planet tiles but everything else, i'm mastery rank 12 ready to go 13, been playing around 6 months, but missions don't effect what shows up in the market or labs

  3. wow.... i'm saying when you're buying blueprints, there are over 200 weapons, its hard to keep up with which ones you have already, and its redundant to run to the codex or foundry just to check if you have them or not then go back to the market or dojo labs to buy them if you don't, and a waste of credits if you buy blueprints you don't need cuz you already have the weapon, i don't know bout you guys but i'm always low on credits as it is cuz im always buying more weapons and ranking up mods, i'm not talking bout the blueprints themselves, it already shows that, i'm talking bout the actual built weapons, rarely do you need to buy another blueprint for a weapon you've already bought, and when you do most people just buy both blueprints at the same time, for example, if i buy the nikana blueprint, it shows 1 owned right? but once you build the weapon you no longer have the blueprint so it no longer shows you have 1 owned cuz you used it, but after you're made 50-100 weapons after that and you go to buy new blueprints you tend to forget which ones you've build and yes i know the codex shows it and a couple of other menus do, but its a waste of time when you're already at the market or labs

  4. i dont know if theres a suggestion section or not, if so i couldnt find it, but anyways.


    my suggest is that an indicator be added to let you know what weapons youve build in the market and labs just like it shows what blueprints you currently own

  5. We are a growing alliance, we accept any clan, only rules are; 1) no drama, if you have a problem with someone bring it to the attention of your clan leader, and in turn your leaders should bring it to the attention of the players clan leader and/or the alliance leaders. 2) no rudeness towards new / low level players. 


    We are also willing to accept alliances that are wanting to migrate to another alliance to become a bigger alliance. We do not try to tell other clans how to play, everyone has their own play style. We currently don't have an alliance badge, but i personally am working on making one, and will have one finished in upcoming weeks. If you're needing help making a badge feel free to message me personally with ideals you have of what you want your clan badge to look like, and i'll see what i can do to make it for you, or assist you in making one.


    If you're interested in joining Banished tenno knights, please contact (PS4)invictusasmodeus or (PS4)scoobydoo5642

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