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Posts posted by (PSN)S-267

  1. I know that as it stands the account migration isn't happening. My question is why is it that I can play warthunder on PC and PS4, but not Warframe? Is it a difference in game design or account handling? Also, who does the ability lie with? I've heard some say that to allow it would require Sony to give the go ahead, but then I hear from Sony that it depends on DE. I've spent too much time and money to start fresh, so at this time I don't want to start over, especially since I can't get most of my gear back. I am unfamiliar with these forums to be honest, If this is the wrong area please tell me. Have a pleasant day!

  2. No not going to say i'm happy about most of this. Next update is a different story though. Regardless nerfs seem stupid, but until I get my Excalibur back up to thirty I don't have the workaround figured out to make this not seem horrible, I was close range already. The 1/5 effective radial blind requiring 1/2 the regular cost of a radial blind is stupid. means it's something like 16 or 17 energy. Looking forward to trying out the new gun, and Rathuum. Been awhile since I played warframe good and proper, what with Fallout Tactics, Overwatch, and FE: Fates Revelations to deal with. Freaking Super mutants in St. Louis man.... Everyone of them has an M249 Saw or an M60... Some even have an M2 50. Caliber Heavy machine gun. 

  3. Any curved bastard sword? Because that's what katana essentially is.

    Any records of cutting through 4-5 people? I know it don't really affect anything, but I'm trying to get statistics. The original post was full of bias and ignorance so I threw everything into a reply.

  4. By the way, if i am not mistaken the Nikana is a Japanese styled Katana.

    A Katana is inferior in every respect to European Swords. Worse steel, only one cutting edge, inferior design, breaks often when hitting other swords... (Google it if you don't believe) and the Broken War is akin more to a European style with better steel, two cutting edges, armguard, more possible moves like hitting enemys with cross guard or grip...

    So in other words it is 'historical' correct' xD




    Inferior design to European Swords? I won't disagree with the worse steel, but they had ways of fixing that. The one cutting edge isn't a disadvantage, just a different style. Please name one European sword of comparable weight or size the cut better than a proper Katana. Also more moves isn't an advantage. Lastly quillons weren't necessary on the Katana due to the fact that unlike knights who used half-swording against other knights, the Japanese at most usually had plated mail instead of plate.

  5. Honestly I would only have a problem if they were in the class of melee weapon. I mean Dakra Prime is a long sword, Galatine is a Heavy Blade, Scindo Prime is a Heavy Blade, & I'm pretty sure Jat Kittang is a Hammer. War/Broken War just adds two more weapons so people can get use from different stances at high level .I love the Dragon Nikana, it absolutely melts everything. Literally (corrosive), but I like options.



    Broken-War itself is fine.  Only thing that makes it "OP" is Crimson Dervish. If you wanna nerf something, nerf dervish, or give other weapon stances just as good damage bonuses. If it wasnt for that Id call it a sidegrade to the D Nikana.  Also this is coming soon


    (Dragon Nikana -> Nikana Prime)
    Increased Slash (72 -> 85)
    Decreased Puncture (8.5 -> 4.8)
    Increased Impact (4 -> 4.8)
    Increased Status Chance (15% -> 20%)
    Increased Crit Chance (15% -> 20%)
    Increased Attack Speed (1.0 -> 1.1)


    By blood or platinum it shall be mine!

  7. Much whining from Excal players. Yet There sits Valkyr, with the same old crap base damage and crit only scaling on her Hysteria. Leading to the same "Meta" weapon choice limitations.


    Why not just take everything away from the now-entitled Excal players entirely and make Exalted blade directly equivalent in mod compatibility to Hysteria?


    Then everyone can just equip Atterax and be happy with their only choice of a melee weapon on both frames.

    They should just buff Valkyr. Though I think Excalibur and Valkyr work really well together now. With their similar ultimate. 

  8. I can't tell if it consumed a slot, but it not having a catalyst is kind of a kick to the acorns after what I had to go through. Also Excalibur and Valkyr..... B E A U tiful combination. This was far far to difficult though I hate being forced to use my really powerful stuff because I can't gain EXP if do use them. This forced me to use my excalibur master sword build.

  9. I dislike like seeing all these new Excaliburs.... Nerf please. I liked him better when I was in the 10% of Excalibur users. Now it's more like 50%. Not requesting a kill. I enjoy his new abilities (especially the slash dash barrage type rework) and I love that armor buff. But Exalted Blade... Maybe the waves shouldn't go so far. And maybe he shouldn't auto guard. Just nerd enough to make people go back to Rhino (ToT)

    [also the various Exalted combos are stupid stylish! LOVE em]

    ..... Yes nerf an ability to make the frame rarer? I'm sorry but no. I do agree though seeing too many excaliburs.

  10. You know for a game about maximization and efficiency I don't understand why people would be glad that an efficient method was nerfed. Yes I have made a comment about this already, but why are people happy about the nerf. Aside from the people who just want to watch angry comments there is almost no benefit to this nerf. Can someone please explain.

  11. So hears my question what's the point of greedy pull if it only works for mag? I mean what's the point of the mod still being available? If it's lost it's ability to help the team then it should be removed. Also if anyone would happen to know the answer to my question. I have a mastery rank of 16 which I believe is eagle. Why does it say initiate on my profile?


    Attention Console Tenno,
    Starting next Friday August 7th Baro Ki’Teer for PS4 and XB1 will no longer follow suit with PC’s past offers. Instead he will propose different goods as well as previously rotated items to start consoles on a different Void offerings path!
    Thanks, and may your Ducat hunting be plentiful! 


    I'm sorry but you what mate? I have almost no motivation to farm now, it's hard enough getting the things I want in the void, but farming fodder with no plan in mind. That's terrible I mean screw planning ahead right? I have tried to farm for five days to get 820 Ducats I currently have about 540 Ducats. I have used maybe seven Survival keys, five Exterminate keys, 15 Mobile defense keys, and 10 Capture keys. I don't like to waste time, and I don't like to waste resources. Baro Ki'Teer is a snob who does nothing more than insult me and waste my resources and time. As a loyal Console Tenno who has worked towards mastering all frames and is working on mastering all available weapons this is a pointless grind. I do not mean to come of as hostile; however with an unnecessary, and in my opinion backwards change like this I admit to feeling a bit upset. 

  13. I hate to accuse, but due to the stunning turn around in allegiance in my absence I can't help but question. Is this event rigged so that Alad V wins? I mean PS4 shows clearly that it sides with Nef however after returning and question my clanmates I found that Alad V started offering rewards of far better quality as an incentive. I would hate to accuse, but if it's the case it would be rather annoying. Maybe this is common and I never noticed it, even if the Eyes of Blight event was curious in how each platform lost the same number of relays. Not to also mention that the time started getting cut short.

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