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Posts posted by X4vi0uR

  1. Inb4, the masks appear but you need some ludicrous amount of rare things to get them (since you can't buy stuff from Nakak without the materials) and in 1 day they're gone for god knows how long. This is so bad, imagine people that are busy that particular day but have been trying to get them losing their chance just because they're daily.


    If you want to keep the rarity + RNG wouldn't it be better if the masks, after appearing, stay for 2-3 days? That way, people can figure out what they need to get them and somebody that has a job or is travelling can have a chance at getting them, too. Then, they can be gone for a whole lotta time more but at least people would be more cool with them being so rare.

    Like, making this a mini-event of sorts, if you wish.

    Now, that I think about it, it'd be cool if for the rares there'd be another character like Nakak's master (the person, I suppose, thought her to craft masks) that would visit her (once in a blue moon) and sell to the tenno masks that are of higher craft. Heck, this could even be treated as an event where the masks' rarity starts decreasing little by little because the new NPC teaches Nakak to create those masks which could be good in case, in the future, more rare masks\fluffs or oddities are added to Nakak's rotation. It'd create this mechanic where, people who get it first ofc get something rare and feel special but as time passes more and more people can get a consistent chance at getting the item in question. Also, this would make it even more apparent for players that in Cetus pass by Nakak that there's something different going on that day or those few days the NPC is around.

    Dunno, tho. This is just a personal idea and ofc it'd require a bit of work\resources to be implemented.

  2. 7 hours ago, Lion said:

    Itzal does not need a nerf, and it's not a good idea to give us more options by making others obsolete.

    I agree with a lot of the responses here - I do think Itzal is meta just because it's so effective in open world nodes, in the same vein that's not really a bad thing. I just think other options (K-drive/AW) need to be brought made more appealing with their own strengths.

    Currently Archwing is just used to get from point A to point B - Itzal does that very effectively, and there's nothing else that comes close in that regard. But what if DE gave us reasons to use archwings where speed isn't as much of a factor? 

    The Flying Eidolon comes to mind, in this regard it might be a better idea to bring a high damage/utility archwing instead of a go-fast archwing. 


    As far as K-drives go, I think overall they are hurting, and need buffs to mobility and utility - they need to be able to instantly and easily overcome terrain obstacles like mountains in order to compete with archwings. Being able to use weapons and possibly even one handed Warframe abilities would make K-drive much more appealing than they are now.


    I think the same. Either make content where the Archwings are the worse option to use (for example, missions in a medium\large arena with not much height space but a lot of horizontal large corridors) or give proper buffs to the K-Drives so they don't suck as much as they do now: allowing players to use weapons and gravimag weapons on them, allowing players to use frame skills from them, removing the chance to be dropped off the K-Drive on a bump, buffing their handling on the ground and make players have full control in the air, giving them mods that severely alter the way they're used (ex: a mod that every 3-5 secs drops mines that take their dmg and stats from the players' secondary weapons, a mod that allows K-Drives to Glide or to fly for a short period of time, a mod that insanely buffs the speed for a short while giving players the option to do short bursts on straightaways, and so on.

    These are two ways to give players more options without making them angry by nerfing what is already meta. Nerfing itself sets a very dangerous precedent because at that point there's a chance that all of the Archwings are simply gonna be nerfed just because K-Drives suck so much at the moment and what if next DE puts in a vehicle that is even worse than K-Drives and wants to make that meta? Do you nerf K-Drives too at that point?

    It also, keeps from developing these traversal methods into something the players love. Personally, I think players like K-Drives and their idea but they're just underwhelming at this moment...so BUFF THEM!

  3. 12 hours ago, Methanoid said:

    you are trying to make it sound like the itzal trades shields/hp for some form of magic dodging or evasion via that speed which it does not, its "1" is only used to cheese straight line movement, typically in open world, it doesnt use that ability to try and evade damage thsu saving its low shields/hp.

    It also hasnt had its speed taken away, its still got the highest base speed of all archwing which is further enhanced with hyperion thrusters.

    But it does. It has low hp and shields compared to other archwings and has 1 and 2 as defensive and maneuvering skills allowing player to blink through or hide from enemies and projectiles. It also has the highest base speed because the Itzal (as it was first thought of for Archwing missions) is supposed to be exactly that: a stealthy high speed Archwing.

    I'm saying that the Itzal has mobility as its strong suit. The blink ability of the Itzal is just that: high mobility traded with little to no offensive or defensive capability. The Itzal was thought first and foremost for the Archwing space missions so it makes absolutely sense to have that ability in those missions to move rapidly through meteorite debris and away from exploding Phomorians.

    On big maps like Plains of Eidolon and Orb Vallis the blink ability is still absolutely fine. It is the most efficient option to go from point A to point B. My point is, nerfing it like putting the blink on a cooldown sounds ok...removing the blink, reducing its speed is absolutely stupid.

    Also, the point of the Itzal nerf is to make people more likely to use K-Drives but that just isn't gonna happen. Somebody else pointed this out already: all of the Archwings are more efficient options than the K-Drives (since by flying you have no geographic obstacles allowing you to move between keypoints in a straight line while with the K-Drives you have to take many detours) and some frame abilities too (Volt Speed Buff and Nova's Blink). So, they either need to nerf all of this stuff next or people are still not gonna use K-Drives.

    All in all, I don't see the point in the nerf altogether. If players want to be ultra efficient allow them to use Itzal with its blink constantly to move through the map in seconds, nothing is stopping other players from using the K-Drives (even though they're objectively the worst way to move around) or even traverse the maps by walking if they prefer to do so.

    By nerfing the Itzal, I personally think, they risk of taking an option away from players and the nerf direction itself is stupid IMHO. Personally, I think they should just buff K-Drives. Make them more fun and faster to move in, give them some cool innate abilities and mods that make them absolute beasts and there we go the number of players who use them will naturally rise up.

    I hope I conveyed my thoughts properly on this matter. Personally, if they nerf the Itzal, I'm just gonna use another Archwing too. I grind for my loot and, since I like to keep my platinum usage to a minimum, I farm a lot so I need to move fast while doing missions and this way of playing is exactly the main way of playing this game at end-game. If they give me an option to farm even faster for free I'm up for it but I'm absolutely against anything that makes me slower.

  4. 18 hours ago, Methanoid said:

    its more that the itzal overperforms not only vs kdrives but every other archwing, everyone uses the itzal for open world if they have it exactly because it so much better, the movement should be reasonably similar for all archwing without 1 standing out as the defacto must have option.

    I mean, Itzal is meant to be fast but having lighter shields and health. It's literally what that Archwing is supposed to do. Nerfing it would be like taking the speed buff away from Volt or the Stealth skills away from Loki and Ivara.

    The problem is that, even if they nerf the Itzal, people are not gonna use K-Drives because the maps are huge and to move between objectives Archwings are a much better option because in the air you have no geographic obstacles and barely any enemy, especially if you go to a high altitude.

    Also, on archwings you can use your weapons and the archwing's abilities while K-Drives have literally nothing. You can't shoot on a K-Drive and you can't cast any skill. The only thing that comes close to this is when you equip mods that make the K-Drive deal damage and such but they're underwhelming and you have to grind Ventkid Standing.

    Literally, anything that could interest players is in the Archwings but not in the K-Drives. They're objectively the worst option at the moment.

    Not even mentioning that there are frames like (Max Strenght) Volt or (Max Range) Nova that can traverse said maps even faster without needing to use even K-Drives.

    So, really. DE either needs to nerf all of this stuff and angering something like 90% (random number) of the playerbase or, simple solution, just buff the hecking K-Drives.

    Give players the option to shoot from them and cast frame abilities or rework the K-Drives and allow them to fly for a certain period of time, make their handling (even in mid-air) better without needing to equip mods on them, give players buffs when using them, rework the maps so that it's more viable to move from point A to point B with K-Drives.

    There are many options that they can take that are so much better, objectively, than nerfing stuff that was around from before just because the "new thing" sucks.

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  5. 2 hours ago, Gabbynaru said:

    What a surprise, the Itzal nerf is gonna do exactly what it's intended to, give people MORE OPTIONS! I like how you guys are digging yourselves deeper and deeper into the ground, making the Itzal nerf sound more and more reasonable with each post.

    This is plain stupid. The Itzal is supposed to be the stealthy and fast Archwing with low health pool and sub-par offensive abilities. Nerfing it just so "you get more options" is downright saying "you are not allowed to go too fast" in maps that are huge with objectives being timed on the other side of your location.

    You know why nobody gives a S#&$ about K-drives? Any Archwing (with no speed mods) is faster than them and in the air you don't have obstacles between point A and point B as you, instead, have on the ground along with most of the enemies. Archwings (even if the Itzal was taken completely out of the game) would still be the better option. Same with frame abilities.

    The point of nerfing the Itzal, in the devs' minds, would be to make K-Drives more viable but it's gonna end up being an absolute useless nerf since players will just use the frames. At that point, like somebody else pointed out, you either start nerfing frames' movement abilities and everything else that makes you traverse the environment faster than K-Drives or there's literally no point to this.

    You know what would be a simpler solution? Just buff K-Drives, allow players to use weapons and frame abilities on them, make them faster, more responsive and with no chance of the frame falling down from them and make changes to the environments that help players move between keypoints fast even with them, instead of dealing with the vegetations, structures and enemies.

    The main point is that the map themselves are no skateparks and are not viable for fast traversal with K-Drives...in a game where players grind for loot and to that end, after the initial time of "oh, this is cool", are gonna devise any possible way to grind faster.

    There's a reason for why a META exists and for why only a small part of the contents of the game are constantly being used while others are more niche. Such is the case of K-Drives. Such is the case of the Conclave, Frame Fighter, Fist Weapons and weapons with no range, Low dmg, Low Status guns and Frames who have only CC (Vauban) while the game actively puts enemies that disrupt CC skills.

    The option, as with Vauban himself, is to rework and buff the niche thing instead of nerfing everything else. That is taking the option away from me not giving me more options by making everything S#&$.

  6. Personally, I'd love if the cycle was a bit longer. Instead of having a meager 26 mins cycle, make it 1 hour and have 34 minutes of cold but a whopping 26 minutes of warm weather or 40 cold and 20 warm. That would literally give people the time to set up and catch fishes with some tranquility, instead of rushing like a mad man. Also, fixing the Long and Mirewinders to spawn as soon or slightly before the weather turns into warm, because right now the indicator showed warm weather and for a full 2 minutes none of the warm weather fishes spawned.

    Also, another QoL change would be to have a proper timer with minutes and seconds that show how much you need to wait between the two cycles. This way it would be much easier to organize the time. Also, the timers should be visible also when the players are in caves, not only on the map of Orb Vallis.

    As of now, Synathids should be the hardest fishes to catch but by far Long and Mirewinders are way harder just because the time given to players is insufficient. In the 5-4 minutes I managed to catch only 4 Longwinders and I didn't miss any shot, only 4 of that fishes spawned in the totality of the 4 minutes and I was also using the proper bait. I tried moving around and setting multiple spots all of them with baits but, let me repeat, only 4 Longwinders spawned. This is just unacceptable and goes for sure into the real of this being a bug.

  7. Just a small idea that can enhance usage of extractors...

    We have the feature to claim all extracted materials in one go, I was thinking if it could be implemented a button to instantly re-deploy the same extractors on the same planets, so that after claiming the materials we don't have to go again on every single planet just to deploy an extractor. Obviously, it can check if you have more of the same extractors in better conditions and deploy the ones at 100%, otherwise it can notify that the same extractor will be deployed again with the risk, with long usage, that it can be destroyed.


    I dunno, maybe it's more complex to put this into place but I think it's a small QoL change that can make this passive aspect of the game a bit faster. Nothing too special but still something that people would enjoy to see.

  8. 1 minute ago, ModernGreg said:

    By cards, do you mean mods? And the mods you can get on AA rotations are different from the ones you can buy with Vitus Essence as far as I know. For me the ayatans and Endo are very useful, since there are still rivens and sacrificial mods I need to level. And if anything else I can always trade the ayatans for plat. So I think the rewards are fine. Some Kuva might be cool, I agree on that. 

    Yeah, I was referring to mods. Sometimes, my brain just works in strange ways.

    I'm usually fine with changing endo because I got like 40 ayatans from the daily alerts but I can see why it'd be desirable to have a steady stream of them.

  9. Just a thread where we can talk about what do you think would be better rewards for Arbitration Alerts (from here on AAs).

    Right now, we got some rewards but, let's face it, endos and Ayatans don't make for anything useful at all. Also, the cards you can get from the rotation can also be bought straight up for Vitus Essences (which you'll probably have before getting them to drop).

    Taking into account that the AAs are, basically, end-game content and are much harder than any regular alert (increased difficulty conditions for all the modes, especially defence), with high level enemies, only 1 life at your disposal and the pre-requisite to have unlocked and completed ALL of the missions in the entirety of the game (including Derelict and Kuva missions), the rewards are almost pitiful and the Vitus Essences are used mostly for cosmetic anyways.

    So, the question is: "If you could replace some (or all) of the rewards dropped during these missions, what would you suggest as something worthy of all the trouble to unlock the AAs and the increased difficulties and handicaps?"

    Personally, I'd try to balance things with some Kuva drops (around 3000 to 5000 max), Credits (extra 100k to 200k) and maybe some Rare Cards\Rare Enhanced Relics with an extremely low chance to receive a random Riven or Forma. Personally, I think these would be more desirable rewards for something that is to be considered end-game content, without going too overboard (especially taking into account that you can participate in these once per hour, instead of the daily alerts).

    What are your ideas about this? Would you add something different or, maybe, are you completely fine with the rewards in rotation right now?

  10. I see. I started thinking of where you're coming from and I can see that there would be cases where players kick people just for using what they think is the "wrong" warframe or low level weapons. Still, while I mostly play what I feel suitable with I've seen these situation like 5-6 times in 500+ hours of playing. Also, wouldn't it be far easier to just vote against the kick of the low level\ allegedly "wrong" warframe guy and then kick the one that feels like he's entitled to decide how people play?

    I mean, at that point why don't have a report system? Even though, that one is also liable to the same abuses.

    Which, brings me to think that by that logic there would be no systems of the sort implemented and, thus, these kind of behaviours would still go unpunished.

    For now, we only got the chat report systems so why don't add to that system the option to report player for unsportsmanlike behavior (like afking an entire mission)? It'd be easier and quicker and I guess since this system is around already the abuses would still be roughly around the same level as of now (because for sure there are abuses also there).

    Really, though. If the problem is "there would be abuses of sorts" then you can't put any of these in any game. The only thing to do is to put them in the game in a way that they're hard to abuse and then monitor them so that the abuses are easily individuable and punishable, obviously that would require knowledge on the matter that goes beyond what I know, though.

    For now, I can only hope that DE devs are looking into this matter. For sure, they can come up with something more decent than just leave bad players at large without any repercussions.

    So, guess I'll close this thread. Thanks for the people who put more things into my attention since I mostly wrote it in the heat of the moment. It's always good to have other people's perspectives on matters before coming to hard conclusions.

    Thanks again, hope we can have more constructive posts in the future.

  11. There've been many games where you always have that one guy. Mainly in defence or interception missions. They queue like everybody else, get their frames into some hard to reach places, maybe they also use an ability to shield themselves and let the other guys do the work. Why do they play the game this way? Who knows. What we know is that they're annoying as hell and, especially if you need the item the mission\alert gives you and you queued at the last minute, you're basically forced to do all the work for them.

    So, why don't add this feauture to the game? Rather, why is it not already in the game? <- not a sarcastic question, I'm legit curious about it!

    Make it a majority vote in a set amount of time. 20 seconds to express a "yes, kick him"\"no, keep him" vote and after those the majority (even if only 1 vote is expressed) decides if the player is staying or going. Just an idea. I hope I worded this correctly as to not sound offensive and as clear as possible.

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