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Posts posted by (PSN)SparkOne666

  1. 2 hours ago, Magneu said:

    Are all new players clueless and obnoxious?

    Obviously no. Please don't make generalizations based on circumstantial anecdotes.

    Also, how did you kill something that was Mind Controlled? MC'ed enemies are immune to Tenno damage AFAIK.

    Aren't they get all the damage they took from tenno's right after MC is over? (Maybe I'm totally wrong thats based on my personal experience)

  2. So the thing is very simple: basically when I claimed my equinox warframe from my foundry, it dissapeared from there and never show up in my inventory. I was trying to restart the game, I bought an extra warframe slot but nothing happened and I'm really dissapointed and pissed, because it took me 43 runs to get the final part (night aspect bp of course xD) and about a week crafting time to finally have it.

    i have sent a support ticket already but last time took them a month to answer after ive been scammed ingame, and all i've got is that they cant do anything about me and quote "but we make sure to take a closer look at the player you traded with and sanction his actions appropriately". So basically if the guy is lucky enough he get away with it...

    since it takes so much time to DE to respond I would be curious how often this happening ingame and what can I expect from the support team? Is it worth to wait 3-4 weeks or should I just start to re-farm the parts, because all I will get is a "sorry for your loss" sort of answer.

  3. Quote
    23 hours ago, (PS4)kkdawg033182 said:

    Chatting seems like a new mini game.


    Off: That made my day. :,D


    This new chat system totally f@?!d up the whisper messages. If you are chatting with 3-4 different players, for instence a b c and d, and "d" send you a private message that message also shows up on a b c players panels. I HOPE this is a bug, and not the way it meant to be.

  4. Replace Close all option... Right now is right above invite which some1 like me who loves doing trades and chatting ingame is like a "destroy all" button... 

    The best it would be to put everything back to the previous layout. It feels like I have to re-learn everything and this one is way more difficult to get use to than the previous one.

  5. Oh my god thank you for this post!! It's really a pain to use this chat layout to me too.

    Its also weird and kinda disturbing that when you are in a whisper w someone, other players messages show up aswell causing lvl9000 confusion sometimes xD

  6. Yeah I have experienced the same things:

    - The server randomly log me out.

    - serious delays on landing craft things like: market, foundry, arsenal, where it takes like 20-30 seconds to start to build something in foundry or just quitting from arsenal.

    - Maybe it's just me but I also experienced funny things in trades: For instence it says the trade changed but its not, fail to finish trades, things like that.

    - Pretty bad ingame laggs. 

  7. Hy there fellow Tennos!

    I don't know if anybody suggested this idea before, so maybe it's not new:

    Maybe its just me but I thought it would be nice when a tower is under attack it would be shown on the minimap aswell the same way as next to the minimap to make easier to defend them (or Lotus would let us know about it:) ). 

  8. Well the thing is that we made a deal over a buzzkill with a player called [REDACTED] for 1400p. In the dojo he put 1500p in the trade only asking for 4 extra gold cores. After the trade he blocked me straight away and I only got 150p.

    I dont really expecting to get my buzzkill back( even though i spent about a month ingame selling and buying stuff to get that amount of plat:(( to afford 1 ) , all I want is some sort of help (what could I do?) AND justice over this situation . ( and yes, i checked, it was definitely 1500p before I accepted the trade :( )

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