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Posts posted by Unksen

  1. Proto-Exalibur. PBR. When?

    Current riven mod system is HORRIBLE. Why we can't choose it's stats? RNG doesn't know strongest sides of weapons. How +100% crit chance is usefull on a gun with 2.5% crit chance? Why can't we spent like extra 100 kuva to remove negative stats? Why negative stats even a thing if these mods suposed to bring old guns to life? Why kuva spending even if roll hasn't been accepted? Shouldn't riven mods dissolve into exact same amount of kuva spend on rolls?

    All I want to say that riven mods and kuva farming is any effort punishinig system without progress that makes me want to leave warframe for good. By the way, 15 mods cap? Is this a joke? I didn't done sorties for 2 and a half month because I just wont get any usefull thing out of this. Basicaly you locked me out of game content. Untill I pay huh.

  2. But can you feel it? Can you? CAN YOU?


    I am already filled 1/3 of riven capacity (with these) and I use only one single mod which is for ingis. I rolled it 5 times and all five times it was worse than before.

    I'm still don't understand why we can't chose weapon for a riven? But most of all why we STILL don't have ANY control over the whole systen? We can't chose weapon for a mod, we can't reroll weapon on a current mod, we can't lock stats, we can't do anything about it.

    So how am I suposed to make my favorite old guns "sortie viable" with rivens if chance of getting one for a weapon wich I actually want to use is practically less than zero? And will be even less after removal of rifle rivens from sortie. Food for your though.

  3. Just now, TrickshotMcGee said:

    I don't mean interact. I mean see. If there are indeed multiple Tenno on the same node at all times, which there are, it would make sense to see ships moving too and fro on occasion. 

    Like going to Wal-Mart and only seeing the people you walked in the door with, and even when you're outside there are no other cars or people walking around. You KNOW they're there, and there are 100% other people for certain, but you can't see them. 

    It just seems odd to me. 

    Next time be more observant because ships ARE moving and stuff happens. Also one mission node not always the same place over and over again.

    And I think that our warframes vision was hardcoded to hide everithing that does not matter to the mission.

  4. 2 minutes ago, TrickshotMcGee said:

    We canonically coexist with MP, so it would make sense if we could see other Tenno outside of relays, even if it is just part of the ambiance. 


    2 minutes ago, MirageKnight said:

    One thing I'd like to see when doing a mission...is seeing enemy personnel that AREN'T specifically tasked with guard / security / military duties, aside from the usual mooks.

    For instance, I want to see regular ship's crew going back and forth, working at computer terminals, fixing something at an open access panel, checking a manifest in a storage room, that sort of thing. While perhaps unarmed or minimally armed, they could still react to your presence and be able to sound alarms and such or warn security in other ways.

    In short, I want to see the personnel that REALLY operate the ships and facilities we infiltrate...and doing their thing.

    That would really give the levels some additional life...which we can then remove ;)


    We canonically a weapons. A tools of war. We are not allowed to do something else except killing stuff because we were made for this only purpose. We allowed to interact only with other warframes and only in missions or relays.

  5. 7 hours ago, PikeOrShield said:

    I hear RNG is not pretty bad for it.  I also heared that I f you have Ivara, You can use Prowl to loot more from him.  X4 Ivara + defeating him is x5 drop chances.  If you don't have Ivara, just find some in the recruiting tab and offer a free beacon run.

    good luck with the farm.  I hope you find what you are looking for.

    1) Stalker always dispel your abilities.

    2) RNG IS very bad for it.

  6. 59 minutes ago, Rorgal_Sina said:

    No one cares about "weak" weapons, so there's no player that's emotionally attached to it. That means DE can balance it without getting a major outcry.

    Edit: And it's call kind of sad. Very sad.

    I dissagree with you. For me braton prime is the only one full auto assault rifle. Without slow moving projectiles, without long as hell reload, without ridiculous secondary fire type. Plain and simple.

    And it's not only for me.

  7. Как тебе уже ответили это английский раздел форума, а тебе лучше написать в русский "игроки помогают игрокам".

    И тебе не надо ничего привязывать. Это онлайн игра и в стиме тот же клиент что и на сайте. Тебе всё равно придётся вводить почту и пароль при входе.

  8. Сандана это одиночная награда. В списке наград перед ней у тебя теперь галочка и в этом сезоне тебе больше не выпадет.

    И да, у тебя теперь их две. И ты можешь поставить на них разные арканы.

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