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Posts posted by (PSN)Drachwyr

  1. Hello all -- This is officially a plea.


    I'm desperately looking for a helpful, relaxed, clan willing to help their fellow clan mates out. I'm MR15, very experienced, but am a bit behind in all the newfangled stuff thats going on. To that end, I'm looking for a tight-knit shadow clan who would welcome an enthusiastic tenno willing to help with what he can, and gladly accept help from those who are willing!



  2. I'm searching for a laid back, helpful and FRIENDLY warframe clan that's not going to be all LETS HAVE 2000+ IDLE members. I'm MR15, very experienced in warframe, but am behind a bit with the official quests (damn sedna relay). Is this the clan for me?


    Thanks for hearing my.... plea?


    ah S#&$. XBOX1. I'm PS4. NEVERMIND.

  3. bump!


    The Sentients -- all clans claim to be "active" when recruiting, but what does that mean? For us, The Sentients, that means a thriving party chat every night and throughout most of the day, with at least some senior and junior members on through most hours. We are all there to help, run missions, farm, trade, and complain about not getting the Brakk, Despair, or Trinity Chassis Blueprint. Thoughtful discussion of builds, mods, and how to please your significant other occur routinely, only to be interrupted with the fervor we attack alerts with. Case in point: The Vauban Helmet alert that occurred on 9-9 at 1:48am brought so much excitement that several clan members leaped out of their bed to chase that ever elusive piece. 


    All of this is one big advertisement -- but there's truth in it. We are truly an active clan, dedicated to the *ART* of warframe. The art of mastery of mods, the mastery of weapons, stances, powers, and situations. We will teach you the raid, as we ourselves learn it. We will explore the underwater tileset on Uranus and get just as pissed as you when we get lost and can't find the enemy shooting us. Camaraderie in loathing of all things bugs, shared happiness in all things Kubrow and Parkour 2.0, and shared dismay at missing alerts for that blueprint that you've been pining for. 


    We're here to help, and we hope to recruit those with like minds who want to carry that forward, to take the next generation of framen00bs and shape them into prime time warframe addicts. Consider this a support group. We're all addicted, and we want to share that addiction!


    The Sentients value intelligence, thoughtfulness, and an eagerness to learn the game. We strive to have a friendly community capable of dealing with a diverse clan from an ever growing list of places, both social and geological. 


    Bring us your tired of soloing, bring us your hungry for gear and mods, bring us your platinum poor. 


    If you wish to recruit, contact Shifter135 on PSN, or Descipe_Dog also on PSN. If either of us are not on, please send a PSN message!

  4. Hello! I'm fairly new to warframe, having only really started playing on PS4 about three weeks ago. I have hit rank 3 and am well on my way to rank 4. I did a bit of pay-to-play to start out, and took full advantage of the new prime gear that's been made available, not ashamed but am a little embarrassed :x 


    Otherwise, I'm a late night player myself, admin a clan on Destiny (40 members!) but certainly not here. I'd love to find a group of people willing to play co-op and not just zoom through levels like matched players do. I want to interact and have fun.


    I think I'd be a great fit for this clan. I'm 33, a professional engineer, and a huge nerd. Perfect, eh?

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