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Posts posted by Buzlok_Gorgon

  1. 10 minutes ago, arch111 said:

    And I still want that warframe to be made. Inaros is similar, but too focused on being a mummy. Typhus is darker and the whole idea was to use enemy streangth against them. 

    The parasite-theme is still open for exploration imo.

    yeah, I guess what I'm trying to say that just because we want him and its been a year that we won't get him on that merit


  2. 2 hours ago, (PS4)bddacres said:

    Born from the from the ashes of our great empire. Our vengence will come from the darkest of shadow .- Ballas on the Umbra collection


    An umbra is the darkest part of a shadow so based on that definition essentially umbra are frames bathe in the purest of void energies which are found in the deepest and darkest corners of the everlasting void. It will be revealed that not all the true orokin are dead. Ballas remains. Essentially he somehow survived the massacre of the orokin. He finds out the tenno were deceived into betraying him and he hatred for the sentients grow. However because lotus looks or, is margulis he has a soft spot for her. Essential when speaking to lotus he will always call her margulis similar to how hunhow calls her natah. Teshin will basically suck up to Ballas at all times because hes an orokin.


    Umbra access will be a thing for those players who would rather buy the content rather then grind for it. Same prime as prime access.

    How Umbra's work

    Ballas essential acts as a vendor. In exchange for tokens of Umbra. He sells the lastest umbra frame parts for these coins .The coins themselves can be bought from baro as a permanent addition like the inaros quest for 150 ducats per coin or maroos bazaar for 300 ducats. They can also be earned from void rare crate or, as a sortie reward. To build a umbra in addition to normal building requirements a fully ranked frame in required. The Umbra frame should be viewed as a direct upgrade to your current frame rather then an entirely new frame. They should emphasize sacrifice being that each variant suffers from a stat being lowered to greatly boast another i.e. base power duration is higher vs a lower power strength.  Also while using a umbra ballas will talk not lotus





    I assume this is speculation


  3. 8 hours ago, (XB1)EternalDrk Mako said:


    as mods have stated , the frame itself was ready, but the additional content was not ... some contemplation  arose in my mind...

    lets think on this .. the next big quest is war within..so it is a likely launch platform ...as umbra excal was hopefully to launch soon ... and de did plan for an earlier U19 launch..its just been..bug/glitch ridden and they need that cleaned up before consoles get it .....probably made them relook at the warwithin update and see if any "issues" were laying in wait .... thus the delay to resolve unforeseen problems in the coding

    some thoughts ive had due to the trailers and others provided thoughts..

    from that we know the twin queens and teshin(now) is involved in war within ....

    (  Rebecca made little remarks about teshin being a betrayer  <-seemed like hints?)

    from this we cannot draw any conclusions as of yet ...

    but the operator wandering about in the snow, near a temple /cave of sorts has me wondering ...

    if the umbra series is to be a limited one .. and umbra excal was completed already 

    does that mean they were busy creating some other umbras to release along side him possibly?

    as of yet we dont know how we get "umbras" but unlike primes which have a prime access and a slow cycle , it isnt out of the question for DE just to release more then one or release them much faster then the prime counterparts ....\

    just speculation though 



    I don't think that they are releasing a playable umbra this update, let a lone multiple

  4. 8 minutes ago, DeFragMe said:

    well, we only know that Stalker looks similar, more we dont and the fact that i think DE sayd they have nothing to do with umbra? but might be mixing stuff up.

    well there is plenty of time for redconn, and plenty of it to do

  5. I think a part of the rage is that its been almost half of a year since our last major update and its starting to get frustrating find a full squad for sorties and alerts and what not.

    We are just looking for more content to be released and umbra would give a lot of people hope if they can pull off another SD style reveal. We have had warframes and concepts and quests that have been mind blowing before. Frames like Chroma and Equinox were very much a shift from the norm. Even the devs said that making equinox was like making two frames in one.

    We are wanting the next big thing and the fact that the releases so far for u19 have been underwhelming and bug latent doesn't help.

    I have heard many fellow tenno saying that this is kind of a last straw thing for them (umbra). Also it might help  fix what many people didn't like about SD

  6. 23 minutes ago, LorianTheElderPrince said:

    well the moon was falling out of the void which caused most of its structures to collapse and the corpus and grineer are fighting over it. if either one of those factions discover the operators, that's it, game over. they're much safer in our lisets imo.

    so maybe the war within will be as important

  7. 4 hours ago, (XB1)EternalDrk Mako said:

    to each their own tenno 

    back on topic .... > .>? 

    one of my initial thoughts I still ponder is how we discern what warframes have the qualifications to be a "umbra" 

    as of yet we do not know the process

    but i was wondering if there could be some tell  we are not considering

    two concepts initially 

    - prime frames color (black and white) as excal p was white i was assuming white frames get umbra 

    - the frames that are stalker acolytes 

    ive also been seeing a new variation of the mystery message appear ...  so wondering if thats worth investigating?


    I am hoping for at least acolytes, maybe the vanilla frames that were available on release. Honestly just so I can get my malice fashion on.

    But also I just wanted to mention what do you think about the fact that the operator was kinda forced on us. It would kind of been nice to keep the operator on the moon safe and sound honestly


  8. 3 minutes ago, venon23 said:

    big bomb  <

    vor see the queens as godsss
    vor see tennos as godss
    grineer queens are not grineer at all<

    the sleepers have awaken 
    they didint sleep just clone themselfs

    in the middle of that

    teshin are protecting a tenno that dont folow lotus
    cuz lotus is a sentient and teshin a pure orokin they hate each other

    end of the story the queens are tennos


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