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Posts posted by ChuckTFinley

  1. suddenly everyone is mad because of Ced23Ric.

    I don't care what kind of crowd PvP attracts. I'll just stomp on them like I do in League, MWO or APB.

    I don't think anyone else would really care who PvP attracts, because if this "wrong crowd" starts violating the ToS/CoC then I doubt that DE would take that kind of S#&$. Or anyone else, for that matter.

    if you are actually that deathly afraid of teenagers playing the same video games you play, then you probably shouldn't play video games on the internet.

  2. Have you tried running a complete uninstall->reinstall? It might fix your problem. I'm reading through your EE.log now and even though I'm no expert I'm guessing this giant chunk of errors between 94.836 - 106.976 and beyond is the problem and would probably be solved by clearing your appdata of anything by Warframe + uninstalling then reinstalling the game.

    That's just my opinion. ._.

    Edit: After looking my EE.log over there's some of those in mine as well but then again it can't hurt to try and reinstall as I described above.

  3. HI.

    My name is Chuck Finley. The last closed beta's I was in were The Secret World and MechWarrior Online.

    I'm looking forward to the combat system of this so far. I obtained a beta key for this from IGN.

    Now-a-days, I'm usually found on League of Legends (ChuckTFinley), The Secret World (Nokarata or Berklee), and Hawken (I don't even remember. It's probably some variant of Chuck Finley).

    Yes, I thoroughly @(*()$ enjoy Burn Notice.

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