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(XBOX)I N7 v I

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Posts posted by (XBOX)I N7 v I

  1. Onlything I have a issue with on the codex for mods..

    As The other tabs retain stat information I dont see why the mods are any different.

    If a item is scanned or picked up codex should automatically retain the information.


    This needs to be added to the game. I hate having to go to wiki for everything. it is a brutal annoyance.

  2. Hey DE I was having issues earlier today trying to install yalls update...So I uninstalled warframe and tried to reinstall it and now it has taken 12 hours to only install half of the game..This is the first time its taken this long to install, is there a issue at yalls end with the installation of the game itself? I contacted xbox live customer support to find a solution to it they helped me find out if it was my internet or xbox causing the issue. I took the steps they recommended but nothing worked so they said they cannot fix it because it is a server issue at yalls end. So apart from trying to install a game that usually only takes my xbox 15-20m to install it has taken 12 hours just to reach 23& of the game installed..I am thinking it might have something to do with the update to the server..Has made it almost impossible to redownload the game. Please help! I really want to play U17 lol

  3. Hey DE...I came across a issue..Have been trying to download the u17 update for an hour now....everytime it gets to about 75% completed it stops and a black box pops up saying...


    Failed to download the update from our servers.. Please restart the game and try again...


    I am not sure why its doing this. I have retried uninstalling the game and redownloading it.

    Restarted my xbox and tried to download the update. Nothing is working.



  4. Some people are still able to play the game..I dont understand why this is...And some of us cant...Ever since xbox had there stupid social and gaming service alert...warframe has been unplayable...man they need to get on the ball...Im the kinda guy that gets burned out on a game from having to wait along time to play it lol..I stopped playing neverwinter after putting 300 hrs into it....Ran out of xbox live gold at the time lol had to wait 4 days before I got paid again to get it back...by that time I got burned out waiting. So I deleted it and came to warframe.....



    Life is to short to wait on other people to catch up"

  5. There has been several occassions using the duel cleavers where the cleavers color will glitch out and become a bright

    gold color...In this event sometimes (not always) the weapons will disappear from your hands not allowing you to melee

    anything until you have reset the game. Going back to your ship or leaving a game doesn't fix it...If this happens while you are in a fight. For Example this happened to me 2 days ago and does still every so often since I created the duel cleavers in the foundery...If you are using duel cleavers on excalibur and the weapons glitch out. you are no longer able to swap weapons, cast spells. its worst if this happens and you cast exhalted blade. the energy blade ends up across you back and you are no longer able to attack with it so the resulting end is you either get downed and bleed out and forfiet. Or Reset your whole game...It's annoying lol...I was fighting a heavy gunner in a T4 survival while in the middle of attack my guns turned gold and it happened right as a casted my exhalted blade after using radial blind to give me the second I needed to cast exhalted blade. In doing so the blade glitched out and I died due to not being able to attack with anything..it doesnt let you swap weapons at this point, even after exhalted blade has ran out of energy...you run around with your hands sticking straight up (it is hilarious btw)...looks like something peter would do off family guy...xD

  6. Just a heads up. Once you pick up a mod in the game if you sell it or trade it the stat information in codex no longer retains the stats of the mod or its drop location

    . It goes back to ?????????. It needs a fix once the mod has been picked up codex should update and retain the stats of the item & w.e rank is neccesary and it's drop location. It's hard to maintain which mod does what and what you are looking for in the game when the codex deletes the picked up mods stat information.

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