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Posts posted by DaAmerican

  1. I've been trying for an hour and still can't login, all I get is the "session unavailable" before the login menu, then it's start looping blinking and the login menu doesn't appear...



    EDIT: Fixed, I saw a process called "x86launcher.exe", finished it and it worked again.

  2. As a general rule, trades are allowed, and begging is not. 

    I don't think it would hurt for you to send a ticket to support.warframe.com with screenshot evidence to report players like these.


    That's a bit useless when the region chat is literally flooded and scrolls faster that it doesn't even give you time to read...




    So, according to you there should be no penalty, no law or justice system to punish the criminals, bad doers, etc., since that would be just part of the problem. Let them run amok... perfect. Your logic is just simply too heavy for me. I take off my hat for you, beatnik...


    - "Hey judge, put this man in jail! He shot my daughter!"

    - "Oh, common my friend, no need to be angry... We don't need to punish all those who shoot and kill innocent people just becuse you're angry, are we?"

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