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Posts posted by Brainwright

  1. Oh yes, two Limbo suggestions since you nerfed him so hard :

    For the Rift, remove collision for things on opposite sides of the rift, or at least for players in realspace against enemies in the Rift.  It's actually the most annoying part of playing Limbo : banishing things blocks shooting in realspace.

    Let other players gain energy for killing enemies in the Rift, so they can benefit like Limbo can.


  2. I like the Chroma changes, but I wanted something more in the way of quality of life.  The way his defenses rely almost totally on vex armor, and the way that defense is on a timer, is kind of painful to play with.  To go from godlike to peasant in a half second because you forgot to stare at your timer is a pain in the butt.  At least making his Ward refreshable would go a long way toward kicking that sudden Vex Armor withdrawal.

  3. The Steam Controller seems to have some issues when switching from one action set to another.

    When moving from a menu to controlling your character, there seems to sometimes be an input that is left as always on.  Back in April, the X button seemed to be left constantly on, so whenever I would leave something like the navigation menu, it would immediately send me back in.  This seemed to be alleviated by entering the Steam menu before exiting the in-game menu.  That ended sometime mid-April.  Just recently, I had an issue where the turn right was constantly on, with the same potential remedy.

    It does seem that if I have the input mapped, tapping it will stop the always-on behavior.

    Also, the save prompt for Mandacord tunes and the screen after completing a Mastery test have no action sets assigned to them, making it impossible to do anything once in those screens.  This may be the case when using the personal trade stance in dojos.

  4. Since maybe two months before Banshee Prime was introduced, the ability to keep a stealth bonus in a mission has become extremely difficult for most weapons with common builds.

    The problem seems to be that targets will become aware in the fraction of a second between when a shot hits them and they die.  This means that weapons using multishot will fail to stealth-kill their target, especially if you are in front of the target when you kill them (even invisible as with Loki).  So shotguns are completely useless now, and weapons using multishot will often fail to stealth-kill an enemy.

    I know this sounds like a gameplay mechanic complaint, but it is definitely buggy.  It simply does not work based on the information given to the player.

  5. Oberon's renewal ability does exactly what it says on the tin, but it somehow manages never to produce consistent results in any given situation.  For one, it rarely applies all of its healing since it stops as soon as the warframe reaches full health.  Secondly, the bleedout reduction is pretty pointless since it ends as soon as renewal ends, which can be at any time.  In all, renewal provides no predictable results.

    Phoenix Renewal was a bad joke, since Renewal will often keep a Warframe alive until its timer runs out.  Oberon will then keel over in the next half second, making Phoenix Renewal a bad joke.

    So that needs to be fixed.  No question, I don't care how.  However, I do have a suggestion :

    Renewal plants a white ghost tree like what's everywhere in the Orokin tile set.  Ghost tree grows, healing those allies nearby.  If it lasts its full duration, fruits form and fly over to allied warframes to cure all status ailments.  If Warframe uses the context action, the tree withers and starts a channel whereby all allied bleedouts are halted until Oberon turns off the ability or energy runs out.

    Phoenix Renewal : Withered tree will form withered fruit.  Oberon can use a fruit at the cost of 50-100 energy to revive a downed player.  New fruit will form for another player who may be downed at the same time.

  6. How advanced can we get with AI?

    Almost all games use a singular AI routine : run at player, try to pew pew player.  I'm going to say it!  This is dumb, it looks dumb, and it plays dumb.

    I've noticed you notice this, too.  I've seen you attaching stomper moas to nullifiers in invasion missions!  Don't deny it!  Do more of it!

    Shouldn't Grineer be forming fire teams to deliver overwhelming force?  Shouldn't Corpus be herding players with bots into nullifier-laden ambushes?  Shouldn't infested be constantly laying in ambush, sending hoards of trash mobs until the big bros jump out?

    It seems to me that advanced AI relies on establishing a base doctrine.  Then you apply that doctrine to some goal, like killing a player.  That seems like fun, don't it?


    On a related note, do companions really need to persistently exist?  What I mean is, do companions need to be a free-floating entity or can they be something that only exists relative to what the player is doing?  So often, it seems the animal companions get distracted tracking after some NPCs and die.  The problem is they were doing something over there that did nothing for the player.  So, let's limit their existence in the environment to what the player is doing.


    Also, craftable eggs to replace sentinels in mission.  If you aren't going to give them one of the three regeneration methods available to the meat sacks, at least give us something.

  7. 49 minutes ago, Frenjo said:

    Collapsing cataclysm nukes everything anyway without rift surge :P


    I think that Rift Surge was poorly worded, because not even I understood it at first.  So let me explain it to you since you seem to be having vast difficulties :


    Rift Surge enemies while in your Cat.  Then, when your Cat collapses, enemies are still in the Rift, still stasis'd and can be banished as little bombs when new enemies come by.

    This is an ever escalating mountain of power that essentially makes Limbo able to kill anything on a mass scale.  I don't see a problem here.

  8. 3 minutes ago, Frenjo said:

    Rift Surge is a buggy broken mess atm and is needlessly overcomplicated in any event, I think we should be keeping the level of gameplay the same, rather than completely screwing everything over by having abilities which barely anybody understands.

    No, Rift Surge works just fine.  You use it to keep enemies in the Rift and bring in new friends to play with.  All of Limbo's abilities have a strict, well-defined function now.

  9. 6 hours ago, CherryPauper said:

    A better solution would be a proper zone control where any time an enemy comes within a certain radius of Hydroid, that enemy is lifted up and suspended while being constricted.

    You know what might work even better?  A barrage of water bombs constantly raining down where ever I want them to, with stagger and knockdown for any who want it.  That would be a gajillion times better CC than Tentacle Swarm, freeing it up for awesome things like synergies with other abilities!   That's such a good idea, I should have mentioned in my original post.


    Really, what a fool I am!


    Want to ragdoll enemies into tentacles with Tidal Surge?  You got it!  Want Undertow to restore health based on how many enemies have been grabbed by tentacles?  That's awesome!


    Can't do any of that crap now because Swarm is unreliable.  Better to make it a more targeted ability with increasing gains as you trap more enemies.

  10. Pretty simple : switch tempest barrage and tentacle swarm.


    Tentacle Swarm : now Hydroid's first ability, summons an individual tentacle with the exact same behaviors as the original Tentacle Swarm, but now without appearing at random all over the place.

    Tempest Barrage : Places a barrage of water projectiles on the indicated area, can cast more than one at a time, building into a screen-covering salvo.

    These would still be mostly CC abilities, but much better CC abilities.

    You can also grant healing for every enemy Hydroid has in Undertow.


    You're welcome.

  11. I'm loving the Limbo changes.  Stasis is a wonderful defensive ability.  That's all that needs to be said.  Surge both keeps enemies in the Rift and brings more enemies in.  In this way, it can spread like Saryn's spores, bringing more and more enemies into the Rift as you manipulate your helpless victims.  I even like the way you always leave the Rift on exiting a Cataclysm.  Makes things a little bit more predictable in combat.

    My only commentary is on Banish, and how weak it is as a defensive ability.  Cataclysm seems to work well enough as an ability to point and grab enemies, so perhaps Banish can be made to affect an area, something Nidus's first abiltiy?  Honestly, there are a few more abilities I'd like to give that treatment, but that's all I have for now.

  12. For now I suggest rebining your controls, I had the same problem. I set it to:


    q - sprint/roll

    tab - crouch

    c - toogle crouch

    b - gear wheel


    Other are the same as the defaults, it helps a lot. Takes a bit of getting used to, took me a few days to be honest. But it was worth it, my fingers no longer hurt when playing warframe.


    Yeah, but you shouldn't have to do this.  The current control scheme has legacy issues from when sprint still cost something.  It's a good idea, and I think it's good for the game.


    One less button for gamepads to worry about.

  13. My pinky is crying.


    I have to hold down shift with my poor pinky for an entire hour of survival.  It's not right, my pinky does not deserve this abuse.


    And don't tell me, "Toggle Run."  Run is untoggled with a hoard of familiar actions, and worse than a constant strain is the need to constantly check whether or not I'm running. 


    The simplest answer is a switch to keep run constantly on.


    My pinky will thank you.

  14. I volunteer as tribute


    Quality of life stuff :


    Any chance duration-based abilities could be reworked to recast before the duration is up?  Toughness abilities like Chroma's Chromatic Ward or Vex Armor prevent instant death in some cases, and so waiting behind a wall to recast it before rejoining the fray are not good mechanics.


    And while we're at it... could you make Oberon's renewal a true toggle in exchange for reduced movement?  Would be a damned fine combo with hallowed ground.  Or no movement cost, as the regen isn't that great.  Most of these wonky limited-time toggles don't work too well.

  15. I honestly don't find any consistent theme within Volt's current helms so anyone saying it doesn't fit Volt has a hefty share of my scorn.


    Saying it should be on a different frame is equally open to my scorn, because we have this wonderful addition already made.


    Anyone saying it's "too," whatever doesn't seem to get the point that the Workshop is supposed to bring new things into the game.  Everything's going to be, "too," something, and so you have my deepest scorn.


    This is something beautiful.  It should be promoted.

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