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Posts posted by padds

  1. ok what am i not seeing? most of the time while boarding /repelling boarders everythings normal , but on some missions my movement and combat animations slow to an absoute crawl and my damage drops to nothing. and im talking around level 40-50 enemies that i should normally be slicing through in one hit.

  2. 53 minutes ago, Aadi880 said:

    You could try contacting support. I had mine disappear and then reappear a few seconds later, apparently, it was taking time to load in.

    Also, was anyone else present in the room (clanmates)?


    34 minutes ago, Numerikuu said:

    Did you hop into your own instance of the dojo? Or did you enter into the dojo while in a group, with someone else from your clan as the party lead?

    i was the only one there , im the only one in my clan , i tried going back still the same.

    ill give it  awhile see if it fixes itself then ill drop support a ticket. at least now i know its behaviour isnt normal. wasnt sure the qestline didnt just end in a very wierd place.


  3. thanks , but i think i have already , i have built the entire dock railjack and cephalon Cy , it was after spending 6 million and all those mats Cy sends a message that all work is done come to the dock. 

    its empty the ship that was there is now gone and theres nothing following it up.

  4. Just finished building the railjack , got a message from Cy that tools were down list of things complete presence needed on the dry dock.


    No quest to take from navigation so i head off thinking ill pick it up there, the Dock is empty , well there are some bods wandering about (assume there techs that were working on it) but no quest location , no Cy , no railjack. 

    head back to orbiter . nothing, no quest , no breadcrumb, just done and gone.


  5. i just flat out don't get how Warframe claim the big prime pack has a value of £250

    Now i fully support them in their right to try and sell it for what ever price they want, if i dont want it i  dont buy it thats all fine and as it should be.

    i just do not see how they can claim a value , which speaks to worth and utility a measure of parity with other things that are also worth £250

    so that prime pack is in their minds as good and useful as has as much "value" as .... 

    civilization 6, skyrim, The witcher 3, xcom 2, vanquish, bayonetta , rocket league, darkest dungeon and another 50 pounds to spend where ever you want.

    now it may be a subjective argument but i think you would struggle to be taken seriously if you tried to claim this prime pack really had the value of that lot. 

    why care? well because its the same bullS#&$ exploitative crap those retailers that always have 50%+ sales on are pulling you put up a ludicrous price (£250 for a handful of models and a few stat changes just for example) then claim to be offering a really good deal by slashing the price to well under half its value, so £92 looks in comparison to be a good deal.

    its manipulative and exploits the vulnerable. And its unnecessary , warframe is a good game with good devs and loyal fans who don't need to be manipulated and misled to want to support the game. 

  6. 17 hours ago, The_Mustachio said:

    Let me answer your question with a question. What do you mean by skip it?

    Skip it as in play some other game for awhile? Or do you mean skip it, and play other content in Warframe?

    If plan to keep playing Warframe, play the event. You don't have to burn out on it every night. It's here for a week. Play some, grab a few new mods and a easily obtainable new gun. 

    If the new stuff doesn't look like things you want and have another game in mind, play that. 

    By your post, you don't sound like a completist, so I wouldn't worry about missing some stuff. 

    I myself, need everything obtainable in the game. So let the grind begin!!

    yeah i mean go play something else , which i am ;) i honestly figured i had missed something logged in to check baro saw the event went to check rewards saw they were junk (for me) and was logging out when the thought hit me " its a week long event did i miss something?" turns out i didn't and i seem to be in the minority everyone else seems to like it which is cool im just hard to please i guess

  7. spoilers --- 


    doing that super annoying and lame part where you have to run around jumping on good and bad notes while shooting sentients ir repeats three times getting slightly more annoying and dull each time , well if you fall off as inaros and it kills you you get stuck in a permanent coffin with no countdown and have to abort out wasting the last hour of jumping around trying to find the one red note on a red background with red back lighting, or at least i assume i missed one damned if i could find it couldnt see or hear it ,might be another bug there.



  8. 7 hours ago, SharkPot said:

    Oh you mean too say where every one is a god above gods, have no cool downs on abilities, no cool down on consumables, ability to alter how a weapon performs to a whole new level to the point the weapon is unidentifiable(rivens).


    might need to actually read the post, because your a bit off base there. i was simply asking if after all this time people would actually welcome difficulty if it came back

  9. 18 hours ago, SilverWF said:

    really, why?

    they trivialise the  content , and yes i know alot of other stuff does and id like to see that gone aswell, but i really loathe this two in particular for both the god aweful sound they make and pure volume of eye cancer they put out. and they are just spammed with no thought or need to think/aim. its like not only are you breaking the game you look and sound terrible doing it and its in a totally classless way

  10. Well its been quite the journey , 4 years in a few days and weve had a lot of power creep , no need to go through it all here, but were not all running around with mk1 bratons and twin vipers anymore, anyone who was around and is still (ive taken some long brakes along the way myself) has seen the game get easier , weve just got a lot more powerful as time marched on. and those poor guys, the enemy just havent kept up.

    Now im not saying it was ever hard as such the fail rate on missions was never high , but i do recall it being at least possible to fail.

    what im wondering is do we as players want a challenge? have we got too used to the ezmode farm frame, is it enough that we just compete against each other for who can kill the most or should the game have difficulty bought back? 

  11. its an odd system , its much much better for the player with a big shopping list but a nightmare for those after one specific drop, esp if your farming for an item just after release.

    have to say i prefer it to the old system but it still has some issues for me, around assuming you get a relic around 10% chance of it being the right one then 2% of the rare dropping only going up to 10% if you spend the traces. two long shots with a lot of grinding on both stages can at times just make it feel really painful.

    and your actually better off statistically just running with trash relics and hoping to leech, then you get people who group jump to only play with someone who has their relic messing up a lot of peoples games.

    i think they could easily double the effect of using traces up to 20% best for a rare, and giving you the option to spend 500 to guarantee a rare drop, give people way to take the rng but not the effort out.

    oh and mask what relics everyone's going in with in a solo que matchmaking 

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