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Posts posted by Country_Soul

  1. il y a 57 minutes, xarvh a dit :

    It looks like a problem with special characters in the password.

    Go to warframe.com and change your password to something that doesn't have special characters.

    Hopefully DE will fix this in the meanwhile.

    This worked for me. Thanks!

  2. On 26/10/2017 at 11:00 AM, Wordspoken said:

    I think I have this issue. Warframe was working fine and updating ok, but today Launcher tries to update, goes to around 96% then restarts whole launcher and repeats endlessly. I don't even have time to untick bulk download,aggresive download, is there a way to manually do this?

    Big thanks for your installation scripts!

    Edit: I managed to find out where to change this(registry edit say winetricks), but it didn't remove my issue :/ updating is broken for me, I guess? maybe some access right somewhere got changed? idk

    Well, I used to have this problem with the launcher closing and opening again endlessly. Here is what worked for me. In the tools folder, there is a Launcher.exe file, but while it goes on in an endless loop, a Launcher.exe.cpy file is there as well. Delete Launcher.exe and rename Launcher.exe.cpy to Launcher.exe. Now launch the game again and wait for it to download. Hope it works for you.

  3. Thanks for your hard work GloriousEggroll. Your video was recorded before Plains of Eidolon launched. Any idea if it works with the new update?

    I'm having problems since the update. I can launch the game but my warframe and most of the surroundings appear translucid (it's like they're blinking, if I try to take a screenshot, it will either be there or not depending on timing). Any suggestion?

    Edit: Nevermind, your script fixed the problem :) Thanks a lot for that :D

  4. 18 hours ago, Jinxau said:

    Yeah, I found similar issues with my Linux Mint install. I then switched over to Gentoo Linux and found the same problem with Wine 1.8 and Wine 1.9.22. Eventually I stumbled on some 3d options that seem to be available in the latest Nvidia drivers.

    This is a script I borrowed off GloriousEggRoll that sets your __GL_THREADED_OPTIMIZATIONS. Found that made the game stable. Might not work for you, but figured I would mention it, as I went through two weeks of loading, reloading,researching and frustration. :P

    # Based off the script from:
    # gloriouseggroll.tv/2016-arch-linux-wine-staging-1-9-5-warframe/

    export WINEARCH=win32
    export WINEPREFIX=/srv/data_perf/games/warframe/wine
    export WINEDEBUG=-all

    #export LANG="en_AU.UTF-8"
    #export LD_PRELOAD="libpthread.so.0 libGL.so.1"
    export __GL_YIELD="NOTHING"


    $WINE "Launcher.exe"



    Thanks for the suggestion. I actually tried that a few weeks ago but it didn't work. I got the game running another way so it's all good for me. Might help somebody else though.


    3 hours ago, Sarge_Tarmus said:

    After returning to Orbiter and showing Ordis my new powers, I must use Transpherence. But then after something like 10 seconds screen turns white. No loading screens, only music still playing. I had to use ctrl+esc to leave game. I checked forums and changed something in display settings, but it did not help. Because I'm stuck in TWW, I cannot even play this game ('cause i can't leave this quest).

    My friend had this problem and we somehow managed to get past it with the following:

    6 hours ago, CountrifiedSoul said:

    My friend was stuck there as well and what seemed to work was to lose the internet connection at the beginning of the cinematic. Now, we tried it several times before actually completing the mission, and what happened was that it worked (the objective appeared) twice. Didn't work the third time nor the fourth time. The fourth time, my friend completed the mission but we were not quick enough to plug the cable back so the "network not responding" message appeared during the following mission and the game went back to the login screen. After a few more tries, it finally worked although the internet was on the whole time. Go figure.

    It's a long shot as it was a bit inconsistent but it would be interesting to know if it works for you.

  6. 4 hours ago, thoutmo said:

    I'd like to know if there is a success story with the War Within and wine. I only have Linux (my choice) , so I can't play until I solve that issue.

    There is. I have Linux Mint 18, have successfully updated and played the quest. Wine staging was not working for me so I installed wine1.8 by adding a specific repository with the following command line (may be different according to your distrib) :

    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-wine/ppa

    I kept the same wine prefix as before the update so wine was the only thing I personally needed to change to get it to work.

  7. 10 hours ago, thoutmo said:

    I'm running an old version of Ubuntu (15.04). I had the same issue with wine 1.9.15 but after upgrading to 1.9.22 staging I successfully pass the update stage. Now the game crash after or in the loading stage.

    In the log I can't spot from where it is broken.

    I have this at the end :

    13.450 Sys [Ierr:dbghelp:SymCleanup this process has not had SymInitialize() called for it!
    nfo]: Finished load of DiffuseMap NormalMap EmissiveMap SpecularMap PackMap RoughnessMap CubeMap VolumeTexture Texture batch [0.393s and 11 frames at 35 ms/frame avg, 28 ms/update peak]
    Error [Debug]: Loaded unexpected version of dbghelp.dll from


    One of the problems I had with staging was random crashes. Sometimes it crashed before the login screen, sometimes I had a black screen when entering a mission or stuck when loading a mission and sometimes it would freeze mid-mission. It appeared inconsistent and I found no way of fixing any of the problems (very hard to try and fix it when you can't reproduce the bug consistently). I gave up on staging and tried to install something else.


  8. 17 hours ago, JohnTheGreen said:

    I'm getting "Update Failed; The preprocess pass appeared to crash" every time I try to update to TWW.

    Switching to Wine1.8 does not appear to help.

    2 hours ago, Jinxau said:

    Heyas, I found installing "vcrun2015" using winetricks seemed to resolve this issue for me.

    I had vcrun2015 the whole time and it only started to work when switching to wine1.8 but it worked for some people with other versions of wine so maybe I just got lucky there.

  9. 1 hour ago, KiraDess said:

    Here is a fix that may work for those who are stuck within the quest when Ordis want to purge the operator.

    Go to display menu and try the following by changing your actual settings:

    1. Change vertical sync on/off 
    2. Change to fullscreen or borderless
    3. Restart the game


    My friend was stuck there as well and what seemed to work was to lose the internet connection at the beginning of the cinematic. Now, we tried it several times before actually completing the mission, and what happened was that it worked (the objective appeared) twice. Didn't work the third time nor the fourth time. The fourth time, my friend completed the mission but we were not quick enough to plug the cable back so the "network not responding" message appeared during the following mission and the game went back to the login screen. After a few more tries, it finally worked although the internet was on the whole time. Go figure.

  10. Just a quick update as it may help a few of you, especially with the new update. I recently installed Linux Mint 18 on my laptop. I first tried to run Warframe by installing wine-staging (wine 1.8.5 I believe) but had some issues where the game would freeze mid-mission which eventually led to a crash. Only way I found to fix this was to uninstall wine-staging and install wine-devel (version of wine was 1.6). It worked fine until The War Within Update.

    When updating the game today, a crash window appeared at the "checking for new content". The launcher got stuck at this stage until I closed the crash window which led the launcher giving me an "update failed" message. I was fortunately able to fix that problem by uninstalling wine-staging. I then installed wine 1.8 with the following:

    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-wine/ppa
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install wine1.8

    I used the same wineprefix as before and the game updated fine and seems to run ok as well.

    I haven't seen anyone mentioning this problem after the update so I thought I'd post something just in case anybody happens to have this issue.

  11. On 10/3/2016 at 10:15 PM, Finkzz said:

    Has anyone been able to play since 18.5.1? I keep crashing after the game finish's loading, right before the login screen.

    I'm running Warframe on Linux and all of us linux users had the same problem. Somebody did find a fix though that worked for most of us.


    On 12/3/2016 at 2:48 PM, Prototype_X9 said:

    Fixed. If you are running winetricks, download the updated versions of vcrun.


    Attached in screenshotScreen_Shot_2016_03_12_at_9_42_47_PM.png

    I had to update winetricks to get the latest versions of vcrun, but it worked like a charm after that. I don't know whether you use winetricks on mac but if not, that can maybe give you a clue as to what to do to fix it. Hope it helps.

  12. 37 minutes ago, JohnTheGreen said:

    I posted the solution, but since this thread is marked as a question for some reason, as soon as the solution got upvoted it was moved to the first page (Go look! It's there!)


    Someone said the specific version of vcrun needed was vcrun2012

    That actually makes sense. I did go back a few pages but I actually didn't even think to check the first page. I find this upvoting and downvoting thing quite confusing sometimes, still have to get used to it.

  13. This is weird... somebody posted the solution here from another thread in the forum, I answered and so did one other person, yet none of that appears here.

    That's the solution that worked for me and a lot of other people who had the same problem.

    EDIT : see below, I wanted to edit this post as I messed up with the quote from the other thread, it posted another comment instead

  14. I don't know whether the problem appeared in 18.5.5 or as I updated from 18.5.4 to directly (somebody did say it was 18.5.5 though) but unless there's something that wasn't listed in the updates, we can assume it is something to do with any of the following:



    Hotfix 18.5.5

    Reactor Sabotage Changes & Fixes

    •    Sightly increased fire spread time when the ship is overheating.
    •    Slightly tweaked lower level missions to reduce difficulty.
    •    Reduced delay between destroying Fuel Injectors and the Reactor explosion to 2 seconds.
    •    Bursa’s will no longer spawn when the alarms are active during the Blast Door stage on Corpus Ship Sabotage.
    •    Increased the number of spawning enemies during the Defense stages when in a full squad.
    •    Fixed Magnetic fields spawning too close to hacking consoles, preventing the player from unlocking the Blast Door in order to extract.
    •    Fixed having to backtrack from the Reactor Room to reach the Blast Door objective.
    •    Tweaked Fuel Cell spawn to improve context action overlapping.
    •    Fixed Laser grids not disabling after extracting or destroying the Coolant Cell in Corpus missions.
    •    Corpus tileset Coolant Room/tileset changes:
    o    Removed two moving laser grids.
    o    Replaced one Turret spawn with a Camera. 
    o    Hacking Panel will be disabled when the the doors open.
    o    Doors no longer lock after retrieving or destroying the Coolant Reactor.
    o    Moved the spawn location/timing of the floor-based MOAs.
    o    Added blocking volumes to make certain vents easier to traverse.


    •    You can now place the Sacred Vessel on your ship as a decoration if you've completed the Sands of Inaros quest! We're currently running a script to give the Sacred Vessel decoration to those who have already completed the quest- we will let you know when it is complete! Script is now live! Check your Liset Interior decorations to place your Sacred Vessel!
    •    Added new Rampart overheating sounds.
    •    Added Coolant Cell and Fuel Cell drop sounds in Reactor Sabotage missions.


    •    Loki will no longer be able to complete the Mastery Rank 10-11 test by Switch Teleporting to the end. (What a trickster!)
    •    Tweaked lensflares on certain Warframe abilities to reduce brightness.
    •    Improved mission intro sound in outdoor tilesets.


    •    Fixed audio-related performance degradation: audio/reverb-related glitches and framerate hitching has been fixed. 
    •    Fixed unplayable texture issues for players running DirectX 9 on older AMD.
    •    Fixed massive framerate issues that could occur in tilesets with zip-lines.
    •    Fixed Hyekka’s performing weird animations when traversing ziplines. Gone, but not forgotten:




    •    Optimized sky textures for better performance.

    •    Fixed crash caused by giving your Secondary weapon to a Rescue Target and then taking it away.


    This is the whole changelog but we now need to narrow it down.

    I also saw some people complaining about having some problems with PhysX in other parts of the forums, maybe our problem has something to do with that. I'm not an expert so I'm just guessing.

  15. Glad it's working for you now.

    The only time I see a progress is when they change the picture of the launcher (and it goes so fast you barely have time to see it). After that, anything that is being downloaded is done with a 'checking the new content' thing but nothing else (whereas, for my friends on windows, they have a progress bar as well as the download speed). It's a bit annoying as you don't really know how long you have to wait but usually you just have to be patient.

  16. 9 hours ago, SKRUBLORD_64 said:

    For U18.5, the launcher instantly crashes after downloading 302 kb of the update, and restarts immediately and does the same thing over and over again. Anyone else having this issue? I wanna play sands of inaros but the game won't get past the launcher. 


    P.S. I'm pretty sure it's been able to download updates fine before, assuming there's been updates between 17 February and now. Although I never really paid attention to the updating part I guess. 

    I'm considering reinstalling WF but I just want to know for sure that this isn't a server problem or a simple fix before I do so.

    I had the exact same problem. I had an .exe.tmp file appear again, I just had to delete the .exe and rename the .exe.tmp to .exe and it worked. If this doesn't work, I had the problem as well before I reinstalled my system and warframe and the fix then was to use the LauncherCEF.exe to update.

    Black textures are worse than before and there seems to be a lot of fog everywhere (only exception would be in some corpus missions). I've tried changing the settings but I haven't found how to make it better. If any of you has an idea/fix, let me know.


    Ok so after last time I tried it, warframe just wouldn't work so I updated my drivers. This messed something up and I had to reinstall Ubuntu and start from square one. Now that I'm at the step where the launcher downloads game files, I pressed play and it closed suddenly. I'm trying to start up the launcher again and the launcher just closes immediately. What do I do now?


    It keeps giving me this error message: 

    fixme:wtsapi:WTSRegisterSessionNotification Stub 0x200c4 0x00000000
    X Error of failed request:  BadValue (integer parameter out of range for operation)
      Major opcode of failed request:  155 (GLX)
      Minor opcode of failed request:  3 (X_GLXCreateContext)
      Value in failed request:  0x0
      Serial number of failed request:  1968
      Current serial number in output stream:  1969
    Any help would be appreciated, thanks



    I'm no expert so I'm not sure I can be of any help. Looks like you might be missing some libraries. Try installing libgl1-mesa-glx or something along those lines (both 32-bit and 64-bit). If it doesn't help, then I can't think of anything else. Maybe somebody who is more of an expert can help you. Good luck though.

  18. Back as promised. Here is a screenshot of my settings






    As for your performance issues, I am not sure what's happening. I know that I can't play fullscreen, it has to be borderless fullscreen. I am also playing with the minimum settings, game runs ok, not the best but definitely playable. Some freezes here and there but relatively smooth most of the time.


  19. Ok so I've followed all the steps up until the sixth one. However, after disabling 64bit, the launcher endlessly says "checking for new content" and won't seem to change to anything else. Is this normal? I've left it running for a few hours now and there's no loading bar so I can't keep track of my progress, but there definitely is something downloading as far as the system monitor can tell. My internet downloads things at around 500-720 kbps so is it just taking a long time because of the internet?


    My post seems kinda long now so I'll just say this: What do I do now? Do I let it sit, hoping that something is downloading(which it probably is) or do I do something else? Thanks in advance.


    P.S. Wine is 1.9.3 I believe, and my computer has 8 gb ram and an AMD Athlon X4 860K with 3.7 GHZ with 1 TB of hard drive space. Ubuntu is version 14.04.



    Edit #2: Nevermind, it was just taking a long time. But now that I've pressed the play button, the actual game is /full/ of black textures.


    Edit#3: When I'm in warframe I'm getting like 0.3 frames per second, no joke. All my setttings seem to be at the lowest, vsync is off with fps capped at 40, and I'm pretty sure I screwed up a setting somewhere but I have no clue what it could be. The launcher is really smooth but the game itself is utterly disgusting fps-wise. Pls halp

    Hi, I'm just quickly passing through. For the black textures, disabling some things in the settings will make it better (although you will still have some of them). I can't right now, but I will post a screenshot of my settings later on to try and help you with it.

    As for your performance issue, I'm not sure what the problem could be. I've got to go, will make sure to come back later on and try and help you.

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