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Posts posted by Dread_Kun

  1. No they won't. i'm quite sure that these developers are not complete idiots.

    servers can cost a lot. such game cannot afford it.

    they need to make the game significantly lighter before they deploy servers.

    I was like you once. But you'll learn who you're dealing with eventually. They don't want to improve their game, at least not fundamentally. They will just churn out more meaningless content like new weapons and cosmetics while the game stays exactly the same as it was in closed beta. The only relevant things they implemented since the beginning of closed beta were endless defense, survival and interception. 

  2. Of course servers are better than p2p hosting, but that doesn't change the fact that DE thinks that p2p is good enough for their game. If somebody threw a billion dollars their way, they'd just do a Scrouge McDuck impression instead of buying servers. Simple as that.

  3. All we're ever going to get is just more "flashy" and "cool" animations that are useless 90% of the time. Who needs responsive controls when you can have OMG SO EPIC jumps and wall runs that are slower than just regular running over the level. Coptering is the only good thing DE did with the movement system and it was an accident.


    Honestly I'd like an option to turn off wall running, it's useless (except when you literally have to run up a wall to cross a tile).

  4. And why is that? they claim they don't have the required funds to sustain servers in these sizes.

    You can't be serious. They don't care about having servers because this game is essentially just a cash grab, and most players don't even know the difference between p2p hosting and proper servers.

  5. Every time dump people with too much disposable income buy platinum in order to exchange it for (ridiculously expensive) cosmetic items the game becomes a little bit worse. Every time you buy platinum you let DE know that you think the hordes of bugs, the lack of meaningful content and the disgusting grindwalls and general imbalance are okay as long as they give you a few new shiny pixels to play with.


    All Syndanas should be created equal indeed. Damn shame they aren't because people will buy a gold plated turd if it was expensive enough just to make themselves feel special about wasting time in a video game. 


    This is a game where Prime Access is a thing. Prime Access that literally removes content for the buyer, but hey, that's fine because they get to feel special with their new shiny accessories that help us differ them from you know...sane people.

  6. *sigh*


    Seriously,  people.


    These two items took more work to complete because of all the little details, PhysX stuff, etc. Therefore, it costs more.


    You put more work into making something = you sell it for a higher price.


    Don't like the look of it? Don't buy it.

    Don't like the price of it? Don't buy it.


    Quick, everyone laugh at him. Also take away his credit card. 

  7. How many of you guys played online games that have loot?

    This is standard.

    Not sure what were you expecting.


    This is a Prime frame it's not a standard frame, you were not going to get him by doing a handful of trips.

    How dare we expect rewards for playing the game? Shame on us. We should buy more plat to redeem ourselves!


    I don't think you really understand the issue here. These new "tiers" of loot drop mostly stuff everyone has, or stuff that already drops in lower tier instances. That wouldn't be a problem if this was hidden behind a new and interesting grind wall. This is just artificial difficulty with a little rng spread on top. No one's going to have fun getting these drops, but people will do it anyway because they're secretly hoping the game might get better eventually.


    I've played since closed beta and believe me, the game won't get better. DE don't want to make the game good. They want a flashy game that's appealing at first glance to make new players fork out money for plat before they realize they've been scammed and quit the game.

  8. At mastery rank 6 you can have Penta, AkMagnus and Dual Ichors, all of which are arguably the best weapons in their respective roles. Going higher than 6 is just for epeen waving, and that's pretty sad.


    All weapons should either be sidegrades, or tiered according to their type and mastery requirement. Power creep will always be a thing because if a weapon is very very very good people will spend plat on it (naive people, but money is money).

  9. I agree wholeheartedly. I was shocked when I found out that stealth attacks are just kind of strong-ish, rather than instant kills. Rescue 2.0 did this right, it should really work like that in the rest of the game.


    Giving every enemy a parry tell via animations would require quite a lot of work and I see you guys prioritize making new stuff over tweaking old things (even though that doesn't really suit me as a player, this is a beta after all so it kind of makes sense), but a simple glow/flash/any kind of visual queue would be enough to make parrying a lot more satisfying. Luck shouldn't be involved in melee combat (other than critical hits and procs of course).



  10. While the current system "can" sometimes work if you're in a good position and the enemy AI decides not to run in circles and dodge you due to a fit of insanity I 100% agree that a nice semi auto-targeted dash ability (targer the closest enemy to you, in the direction of your crosshair) would let players feel a lot more in control while fighting with melee weapons. I would love to see this added, especially since some combos, especially with a high speed weapon tend to launch you a lot further away than you expect them to.


    Great idea, I love it.

  11. Guys its a beta. They already changed lech krill. More will come. Be patient. There are more important things than that right now.

    I don't see what's more important than bosses, enemies, and responsiveness of gameplay.

  12. But it shows that you can work with the current system.

    You do realise games are about fun, and not "working with it", right? And having to pay for fun in a game advertised as "free" pretty much kills any semblance of developer integrity in some peoples eyes making them reluctant to support said developer?

  13. So you are using 3 frames + 4 guns + 3 melees which I'm guessing you have enough slots for those without spending any$ at all.

    I think this comes down to how you value this game. Is this game good enough for you to spend money for it? And from the looks of it you don't really think this game is good enough for you to spend. Which is totally okay, everyone has different opinions. And I would suggest you vote with your money by not spending at all and dont cave in no matter what. If enough people with your opinion not spending and DE not making money they will have to rethink how they do things and adjust. But we have no idea how many ppl are okay with the current business model and whether or not it is good enough for DE to benefit, we cannot judge this to be "acceptable" by the playerbase or not.

    I like you.

    No one ever said you had to do any of that. Like Captain Planet says, "The power is yooooouuuurrrrsss."

    Of course i can argue against that because no enjoyment is being limited, you can play with all the weapons you want but just not at the same time. Which will essentially be the same if you had all the slots you wanted because it will tremendously unlikely that you would put all those weapons to use in a regular fashion. Do you actually switch weapons with every mission? I dont think so. You have enough space now to have a couple of loadout and some space for rotation.

    You can't argue about enjoyment because it's subjective.

  14. Warfame is "Leveling up weapons and gear: The game". It markets itself as free to play, yet stops your from "beating" it unless you play.If you can't see the problem with that, then there's really nothing to discuss.

    Hats/skins are just stuff you show off to other people. Showing off to other people sells, weather it's a pvp or pve game.

    As for challenge, there really isn't any, everything is just shooting/slashing at things until they die. Every melee/ranged enemy is the same. Most of the weapons are just hitscans with the exception of bolt weapons. You could just pick any single weapon and use exclusively that and you'd do perfectly fine.

    As for the "need" argument, I don't NEED any weapons if I'm playing Excalibur, hell Slash Dash is everything you want. If I'm playing some other frame, I can deal with anything with one weapon. By that logic I need just two slots in my inventory. One for my Frame, and one for melee (or primary/secondary if that's your preference). The problem with that is that if I get one good weapon, I've beaten the game and have no reason to play.

    What I'm trying to say is that leveling up weapons is progression. Weapon ARE your hard earned progression. Selling them off is ridiculous. It just isn't an option for some people, myself included.

    I admit to being new in the whole "f2p" department since I only have experience with TF2/DotA/LoL, but to tell you the truth, the average "old school" f2p game feels like a scam and most people wouldn't go near it. Take any Korean MMO for example.

    Edit: Most people would prefer to actually purchase a game than to be nickel and dimed like in your average f2p MMO.

  15. There is no limit on what you can level. You can level all weapons, you just can keep all at the same time.

    What game isnt about doing something continuously?

    Why can't I level all weapons up at once? What good comes from such a system? Because it sure as hell isn't money from people who expect a proper free to play game, which we do have in the year 2013, and they are universally well liked.

    Games that have you doing something continously usually have a story, challenge, or both. Warframe doesn't really have any of that right now. All it has is leveling stuff up on par with a Facebook game. It has an excellent gameplay base from which a proper game can rise, but it's nowhere near that level right now. I want to see that base grow, but I have serious doubts about the games long term success with such a shoddy business model. Limiting your users gameplay-wise unless they spend money isn't what a free to play game is meant to do.

  16. So all the fun at the beginning doesnt count? P2havefun means you should have everything?

    And you can sell your weapons once you reach level 30 to open up slots. I reached rank 4, the last useful rank at the moment, by only selling the starting weapons and one other. So it's not like you are going to take a huge hit.

    Of course I'm not going to take a "huge hit", since this game has like 4 fundamentally different weapons and I can get all of those with starting slots. The point isn't that we "need" anything. As an Excalibur with Energy Syphon you don't need any weapons at all, you could Slash Dash through the entire level if you're patient enough. A lot of people enjoy leveling things up, limiting them is a poor business decision.

    It's an unfinished game that lacks any point other than leveling up different weapons and warframes (Or collecting mods so you could grind for things faster). Not letting us do the only "worthwile" thing in the game is just ridiculous.

  17. This game isnt P2W or P2havefun.

    If you want to have MORE fun than the standard and you didnt spend the original plat on slots, sure, you are going to have to drop at least 5 bones.

    That's the exact definiton of p2havefun. The game rewards you with mastery ranks when you level up weapons. The game itself tells you that you should master every weapon. However it also limits you with slots. That is called bad design

  18. @Ukyo

    So your entire argument is "You're lying about wanting to spend money on this game, you are just entitled and want stuff for free"? I see you have a unique type of insight into other peoples minds. I'm not here to argue with you, you have your right to disagree with me as much as I have a right to disagree with you.

    I'm here to voice my opinion so that DE could potentially read it and take it into consideration while developing their beta.

    I and many others would buy plat/become founders if the game would stop "forcing" us into buying it at every step we take through Warframe. It feels like we're being nickel-and-dimed, and makes us reluctant to support such a system.

    Edit: Spelling

  19. You have access to every piece of gear in the game without paying. You simply cannot keep every piece of gear at the same time without buying more inventory space. This is not baiting or false advertising. This is you self imposing limitations of your own on the game because you don't want to manage slots or sell off things you aren't using. DE isn't forcing you to spend money. You are simply viewing it that way because you want it yet don't actually want to pay for it and subconsiously refuse to see the actual issue and place blame for it on them.

    Limiting slots does NOT lock content from you. A free player simply has to make more choices on what to keep than someone that bought more slots. If you refuse to sell off old frames or weapons when you're done with them then you are the one locking content from the game from yourself. Not DE. There is no baiting and switching or false advertising. If the item slots are limiting your gaming experience on warframe it's something YOU are doing to yourself. It has absolutely nothing to do with the game itself.

    By your twisted logic every game should have one and only one way of playing it. And according to you only the developer and YOU know what that way is. That is wrong. That is objectively wrong. Take a look at denying/stacking in DotA and bunnyhopping in oldschool shooters.

    Could you please stop with the whole "you are seeing it that way" nonsense? I am seeing it that way because I'm a IT/Management student and I know what they're trying to do, and I've played video games since I was a kid. I know video games and I know businesses. This is an awesome video game with a not-so-awesome business model. Tons of people think the same way and don't want to become founders until this is changed. You can say that we're all crazy and entitled and that's your oppinion, but the fact remains that a lot more people would pay if they didn't feel forced. And they do feel forced because of the reasons I and others mentioned before.

    Edit: Spelling

  20. Thing about MOBA games like LoL and DotA. If they tried to make anything aside from skins purchasable only with real money it would start a whole process of people complaining about the game being pay to win. Additionally their market structure is going to be different because the game itself is entirely different. It's like trying to compare DFO to TF2.

    Not getting free inventory slots does not prevent you from playing the game to it's fullest. Your personal need to have everything in the game sitting in your inventory all at the same time is the actual issue. The inventory system itself is not restraining you in any way. You are. It's not nudging you to buy platinum. You are simply precieving it that way. You aren't expected to pay for things in game. You simply view it that way because a free method of acquisition doesn't exist for the thing you want.

    I am unable to continue playing this game to it's fullest unless I pay. Calling such a game free is something akin to false advertising.

    The inventory system is restraining me in a very specific way. It is limited. Limited things tend to restrain. Not to mention that Orokin Catalysts/Reactors already serve the exact same purpose, except in a "fair" way.

    It is nudging me and everybody else to buy platinum, because that's how minds work.

    If a free method of continuing to play the game the way I did doesn't exist, how is the game free?

    Having access to every warframe and every weapon is "playing the game to it's fullest", because you can use everything the game has to offer. You can not do that without paying or deleting your old equipment (why would that even be an option?). Being able to use half of the gear is just a low blow that serves no purpose other than to annoy the player.

    I like to level things up. Most of the things I level up are sub-par weapons I like the design of, but why should I not be able to do that?

    This game is about shooting and slashing/smashing things and running around like a space ninja, nothing more. Trying out variations of "running around and killing things" is what this game's about. You don't HAVE to own everything in order to be "good" at this game.

    Every warframe runs the same, some are a little slower, and others are a little faster. Every warframe has some skills that are pretty standard crowd control/clearing/nukes/slows and not really interesting enough to warrant using any more than one frame. Every warframe can use every weapon. There are less than 10 weapons in the game that are "the best", once you get those you have no reason to want for anything more than that. Where I'm going with this is that nobody HAS to own everything, but why shouldn't they? What is the logic behind locking down part of the game from players? People don't want to spend money when they're being forced to, they like to do it because of enjoyment. I would love to buy colors and stuff for my warframes, but this kind of business model is really stopping me and many others from doing just that.

    I want to level things up, I don't want to just get my Hek/Akbolto/Scindo with an Excalibur and say "GG game was easy, I'm off to play something else.". Why the inventory system stands in my way is beyond me.

  21. @Mak

    It's not about the money, it's about principle. The game is advertised as a free to play game. I don't expect a part of a game, I expect a full game I can play to it's fullest without paying. Those kinds of games make you WANT to spend money on them. I bought Riot Points in LoL because it's a fair system and because I didn't feel like I have to buy them. I just felt like giving the guys some money while getting silly skins for my favorite heroes.

    The thing about Warframe is that every step of the way you're reminded "hey bro, how about giving us some money?" with Orokin Catalysts/Reactors, the "Rush now" button and with inventory slots. It's just ugly in my opinion.

    If such a stupid system wasn't implemented I would have already bought at least Volt and Loki because they are reasonably priced and that color pack so I can color my frames properly. People want to pay for an excellent product because they want to, not because they feel restrained unless they pay.

    The devs also get stuff just from me playing their game, it works both ways. More players=more money, even if every specific player doesn't pay.

    There are a million things I could be doing with my life other than playing Warframe, should I be grateful for the glorious merficul DE for letting me play their amazing game for free? I am. Is their inventory system stupid and restraining for absolutely no reason other than to nudge you towards buying platinum? It is. Do I find that okay? No I don't, and neither do tons of other people.

    Look at LoL and DotA if you want to see games that people WANT to spend money on, but don't feel forced to. Those games are making tons of revenue, and Warframe could learn a thing or two from them.

    Not to mention that I'm expected to pay for things in a game that's in beta which is ridiculous.

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