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Posts posted by Dave855

  1. 45 minutes ago, Mabitude said:

    Therefor, I´ve frequently wondered why in the world you still haven´t added a quick key to that, as with everything else. It would be way easier to just press something on your keyboard as it would react faster. Maybe the quick key would be the Spacebar, its up to you but I might find that most ideal.

    you can press enter to revive

  2. you could try out ember, she has very strong AoE and some light CC with her 2 (and 4 with augment)

    on a side note, my Titania is working out just fine in sorties I 3 shot any enemy while in Razorwing and the enemy accuracy debuff from her 2 is very nice to have aswell as being able to get rid off status effects with her 1

  3. 1 minute ago, Jongray said:

    I am aware of that which is why i use it once to get closer to the first ring then no more, and secondly, that video does not help me, somehow that person is going almost 2x faster then my max speed itzal, so i don't get how in the hell this is possible

    holding shift and space activates afterburners

  4. Just now, Krhymez said:

    I tested it in the Simulacrum, i know it does an extra dot of damage but why does it limit the amount of rounds i can fire. If it is meant to be like this, then the Tonkor needs to have only 1 round per magazine if you have this mod. Because it does it to the Penta.

    It would be nice to still have the 5 round limit.


    its just the way the weapon works you are capped at 5 deployed grenades the only way to fire more is if you have for example +200% multishot and fire 3 for both shots which results in you having 6 grenades deployed, its the same with any other remote detonated weapon IIRC

  5. 53 minutes ago, Eleodon said:

    Ok, i noticed it too, but since it's  pretty ulgy and doesn't fit really well with my Titania, i want to know how to remove that  sh**. That make no sense and my Fariy Queen don't like it (I asked her)

    I don't want it on my other frames as well so I made extra sure to quarantine it to my nidus, unfortunately you'll have to wait 7 days for it to fully grow to get rid of it

  6. ich hab das spiel auf englisch also kann ich dir nicht genau sagen was da jetzt steht aber wenn du mal ESC drückst und dann mit der Maus oben links über deinen namen gehst sollte da ein Knopf zum aufsteigen sein, wenn du den drückst startet das spiel einen test für dich, diesen musst du bewältigen um aufzusteigen.

    edit: um mods zu leveln wählst du eine mod aus und drückst dann auf fusionieren, dann sollte sich das fenster dafür öffnen und du musst nur auf + drücken

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