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Posts posted by robocrafthuy

  1. So I have an idea come across my mind: Whenever you do some specific invasion, you will not only fought against the other side but also the tenno that support the opposite side. These invasion, will of course harder to be done, but the reward should be better. There will be an option where you can either choose to face against together or just regular invasion with a normal reward. The types of mission could be defense-sabotage, or extermination-survive,...

  2. ........Standing in a room, feels a little heavy. Looking around, I found a Sobek lying on the floor, so I decided to pick it up. And I saw my hand are all cover in armor, Grinneer armor. As I walk out of the room, I hear some gun fire. Checking around and...*TENNO SK...* *Bang* Bang*. I recognised that gun sound, the sound of a Tigris. I decided to hold my Sobek up and ready to shoot anything in sight. Frightened, I slowly go through the Grinneer hallway with all the gun sound and Grinneer scream. Then I reach a big room, and my god there was blood and flesh of the Grinneer everywhere. I hear some weird sound, so I point my Sobek at the place sound source and press the trigger. The gun didn't shoot. It was jammed. I throw it to the ground and put out a Sheev...*Bang*. This time the sound is different, not the sound of the Tigris but a sound of a Lex Prime. It's coming from behind so I turn around and charge and swinging my sheev at it. It was Loki Prime decoy. As soon as I realise there wasn't anymore gun sound and Grinneer scream, I started to panic. I turn my head, to see a Nikana Prime is about to slice me in half. The last thing I felt was pain and hopeless....... and then I woke up, scaried and panicked on my bed. From then, killing a grinneer was never feeling the same.


  3. Hey guy,im a fan of polearms weapon and i have try almost everyweapon in the polearms section, but now i stop at using Tonbo that lead to the real question:

    Im looking for a better weapon than Tonbo;

    Im looking for good target range melee weapon(multi-target),Using viral element.Not a fan of Dual or Heavy or Throw


    So thank you for reading this post and forgive me if i make any mistake(still noob here) and if u guy can help me that would be great

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