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Posts posted by TheMTyne

  1. Has anyone taken a crack at the Fortuna written language. I noticed it Differs from the corpus alphabet.

    Anyway I spent an afternoon recreating the character in illustrator, and I also wrote down the most legible ones I found.


    Have at it!

  2.  I'm pretty sure I have it since i just happen to have 3 of the 4 parts in my inventory, but I just can't find it in the ways mentioned above.

    also I only haven't acquired 17 of the 400-ish items and not one of them is the sheev.

  3. Today I received a sheev riven from the sorties and stumbled across a problem, the sheev can not be found anywhere.

    I couldn't link it in chat by typing [sheev], it wasn't present in my inventory and I couldn't even find it in my profile at all.


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