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Posts posted by SineSole

  1. 8 hours ago, Feeshbutt said:

    Hi! I'm having issues with my controller no longer working in the game. The cursor works fine in menus but the buttons don't register at all nor ami able tomove around with the joysticks.

    OS: Windows 10

    Steam User

    X-Box One Wired Afterglow Controller


    I've tried everything I can think of, resetting steam, restarting PC, unplugging controller, trying a different one, nothing works. 


    My controller has been working up until now, everything described here’s is the same lol

  2. We have weapons, armor sets, and syandanas; but now with this newest update the arbiters not only got a special landing craft decoration and an operator cosmetic, but a unique drone.                                          I was hoping the drone would be available as a skin through the arbitration’s vendor but its not. Luckily we do get to see a drone up close hovering with the vendor.                   Perhaps in the future this drone could be made into a robotic companion (sentinel category was switched to robotic) either as a skin for a currently existing sentinel or as its own, maybe even other sentinels from each other syndicate as well. 

  3. 1 minute ago, Gabbynaru said:

    Or we could finish the rest of the solar system first?

      Reveal hidden contents

    Sun - X (I mean, we have it, but... we ain't getting a tileset there... unless someone decides on a dyson sphere)

    Jupiter - O (We have it)

    Saturn - O (We have it)

    Uranus - O (We have it)

    Neptune - O (We have it)

    Earth - O (We have it)

    Venus - O (We have it)

    Mars - O (We have it)

    Ganymede - X (M.I.A.)

    Titan - X (M.I.A.)

    Mercury - O (We have it)

    Callisto - X (M.I.A.)

    Io - X (M.I.A.)

    Moon - O (We have it)

    Europa - O (We have it)

    Triton - X (M.I.A.)

    Pluto - O (We have it)

    Eris - O (We have it... for some reason)

    Haumea - X (M.I.A. ...?)

    Titania - X (M.I.A.)

    Rhea - X (M.I.A.)

    Oberon - X (M.I.A.)

    Iapetus - X (M.I.A.)

    Makemake - X (M.I.A. ...?)

    Charon - X (M.I.A.)

    Umbriel - X (M.I.A)

    Ariel - X (M.I.A)

    Dione - X (M.I.A)

    Tethys - X (M.I.A)

    Sedna - O (We have it... for some reason)

    Ceres - O (We have it... for some reason)

    Orcus - X (M.I.A)

    Salacia - X (M.I.A)


    Ah you right

    just an idea for the future 

  4. So what if in the future we got Goblin as a new planet in the sol system? It’s supposed to be an Ice world (but maybe with all this orokin terraforming we can see something new) 

    Since it’s the furthest planet in our solar system so far maybe this could be the bridge between Sol and Tau.

  5. 22 minutes ago, Loza03 said:

    He looks like a Giant Helios...

    Whatever, suits the fashion disaster that is ol' Neffy.

    I'd like to see Derf. I vaguely remember something about a hover-disc, so given the existence of K-drives, that'd fit.

    Derf Anyo is the leader of the vent kids bet

  6. What if Nakak and a still unnamed merchant on Fortuna sold somachord fragments for the soundtracks of their respective areas? This could be more incentive to farm for resources on both open worlds in order to unlock the soundtracks for your orbiter (notably we all lift together)

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