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Posts posted by OTF4L

  1. On 12/4/2016 at 4:49 AM, tudor98ro said:

    hey,i'd like yo join your clan

    IGN: tudor98ro


    On 12/5/2016 at 6:20 PM, Tarkmelhion said:

    IGN: Tarkmelhion

    Hey guys its really easy to join us just go to our website.  sttenno.enjin.com and fill out the app.  I will automatically get notification.  Looking forward to seeing you in the game.

  2. On 11/29/2016 at 11:53 PM, UrielColtan said:

    Should your young children be playing this content anyway? It is technically rated M.

    The gameplay is already simplistic enough as is.  I feel games were less hand holding back when I was a child.

    Dumbing things down is the modern Bioware "awesome button" way. The remove all features from Sims to lessen confusion EA way, or press x to pay respects Activision way, or the easy fatality WB way.

    I'd prefer most games not go down that road.

    "Should your young children be playing this content anyway? It is technically rated M."

    - There is filtering for bad words in chat

    - Its a lot less "Gory" than many other shooters on the market

    - You try to find an online game that you can play with all of your family?

    ** As to the the other comments and for further elaboration on my view you might want to read my post further down on this thread.**

  3. 2 hours ago, Blacknight00D said:

    I get what you are saying but, again, everything gets negated by lag in this game. It would be up to DE to figure out how this would work.

    I can see how it could get old but, at least your not sitting there waiting. Plus, no one said this method couldn't be amended with even more interactive features.

    Yes and I like it because it maintains the "Spirit" of ashes current functionality,   

    I am however finished talking about Ash, As others have said I think there is enough here for DE to critically examine and decide what is best for the player base and thus the game in general.  Thus this will be my last post on the subject.

    I would like to just take a paragraph or 2 to give the proper context to my comments.
    The first thing I noticed when I started playing this game 1 year ago is that:

    - Warframe plays like a game designed by players and lacked a lot of the sterile corporate interventions that destroys most games.  Yet still appears to have a sustainable profit model that can perpetuate its growth and development well into the future.  

    - The 2nd thing I noticed is that I the player could choose how difficult content was, by deciding which "Tools" (I refer to Warframes, Companions and Weapons as tools) I chose to take on a mission.

    - 3rd I noticed that while feature rich the modification and tool acquisition system was quite simple and intuitive. In fact I would even call it elegant.  And I seldom get to use that word in reference to any project. (kudos again to DE) 

    - 4th thing I noticed is there was no right or wrong way to build "Tools" or play them, instead I found there were just easier builds for specific purposes.  

    This was all perfect for when I wanted to slash and bash but still advance my account or when I wanted to put a lot of effort and thought into my play time.  This was also perfectly suited to the extremely varied age ranges of my children (9.12,17,oldest is adult).  Thus we had a game we could all play together as a family.  I even made a clan that is now a family value centric mountain clan with over 100 members and currently doing well.  Due to all of the computers and players in my household i'm not much of a "game hopper".  We tend to pick a game and mostly stick to it and put most of our efforts into being as strong as we can be in that game.

    I would like to restate though that change is possible and necessary for improvement and growth. However at any given time this game has a "Spirit" a "Feel".  Now I'm not talking in the singular sense of just the content or the warframes or the weapons. The sum of those parts creates a "Spirit" of the "tools" and the sum of those things create a "Spirit" of the game.  The feel you get when you play it.  With any large project the content takes on a life of its own the total sum of these things is what I refer to as the "spirit" or "feel" of the game.  My concern is that this "Spirit" is different from what it was when I started playing WarFrame.  If this is intentional or Ad-Hoc only DE can say.   Maybe the current "Spirit" is not what DE wants?  It does not change the fact that it exists and that the players have experianced it.  Once created each weapon or warframe has its own "Spirit" which is the sum of its functionality and "Feel".  It is very impressive that DE plays this game as well.  All I ask is that DE "listens" to the "content" as much as they listen to the players.   Whatever DE decides to do now or in the future I would strongly suggest that they put forth best efforts to maintain the "spirit" of the game.  

    I for one don't like the direction of several of the last few warframe nerfs, Ash Included.  Yes one persons "Nerf" is another persons "Feature" I define a nerf as change that does not maintain the "spirit" or "Integrity" of its original functionality.  As with any large project there are un intentional effects of changes and us the players do not know if they are intentional or side effects. If it is intentional or not, once the players experience it and spend time and effort adapting to it it becomes part of the total experience.  As I have said before DE is incredibly creative and talented.  However All change is not good.  As a player I realize that what we want isn't always what the game needs. Unfortunately I sometimes feel as though there is no "core vision" or "scope" regarding the game in general and how some things effect others. There are benefits to this development style and as I outlined above there are also negatives to this.  Only time will tell the correct path.

    Nuff said.  I appreciate DE and their efforts thus far.  I am thankful for the existence of this game.  I know DE can rise to the challenges before them.  I look forward to seeing what the future holds for WarFrame and can only hope it continues to fit our needs as a Family and a Clan.

  4. 17 hours ago, DEATHLOK said:

    Ash was great as a frame that could push back HARD when a squad was being overwhelmed. But Ash was often abused, and I wouldn't argue otherwise. I've often found myself bored and guilty playing him on low-level missions. On high-level missions, it becomes clear Ash is a squishy frame that requires some real skill to play.

    To say Ash overpowered every other frame is to betray a lack of familiarity with other frames.

    That aside, the rework is abhorrent. And it's not sarcasm when I suggest that if the recent changes to Bladestorm remain, then every other frame should have to manually target enemies for AoE damage, as well. With new targeting mechanic applied to every warframe—and not just the one with this month's target on its back—then the community might reflect on the change with less relish and delight. Or, everyone will be overcome with joy, because the new mechanic proves to be design brilliance. Who's to say?

    It was great using Ash as a big hammer. However—and apart from any arguments as to balance—I can understand how some people would be sick of watching unending Bladestorm animations, losing any sense of being personally engage in battle. I agree that Bladestorm needed to be change, but not in the way it was changed this weekend.

    There have been smart suggestions that would have served the overall community better than the current rework. A burst AoE or a DoT AoE can be designed in such a way as to respect the vision behind Ash and the notion of a "blade storm."

    The focus should be on resolving those endless, looping animations, rather than neutering yet another frame for standing apart from the crowd in some way.

    DITTO :) +1

  5. 4 minutes ago, HazaRD-WARRIOR said:

    End of the day, the problem to the rework "others" would want is that the frame would end up being the same as the rest. There is a bunch of you I've noticed in 4 years of playing that are requesting the same playstyle from every frame in the game. If a frame is not to your playstyle, stop bothering with it! If it is getting in your way (like Blade Storm invulnerability was) then give feedback. Don't request for every damn frame in the game to play the same way. There are frames that already do what everyone is asking for!

    There is not a single frame that caters to full melee combat as good as Ash does. And since I mainly melee, changing him up again is something I cannot stand. This is the single frame that has fulfilled my playstyle and people that like melee. Don't keep asking him to become something else! You all already have frames to fullfill your needs, clearly, since you are all already pointing out which frames are better. Go play with them then. Simple.

    Melee only needs a fast way to close in on targets. Teleport. It needs more durability as it is in the thick, Ash has it. It needs a skill to stop suppressive fire and knock downs, smoke screen. Being able to escape and relocate is also needed, again smoke screen. Being melee only, sure it also needs some simple ranged attack for the off-chance one needs it (including trivial things like cameras), Shuriken. And it needs a good 4th skill to clear enemies out. It still has it, sure not as powerful, but it doesnt need to be. The mark can be left on always, with my mods I always have energy no matter what, hack them to pieces, and blade storm is always ready when I want and free of cost most of the time.

    I'm sorry but I cannot have this play style covered with any other warframe in the game. And no, I also do not want to be always in stealth. I don't like it. Call me crazy or whatever, it is subjective preference, and Ash offers an alternative to what other stealth frames do. Hence in the end, exactly what I am looking for!


    We can all play how we like. But please, for the last time, since you all clearly already know which frames "do things better and are more effective than Ash" then use them. Evidently they suit you better. Those of us that want this specific playstyle, Ash is the only one that delivers. Let... it... go! There are 29 other frames in the game to suit your needs. Take your pick!


  6. Let me start by saying I think this is one of the best games there are...period.  Free or not.  I admire DE for the ingenuity and creativity they have poured into this game.  There are soo many endearing features and facets to how you can play this game that im not even sure DE is aware of them all.  As a 30+ year vetran of systems engineering I have worked on project management, software development and Networking. I only say that to say I recognize that the schedule in which DE rolls out these patches and new content is staggering and very impressive by any standard!!  

    Now my thoughts on changes to ASH.  It is not as much of a individual complaint that I have as much as it is a systematic complaint.

    Balance isn't necessarily having every single frame capable of killing or handling every single mission and boss type.

    Heres the thing about weapons and such.  The "Mastery Fodder" is just as necessary as the "OP God Gear".  Why? Well You would not be able to identify one without the others existence!!

    I think one should be careful not to end up with a game of "Skins" (All the weapons and frames look different but all do the same amount of damage) instead of special unique weapons and war frames.

    I am also concerned that some of the mechanics may become too complicated for my younger children.  It is already a challenge for them to use and master the current state of mechanics and content but it is achievable for them and I like that.

    Why not let us have a few OP frames and weapons? We eventually get tired of crushing everything with an OP setup and thats when you try others and use your OP as the goto when things get tough.  

    I view my Warframes and weapons and companions as "Tools".  I can obviously use a nuclear missile to blow up a gopher hole and it will get the job done but it would also be boring and a waste of power.  However this does not mean that a nuclear missile does not have a place in the arsenal.  A good toolbox has the right tool for each job.  That is how I think of my warframe aresenal.

    I wont look in my toolbox and say to myself wow that was too easy to do this job with this tool. If I really am excited about the tool I will find a job that is a challenge for it.  Why not increase the difficulty of the content instead of nerfing the "Tools"?

    I know it is more time consuming and difficult to adapt content than it is to adapt gear, but if you really want to be creative it might be interesting to try creating content and mechanics that make something that is considered "OP" challenging. instead of just "wacking" it into conformity...lol

    For competitive purposes why not make scores in leader boards include which frame and weapon were used?  Or place specific mechanics into compettitive content that thwarts "OP gear".  I dont know if this is done already but my point is just that I hope DE would leave us a few "Point and Click" weapons and frames because there are some of us adults and also some kids that still enjoy just mindlessly going into a map and destroying everything.  

    Finally For those who dont like the above mentioned type of game play I ask: "Is it not possible to simply use different frames and weapons than the ones you deem "Too Easy"."

    "The squeaky wheel gets the oil" but the satisfied people often get overlooked cause they dont complain.

    I started playing this game 1 year ago and I was very happy to find a game that could be as complicated or as simple as I wanted it to be, and that I could play with my 9 yr old , 13, 17, and adult children.   I am all about change and all about growth but it is my fondest wish that the "spirit" of the game I started playing remains throughout all of the growth and changes.

  7. On 9/18/2016 at 1:59 PM, 33540744 said:

    Hello, I would like to join your clan! 

    IGN : 3354074

    Ive sent you several Messages.  If you are still interested please fill out app on clan website and message me from clan website when you will be back in game.  If not I wish you the best of success in whichever clan you decide on being in.  :)

  8. Aardvark Pets - Not such a bad idea after all!!


    There have been many jokes thrown around the warframe community about having an Aardvark companion/pet.  At first this seems like a really good joke but after researching Aardvarks they have some really interesting Lore and real life traits that would make for an in game companion that is both awesome and unique.

    So first of all let me list the research and interesting traits i've found:

    Aardvarks may not possess many teeth, however when it comes to defending themselves against predators they still have a few tricks up their sleeves.  The aardvark’s main predators are humans, lions, hyenas, pythons, and leopards.  Since aardvarks are burrowing animals, they can dig really fast.  This helps them hide from predators quickly when they are in danger.

    These creatures also have very keen smell and a great sense of hearing which helps them easily detect when danger is nearby.  They are able to run in zig zags to escape from and confuse their enemies, but when all else fails they can be found striking predators with their spoon shaped claws, tail and shoulders.

    The aardvark’s also have a rare characteristic of flipping onto their backs when it feels threatened and/or needs to escape danger, and this results in a type of somersault.  Another thing that helps aardvarks survive attacks from predators is their thick skin.                                                    

    These creatures are sometimes underestimated by humans and other predators, when in fact they have front legs that are short and powerful for digging.  This enables them to excavate a termite mound in just a few minutes time.  Just imagine what they could do to a predator with those legs.  When attacked, these creatures can be quite fierce and will also slash and kick their legs and claws.  They are also able to stand on their back legs and tails in order to defend themselves from predators with their front feet.


    Mythology and popular culture

    "F-14 Tomcat from VF-114 Aardvarks with the squadron mascot painted on the tail
    In African folklore, the aardvark is much admired because of its diligent quest for food and its fearless response to soldier ants. Hausa magicians make a charm from the heart, skin, forehead, and nails of the aardvark, which they then proceed to pound together with the root of a certain tree. Wrapped in a piece of skin and worn on the chest, the charm is said to give the owner the ability to pass through walls or roofs at night. The charm is said to be used by burglars and those seeking to visit young girls without their parents' permission.[28]"

    Now lets talk about what I would suggest for such a pet/companion.


    1 ) "Sticky Tongue" - Pet lashes out with long tongue and pulls all enemies and drops back to its    location
          - Not as strong as 'Vacuum" because it will only reach in one direction at a time and be linear based.  This can be further restricted by DE with how many times per second this ability is used.

    1A ) WHY:  There is currently no companion with useful "Vacuum" type Ability except carrier.  Infact another way to implement this ability on an aardvark would be to simply make "Vacuum"  usable on an aardvark however when placed on an aardvark it works like I defined above instead of its normal functionality.

    2 ) "SNEAK" - This ability would block all alert triggers for the pet and owner only.  IE:  the Warframe that has this pet equipped with the "SNEAK" mod equipped can not trigger any alerts on normal missions.  However this mod would have no effect on sorties or events.

    2A ) WHY?  Why not?   This would surely be a unique addition to game that would not add imbalance to current mechanics.

    3 ) "Ardvarlk Molar" ,"Incisor"....etc   (Each one a specific type of booster)  I would also like to see single drop booster type mods.  With an increased rate that is not overpowered but not so low that it is useless either.  IE: 1 for affinity, 1 for Credit, 1 for resource...etc

    3A ) Why? As stated above in certain cultures the teeth of an aardvark is considered "Lucky" , By making each mod so specific DE could make it more difficult to have them all on same pet at same time.

    4 ) "ANT-EYE VENOM" - Get it....lol    - This mod would give the pet and its master poison resistance buff for the duration of the mission.

    4A )   WHY? One of the other qualities of Aardvarks is that they are immune to termite and soilder ant stings, so just sounds like a good fit.

    5 ) "PLAY DEAD" -  As a last resort (When Aardvark is below 5% health" it flips up into the air and lands on its back, thus creating an aura that can be time based.  All party members in this aura and the Aardvark will be treated by NPC as if they are down.  However during this time the Aardvark and anyone in the aura will regenerate health or shields or both.  The effect will be canceled once the timer runs out or individually it will be cancelled by a player who shoots or moves outside of the aura.  

    5 A)  WHY? THIS ONE IS KINDA OUT THERE BUT I WANTED TO INCLUDE IT ANYWAY CAUSE IT HAS PROSPECTIVE TO BE VERY UNIQUE AND FUN!!  According to research Aardvarks typically avoid confrontation, but are very ferocious when forced to defend themselves and as a last resort they flip into the air and play dead.

    I would suggest that all of the other mods that currently "Common" to all pets are also common to Aardvark.

    I would make Aardvarks Primary Damage SLASH

    I would give them less health but more shields and armor - Aardvarks are known to have very thick skin.


    ALSO the DNA could drop from 

    Desert Skate


  9. On 8/20/2016 at 8:49 PM, Cozyaceswild7 said:

    Me and a group a friends would be interested to join a nice and just decent sized clan. This seems like a great one to join and would be happy to get in with my friends.

    Sure think Cozy,  Just go to website and follow directions.  After you have filled out the app, you can hit me up in game my game name is "OTF4L".  I look forward to playing with you guys  :)

  10. Just now, TAVY90 said:

    I recently joined up though their website. Easy to join up and navigate. Excellent group to run with and learn from. Many talented players able to help you along the way. Don't matter if you are new to the game or a grizzled veteran. We have the resources that every Tenno need to be successful.

    Ty Tav, We are lucky to have good players like u in clan :)

  11. 'ShAoLiN TeMpLe TeNnO'
    Clan Tier: Mountain Clan
    "Warlord": OTF4L - (Although in our clan "Warlord" is called "The Abbot"
    Clan Website: http://sttenno.enjin.com


    Shaolin Temple Tenno Clan is all about providing a family/socially orientated environment that is: Safe, Respectful, Mature, Fun, Troll and Drama Free for us all to enjoy playing WarFrame.

    All who are reasonably active and respectful are welcome to join the 'CLANMILY".  

    I thoroughly enjoy all the fun we get into with both the old and the new members and of course my kids.


    - Weekly Raids

    - Maxxed out Fully Completed and Decorated Dojo with all research completed as well

    - Professional Clan Logo (See Above)

    - Membership in a huge Mega-Alliance (hundreds of additional players to play with)

    - Teamspeak servers

    - Discord server

    - The Website you are viewing this on...lol

    - Clan Forums

    - Over 85% "Active" Clan Roster on weekly basis

    - Over 37% Active on a Hourly Basis

    - New user Links to builds and important game information to help you grow fast and strong!!

    - Dedication to being helpful and interactive with old and new players alike.


    Want to check us out visit our website and follow instructions on main page if you are interested.


    We are actively recruiting anyone with decent Activity and good attitude.  We also have lots of opportunities for those interested in:

    Officer Status

    Web Masters

    Dojo Decorations

    Discord Master


    ABBOT, The Shaolin Temple Tenno clan

  12. As I think more about this through comments from other players I feel even more comfortable with the 2nd option because:

    2) add an option in the options menu - "Opt out of other players Special Moves" - this could be selectable via "Options Menu" either in a mission or before and stays selected until changed. Thus keeping you out of any potentially "Troll-able" situations. - I know this would not be great in all situations but this would really be mainly for those who have trouble with these moves thus not effecting the majority of us who do not have an issue at all.  It could also be beneficial in situations where someone keeps spamming one of the above mentioned moves thus making the mission completable.

    Thus making the issue invisible to those of us who have no problem with it in the first place...lol

  13. 3 minutes ago, (XB1)Koolster 998 said:

    Nova's Wormhole is also pretty trolly sometimes, but what do you intend to do about it? there is not point in having an option that allows you to ignore them, as they are helpful mostly, but there can always be a guy who blocks off a door by covering it with wormholes, so really, this isn't one you can just fix.


    Agreed.  That is a tough one mabey hers would be special option if you have it disabled in "Options" then you get a confirmation when u go into it - Click no and it disappears.  That is definitely a tricky one.  ty for pointing it out.

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