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Posts posted by piekiller33

  1. I've found that im a little busy getting shot at by enemies or what not to really notice or care what the ammo type im picking up is, from what I can tell the type of ammo has less to do with the gun, then the rarity of its type.


    As an artificial way to lower some weapons effectiveness (Soma, Boltor, Opticor, and some launchers and shotties not withstanding) the ammo type is based on the rarity of the drop. Since, for example, the Ogris/Penta use sniper Ammo, the rarest ammo drop there is, these weapons must be used with a degree of restraint.


    DE thinks its a clever way to subtly reduce the hidden power of these weapons, which I find hilarious considering they have ammo mutation and auras that negate the problems.

  2. Please elaborate on what you mean "assaulting", are we actually physically destroying another clan? Or are we simply raiding them for supplies/research or other items of importance held only in Tenno's dojos?

  3. DE has had a habit of listening to us, but not necessarily understanding what it is we actually said.


    We asked for raids (did we?) and they gave us a raid with the mechanical simplicity that is inherent in Warfarm as of now, I've learned long ago to stop asking for new stuff, and start asking for well built stuff, even patches that contain nothing but bug fixes makes me happier then "new stuff"


    If DE does something extremely creative with this concept, then yay! Ill be happy, but from their now VERY expansive track record of mutilating peoples ideas in an attempt to squeeze money out of us (Im not upset by this, just disappointed) I do not have high hopes for how these raids will turn out, DE has been experimenting a lot in the last few months, but there comes a time when a decision needs to be made about the direction of this game and DE hasn't made that decision yet.

  4. Feedback is always appreciated, but Im not entirely certain what the focus/topic of this thread actually is.


    Is this a gameplay feedback thread? or a General UI thing?


    either way, General feedback doesn't strike me as the appropriate place to put this


    ~Welcome to the game~

  5. I don't frequently speak up in forum posts, but when I heard the word "raid" brought up in Warfarm, I was less then excited, an 8 man group of Tenno doesn't sound like a terribly great idea right now, with the way DE is attempting to implement it


    elaborating on the point, when you have so many people working together, its not because the adversary being fought is difficult to take down in theory, its the objective that needs completing is simply impossible with a small group or lone individual.


    Tenno frequently work in cells to capture or destroy certain objectives with greater ease, however I have seen many creative Tenno accomplish these missions on their own by virtue of how the mission is laid out, Why do raids need more then one very well equipped Tenno?


    Simply put, the same reason Endless defense/intercept missions are impossible. After a certain point, these mission types, due to how they are, simply become overwhelming, if not impossible. Combined with an absurdly large number of powerful "support" units that both render a Tenno impotent and highly vunerable, all these factors together create an impossible weight for a lone Tenno to accomplish.


    "Raids" as a concept were developed as an "end game" system, designed to challenge a group of individuals to work together to accomplish a challenging but rewarding goal, as a means of maintaining relevance in a system that has been exhausted by veteran players.

    Instead, from what I've heard AND seen, these raids are just extra hard, high end, multi stage missions, with a dash of fake puzzle put in, regardless of what the rewards could POSSIBLY be, Im not going to participate, if this is what I have to look forward to, to be frank.


    Instead of making the "Raid" just an 80+ level mission, which I can tell you right now, isn't going to fly with anyone not rocking a HIGHLY survivable build, multiple and simultaneous objectives should be completed at the same time with moderate level enemies applying appropriate pressure to each objective.


    for example:

    -Main gate needs to have 4 points captured and locked down to open

    -Intelligence transmitters are sending detailed reports of Tenno activity to local defense populace, these must be silenced

    -A central command needs to be severed, keeping the current defense force confuse/demoralized or otherwise crippled


    these are just a few examples of what can be implemented in these raids in order to make the necessity of bringing 8 people along justifiable, enemies will mount a significant challenge initiating the raid, but the Tenno's legendary finesse and speed will grant them an advantage against a growing force of eventually unconquerable foes, if the Tenno do not appropriately deal with them.


    Adding main objectives, with short window-of-opportunity side objectives that must be completed with haste AND skill, will challenge the group, without resorting to fake difficulty or level 80+ enemies


    An uber-boss isn't required and the level of cooperation becomes more instinctual, the 8 man Cell can split into strike teams, to take objectives quickly before the enemy catches on to the Tenno's activities, a sense of fulfilment can be achieved for each player doing their job, and vetran players will already be familiar enough with conventional tactics that they can then use to assist in these lesser objectives.


    These raids brought me equal terror and hope, DE has a chance to try a brand new dynamic, often used in other MMO's, with massive player feedback, and the ability to learn from past mistakes. I hope they can do this.


    (side note, I mentioned the word "endgame", I would like to point out that I do not believe this exists, and I will never engage in an debate as such)

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