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Posts posted by Kaboodle

  1. The rant part kinda snuck in from the late-night frustration post. I did also acknowledge that since it's a closed beta, I'd likely be giving it another try later on down the line as well. But overall during my play I found few bugs keeping this game down, just content, which is just a time-line fix. I like testing, and right now the only thing it seemed like I was actually testing, WAS the chore of grinding credits/xp, so that's one thing that got into the post.

  2. Title says it all. I guess I'm the noob wagon here, but I just ground up the credits to get a Snipertron, but when looking at item descriptions, and damage/clip ratios, the Burston was about 300 damage over it per clip, with BOTH having 100% accuracy, so I figured, ok, if the Burston can fire 3 rounds fairly accurately (I'm assuming recoil would still make the 2nd and 3rd rounds not 100%) it's a much better overall weapon. Not to mention there's no mention of base max-ammos so I had no idea how much ammo the Sniper would get, and had run into ammo problems before.

    Anyway. come to find out the Burston and the Lex (Both labeled 100% accuracy), don't even hit directly on target for the FIRST SHOT consistently, and the burston spreads about as much as the Braton for the 2nd and 3rd rounds....This is ridiculous. Space age technology and advanced war suits capable of wielding a sword that cuts through steel, and they can't make a weapon accurate enough to shoot 50m without going all over the place? Or the Tenno are so physically weak even within a warframe that they can't hold it steady enough to land 3 shot bursts?

    I'm done. Besides the insane grind and all the levels being exactly the same scenery, it's just a chore to login and get the first win of the day and login bonus, add-in that for a CLOSED Beta, usually you'd inject cash-shop amounts so players can actually test new items without grinding for 5-10 rounds. Another suggestion?

    Add an estimated/average completion time to missions. They vary so wildly it's insane. Good luck with your game, and I'll probably give it another chance further down the line, but as it is, it's just a chore.

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