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Posts posted by ThorinRidesSmaug

  1. A quick reload option on some guns would actually be awesome. I don't think it should be on everything, however.


    That could, in fact, be a vast disparity between a weapon being good or not. If the player is actually good WITH it, instead of modding it properly and point-and-clicking to victory only.

    Exactly! I feel like the tigris, or any shotgun/weapon with a low magazine count could have a higher skill cap just by adding some sort of reload cancel/quick reload kind of mechanic. I actually feel really uneasy when the Tigris is still reloading despite having ammo... 

  2. I've played a few games similar-ish to Warframe, namely Mass Effect is a game I have many many hours into, and in those games were there a few mechanics I guess you could call them which could be exploited. One of these is reload cancelling. I've been using the Tigris a bit recently, and as it has an effective 1 shot round, I was hoping there was a way to cancel the animation as the magazine fills up before the animation finishes, i.e. Reload cancelling. If this does exist how can I do it efficiently without losing DPS. Thanks

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