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Posts posted by Y0URD34D

  1. I think I found another mistake, the Vectis does less damage in the game than the Builder calculates.

    I double-checked, and the damage-values seem to be off, 90-78.8-56.3 (Wiki/Game) instead of 112.5-98.5-70.37 (Builder)

    I hope this helps, great tool btw.



  2. The idea of hitpoints scaling with damage taken during a certain period of time sounds like making it viable again in higher tier defense/survival.

    Last time i went there (T3 defense) we just survived, because we took a Nyx and I had the foresight to mod my Frost from tanky to absolute caster (Blind Rage and Narrow Minded). If I had not done that my energy would not have lasted past the first five waves and we would have lost...

    Yes this is a COUGHbumpCOUGH

  3. I like the idea of a revised Upgrade/Mod system, as getting bored with farming stuff was the reason I stopped playing some time ago. I just recently began to play again, as i was curious about DMG 2.0 and the new Frames. Having farmed those, it just gets running around and farm mods while beeing as timeefficient as possible.

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