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Posts posted by Trazyn-the-Infinite

  1. I just finished crafting the prime variant of our beautiful blood queen, and I've immediatly tried to reproduce my "Lilith demoness" Fashion I've created on the standard version.

    I've been a bit disappointed when I discovered that you can't apply tennogen skins to prime exalted weapons such as my Garuda's talons 😭


    The problem is that her talons are much more visible than all other exalted weapons, thus greatly reducing the overall "bones and flesh" aspect of my glorious demoness.


    Here are some pics to show you :


    Prime variant, impossible to change her talons skin



    Standard variant, with tennogen talons



    It would be awesome to adress that problem !

    Especially for Garuda as her talons are very visible, but also for all prime frames that possesses exalted weapons.


    A dedicated Tenno :community:

    • Like 3
  2. Everything is great in the pack, except maybe the armor set x) A bit too "pointy" for my taste (I hoped it would be made of fabric 😇)

    But anyway, I'm excited to see what DE is preparing for us in the TennoCon ! I loved last year edition ^^

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  3. Strange, I personally have unlocked and reveived June's package (The Avia Prime armor set is cool, by the way !).

    Have you tried to disconnect / reconnect from the page, or check your twitch link with warframe ? I'm not sure where the problem can come from. Maybe It'll solve it if I give you the link I have to the Twitch prime loot page ?

  4. Hello everyone !


    I've been running against the time for the past week to get the Saturn Six armor (that I find Gorgeous, as I'm dreaming to build a Rhino "Wolf of Saturn Six" Cosplay 😍)


    I'm blocked on that mission : "Kill the Profit Taker", which is the ONLY mission that I can't do from the whole set of missions of the nightwaves, as I'm only lvl 2 with the Solaris Union.I've tried to bypass this limit for 2 days now, and I simply can't get others missions, until I achieve this one.

    So I'm just hopeless to achieve my Marathon before Monday 2AM, and I'm kind of anxious about one question :

    Do you know if syandana + Armor set of Saturn Six will be unlockable in future Intermissions ??

    I don't want to accept to see it just disapear, when I'm just held back by ONE mission.


    Thank you for your help !!

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