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Posts posted by (PSN)keilnealquan

  1. I see what you're saying but that doesn't mean I shouldn't pitch my own ideas. Whether or not they're planning anything doesn't really concern me in the slightest but thank you for your input.

  2. I think Chroma primes design was underwhelming. I also think he should have some tweaks to his abilities nearly all of them. 

    Since Chroma is deemed the master of the elements he should be given two slots for energy color so he'll be able to use elements like magnetic, corrosive, etc. This will also set him aside from all the other warframes. If players want the initial old boost they can just add a second energy color of the same color. 


    His first ability should be changed to maybe an aura similar to his second ability an AOE effect that procs off anyone that gets too close. 

    His 2nd ability should add whatever element is chosen in the energy color slot to the players weapons.

    His third can stay the same. 

    His fourth should stay the same except the pelt should move around without the need of an augment. That will give players more of a consensus to use the pelt. And if possible lower the energy cost of it. 



  3. 1 minute ago, (PS4)Mofojokers said:

    lol he is just joking in reference to the delay and the Stalker.


    This is insanely funny how far people are taking this... or is this a diversion?.


    Ither way very funny 

    I completely agree. I'm in no way in support of him cause it was a really stupid joke. But this has blown up way more than it needed to. This thread really does need to be edited cause his threat was aimed at all of DE. So support everyone. If 10 people got shot in a store is it right to feel bad for only one person?

  4. Chroma's Spectral Scream is  undoubtedly the ability most unused throughout his abilities so I had an Idea of a different ability.

    Chroma with an ability to change or add element. Seeing as though he is deemed "The master of elements" in the codex. I don't see why he doesn't use elements such as Corrosive radiation etc. 

    So give him the ability wheel like Ivara, and Vauban has. And in those slots put in Heat, Electricity, Toxin, and Cold. These four will effect his Elemental Ward and his Effigy.

    Elemental ward: Adding Heat while energy color of heat will give extra Heat damage and the same with the other collaborating abilities. Now if it's two different elements it will have those two element's compound element outcome. 

    Example if I had Heat as energy color and a electricity buff I'd have Radiation and it would give me Extra Health and Shields when using Elemental Ward.

    Effigy: The chosen buff will give Chroma amped damage with corresponding elements. Or with different elements it will override his effigy's elemental damage to that combined element. Ex. Radiation, corrosive.


  5. 1 minute ago, Hypernaut1 said:

    Only death cube and shade can be considered broken. I find the other sentinels far more useful than carrier.

    I honestly that if people were forced to boy use carrier for a week, they'd realise how useful the other sentinels are and how much vacuum doesn't truly make a huge difference (for most builds)

    I doubt that. People would most likely just go to their Kubrows/Kavats. Probably most likely will go to a Chesa. 

  6. On 9/17/2016 at 4:16 PM, Antiphoton said:

    Chroma, on the other hand, is one of my favorite frames, but using him means that I just press 2+3 and forget completely about his abilities for 66 seconds. The weapons I have are more than enough to clear any content, but reducing my playstyle to running and shooting is not fun.

    So, once the dust settles after TWW is released, please, take some time to bring us another batch of tweaks. Not complete reworks, just updating some of the more outdated abilities Sleight of Hand,

    Well really if you don't want to reduce to using your guns you probably better off using a different warframe. I slightly agree about sleight of hand. The best thing about the ability is how she can activate corpus door lasers, I feel she should at least have something with grineer doors or even activate grineer turrets.

  7. 4 hours ago, chofranc said:

    As the title says, i mean, why they focus on the vacuum that work great instead of fixing the broken shade precept that work when it want or the forgotten deathcube and his "one shot deathly-lazor" that doesn't melt an icecream?

    Djiin doesn't worked well and they fix it, wyrm doesn't worked well and they fixed a little.

    I think that they should focus on fixing what is broken instead of trying to fix something that is not broken. People use mostly the carrier because is one of the 5(carrier, djiin, wyrm, diriga, helios) sentinels that aren't totally broken.

    They should add to sentinels weapons mods the shared mod mechanics too, so you can use sniper with vulklok or shotguns with the carrier weapon, or they should give to the sentinels a passive that benefits to the user.

    Also, vacuum should be an innate mechanic of the game instead of a mod, even if it has to have less range of suction.

    I fail to comprehend. How is Djin broken exactly? This is coming from someone who only used Djin and no other  sentinel. He draws enemies in, and spits corrosive on his enemies.

  8.     I completely agree with you guys in those posts a collar that gives 10 shields and 19 health is a serious slap-in-the-face especially for someone that farmed and used nearly 100 keys. I myself not have many complaits about this game except for now about this collar me and my friends worked our butts off to get this collar.


       More crit shields and armour would be amazing and the death orb enegry would be outstanding! FIX THE COLLAR!!!

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