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Posts posted by (XBOX)LilacSkyline

  1. So I found out after completing the Octavia's anthem quest that the reward would be a riven if I already owned Octavia. Because I prefer to farm out warframes, this doesn't seem fair from my point of view to give players who pay for new warframes a riven while those who don't pay will only get Octavia's blueprint. I believe that it would only be fair for all players who complete the questline to get a secondary riven. I've always felt that the game was meant to be played legitimately and people were supposed to farm things out like new warframes. It feels like you are rewarding people for paying their way to get Octavia and that you are punishing people for farming her out legitimately and trying to enjoy her questline. I just want you to know that I feel cheated as a longtime member of the community and that I would at least appreciate it if this type of two-sided reward system was avoided in the future, or if players who completed the quest for the blueprint were also rewarded a riven mod. Thanks for your time.

  2. Whenever I equip transient fortitude on a warframe, the warframe's efficiency for specific abilities drops drastically. The mod is supposed to lower duration. Not efficiency. What's going on? Anyone know?

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