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Posts posted by Wyrvox

  1. I have this bug 3 times today.  All 3 times only 3/4 players were at the extraction point when the extraction timer ran out.  The reward screen showed and "H name name" with a white square icon in the center while the Reward timer counted down to zero.  Then we were able to choose a reward as normal but the game stayed on the reward screen until I force closed the game. (No loot from the mission after restarting the game) Or a host migration occurred would show the reward screen and extract as normal. (Loot gained as normal)

  2. I am suggesting a way to reduce the drain of the Umbral Mods on Warframes with a new item the "Umbral Reactor."  Umbral Reactor would work similar to the Orokin Reactor in upgrading and being applied the same way.

    The Umbral Reactor would reduce the drain of each Umbral mod by 3 points. Equiping all three Umbral mods would reduce the drain a total of 9 points.

    Three maxed Umbral mods total drain of 48 now reduced to 39.

    I realize this does introduce some power creep, for me a player who has an orokin reactor, an exilus adapter, all non Umbral slots polarized [and extra forma to unforma 2 D slots] on a warframe like Inaros I still have a empty slot on my frame.


  3. I am very tired of failing missions because the door wont open after the Shadow Stalker appears and is successfully killed.  On a recent Meso survival mission all the enemies could walk thru the door towards us but we could not get out even after multiple host changes.  There needs to be a /unstuck like command for doors.

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