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Posts posted by (PSN)DivineMaiden

  1. When I was a Trinity in a survival, life support 0%, trying to run to extraction as I desperately trying to keep teammates alive with Blessing. I watched helplessly as the max life bar get smaller and smaller...soon there was only me up with no energy left...finally reach extraction but there's a timer prevent me from escaping. Hopelessness can be seen in the chat as we all pray with our last dying breath for the timer to reach zero before I too join them on the floor as the enemies swarm in from all sides.

    Oh that glorious feeling when we didn't have disappoint our great mother, Lotus.

  2. No bug with handshake that I notice since u18, the warframe just snap into place.

    I always equips handshake, it fun to see all the different types of handshakes..and it make me feel less crazy for keeping 4 syndicates happy. XD

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