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Posts posted by MyrahKitsune

  1. A new bug has shown up since the hotfix. Whenever I load warframe post hotfix it caused my computer's sound quality to tank even after I close the game. The only way to fix it is to completely restart my computer. It didnt do that before .3 Its made the game unplayable for me. I cant risk damaging my computer over a game which is kinda upsetting considering its the only online game I play right now.

  2. So I was playing Titania in a spy mission and ran out of energy but the ult didn't end properly. I found that I still had aces to her ult weapons and could run up and down through the air as if I was flying while still using a normal warframe model as opposed to the arkwing model that appears when you use your ult as Titania.  Here is a picture I snapped of the bug. Not sure if that is a good enough example but its what I thought to grab.


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