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Posts posted by --Revan--

  1. So we all know,Frost's third ability can be casted numerous times at the same place for additional protection, thats not the issue about this.

    What we noticed with my clanmates is, that Frost with 0 forma doesn't show how much of his own active bubble present, however after being formaed once, it does work normally. It might be a coincidence, so i encourage others to try it out. It's a minor bug, if it is one. I hope i could've helped.

  2. Hey there everyone!

    Since the update came out i was working in the new room, and named it Proving Grounds.

    I added a lot of things, for example deadly laser traps, grineers waiting for you most of the corners and entrances, the floor is lava area, firewall climbing, mini bosses, even a big bad boss with fire eyebrows. Some pictures of the course: https://imgur.com/a/4u6rZi0

    Btw anyone free to try it. Platform: PC Ign: -ForgottenPotato- (me)

    But i miss some things which i want to suggest, to be added or changed.

    So, what are my suggestions?

    -Add timed laser traps, which we can find in the Void. (We could set it's on/off period)

    -Add Rotating lasers, just like in the Void, also Rotating Floor Tiles, Cubes. (We could set the speed)

    -Add add a model of an Infested Volitale Runner .. which would explode if the player goes into it's proximity, let's say half meter or 1 meter.

    -Add Mines which would blow up, and deal a great amound of damage, also would knock back the player. (The model which was used in the raids should work)

    -Add a model of an Ancient Healer which would pull the player to itself once it's in the proximity.

    -Add Triangle Boundary Trap and Triangle Floor Tiles (Give some love to triangles will you? <3)

    -Add Trap cubes. If the player hit the top of it, it would collapse and inside there would be spikes which would kill the players.

    -Add mirrors, where the lasers would reflect from.

    -Increase the amount of capacity by 200 atleast. (Which could be tied to the clan rank, not level).

    -Add faction variants of the Floor tiles

    -Let us size the Floor Tiles, Cubes, Pillars, Wedges.

    -Faction variant target dummys (Could be selected from scanned codex entrys).

    -Add Bomb Dispensers which would drop bombs perodically. (I want to play donkey kong so hard, ty)

    That's all for now, i hope i gave some ideas or these are already in motion to be added, thanks for the time! Also if anyone have more ideas, leave them in the comments, also want to hear the opinions about these ^^. Cheers.


  3. On 2017. 11. 09. at 6:02 AM, Gabenight7 said:


    Like the idea but again I felt it could use a bit of extra love. So I did it myself from the ground up.

    The archwings should've remained after all, bad guys vs good ones / tenno vs corpus not corpus vs corpus but i still like it.

  4. Hello there fellow Tennos! Yesterday while i was thinking what to play, I found some strange "symbols" on some planets:(Pictures Below)








    Are they symbols? Just bugs? Maybe something which will come in the future? Maybe an upcoming event? Check the planets yourself, its not fake. Discuss in the comments. 

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