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Posts posted by PWNZR1337

  1. If I could change up Garuda before her release, this is what I would do.

    This isn't meant to be a diss or anything to the people who actually made Garuda, it's just an idea or maybe even a recommendation.

    Feel free to post your own ideas about this awesome looking warframe.


    1st ability -

    pounces in a chosen direction latching onto an enemy near the point of impact and slashing them reducing armor and dealing damage.

    can be used on a blood spired enemy to deal extra damage in a circle around the spire also applying the armor shred.

    power strength will affect this ability's damage and shred, while range will increase the distance of each leap.

    2nd ability -

    sacrifice 25% of your health to gain shields and a stack of your passive giving 25% additional damage with a maximum of 4 stacks.

    stacks slowly decay at a rate affected by duration.

    3rd ability -

    impale an enemy on a blood spire, immobilizing them and briefly pulling in surrounding enemies.

    if an enemy dies while on the spire, the energy cost of this ability is refunded.

    range affects both the pull radius and cast range of this ability

    4th ability -

    sacrifice all of your stacks to create a red, slashing cyclone, dealing damage to nearby enemies and healing you based on damage dealt. damage and duration increases based on number of stacks used.

    while active, garuda would gain bonuses as if she were at 1 hp.

    passive -

    garuda gains increased armor and movement speed as her health decreases

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