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Posts posted by KeGaRe

  1. my friend said his friend banned for doing nothing. Some of the case with negative platinums, or trade or w/e


    me? I don't want to touch these S#&$, I want to keep playing.. so, I don't belong to either sides I just state some bad stuff happened and maybe they found a way around idk.


    just don't like all these dramas going. I support DE for all they done to improve the game so we might as well just have fun, right?

  2. the big stuff is the bursa's RNG (for Tempo Royale), seems like going for a Vengeful Revenant for me. lol


    I had issues with:

    -spamming lockdown with no reason.

    -hacked bursa alert nearby enemies.

    -aggro will constantly F*** my stealth up with Razorback's homing missile.

    -bursa that is used to jam Razorback's defense got stuck and die instantly, or running around doing nothing.

    -DOORS are jammed shut and cannot be unlocked after beating the boss, no lockdowns active, no bursas around. It forces me to abort.


    everything else, would be an issue of survivability. Meaning that we limit our own arsenal of weapons and frames to be able to survive and leave the rest to our smart Bursa buddy ^^


    Edit: I run another one and I find a hilarious bug where Razorback suddenly killed himself. Also I gotta say the AI of the bursa is messed up sometimes, especially Isolator bursa.. these guys stomp at Razorback whom replies with another stomp.. so it's a long loop of stupid stomping. Also with other bursa like Drove, sometimes he shoots at thin air, do nothing and die. Same thing happened with "Denial" bursa xD


    truly lame to see the boss down after a long repeated cycle of "quality" time spending run around hacking bursa to dance around like a headless chicken xD



    -make the boss hp drain much faster by prolonging the vulnerable time.

    -fix some issue with hacked bursa.

    -fix some issue I stated above.

    -make the boss vulnerable to certain elemental proc?

  3. -Archlightning sphere:


    Volt creates multiple sphere of lightning singularities that will expand in size and clash with another singularities, he then stacks huge amounts of electricity damage and gain temporal invicibility while inside the sphere. Power str affects singularities damage and clashing damage. Duration affects how long they lasts. Range affects the radius of each singularities and the max proximity accessible to his spheres. Enemies that stuck within the spheres will suffer electric DoT and then implodes and dealt high electricity damage after 2 or more singularities meet, damage stackable to each other spheres.


    lol, I'm thinking about that.

  4. Silence is terrible, even with Savage Silence. More damage on finishers is meaningless because they already 1 shot everything.


    How about a whole new ability.


    Cacaphony - Amplifies sounds in a large area. Weapons that cause sound are so amplified that enemies in the zone take damage.


    That would mean the more enemies caught in the zone firing weapons, the more damage they all take.


    Your new ability idea seems.. redundant to her sonar, it will then do a huge damage amplification that Banshee will lost one of her defensive skill that is Silence. I can't agree about it, cause it will narrow down playstyle and diversity all in one go.. I'm gonna say finisher damage is not meaningless at all, since the numbers are real and many frames or melee weapons benefit from it, even if you say heck it and go meta with your one-shot weapon, the augment is great if you really need it. Also silence really supports stealth playstyle, all we need is just some work with the re-stun duration and frequency.


    ^ silence is an aoe stun zone that can restun an indefinite number of times.


    try it again without range mods


    ^ true. The re-stun is not meaningless at all. in fact it would be more useful if power str scales towards how long the enemy will stay in "stun" animation or how often it does. That would be more of a nice buff for me. 

  5. her ability is already great it's just need a little bit buff to increase her flexibility against any given situation.. on your note I got a few correction to give.


    -Sonic Boom: 90% accuracy reduction cap is ridiculous, 30%-50% is already great besides, the augment has done it's job well and making this skill so much more useful. Change the hitbox to a circle shape like her ult would help alot though.. I agree on the range increase, but max 10-15m is sufficient with a circle shape hitbox.


    -Sonar: an already good skill that I seem to have no problem with. especially with Resonance augment. The increase in multiplier is near-to-no-use as Nova and banshee pretty much has different approach (Banshee affects crit, meanwhile Nova affects raw damage) and will make the skill rise beyond the OP category. Your augment idea is pretty much losing it's definition, the "aim & cast" pretty much redundant to Resonance, I know you meant it for VIP target as it only affects first target but hey why don't make it a run around? using sonic boom to proc armor reduction and start shooting is a thing.. you know. Also while it's good to have every single thing on the universe hitting a nice weak-spot, I might sum up all your problem in one solution. Make the skill hit all parts of the body, rescale the damage modifier. But all I can say this ability has no weak points whatsoever.


    -Silence: one of my favorite honestly, especially with Savage Silence aug. The numbers doesn't matter, Range needs to be increased, I agree. The synergy with Sonic Boom is great and it maybe not so hard to "Code" as there is a lot of multipliers around. Savage Silence gives 300% finisher damage multiplier mind you. make a melee damage multiplier is another thing but I'd have to replace your sonic boom accuracy debuff to this skill.

    make it a nice disabling skill that works great as a defensive skill too. I should say no to encourage low weapons or low frames at all, this skill works sophisticatedly and with delicate usage it should work with any kind of party composition you have.


    -Sound Quake: increase in range and casting speed, no need to increase damage at all, reduce the tick between damage to 0,5 seconds (should I say, Stagger time). I'd say, add properties to deflect projectiles while the skill is active.


    No need to decrease her stat. And I'd say make 1 of the augment skill to be innate and change 1 of the augment to her 4th skill. She's kinda tricky to build if you want the most out of but is really worth it.

  6. I have an idea of making it like we have a goal on the mission. Say we need to get from point A to point B fast because the ship is decompressing or something.. and enemies will spawn faster each time we get near to the extraction point so we don't feel sleepy when we do survival mission (which I personally do) cause we are literally just camp or running around randomly and picking up LS, for hours and endless hours of real world time..


    it is one of the mission that I can literally set WoF and left the game to sleep, lol. But yeah for the time being maybe the most possible change is to raise difficulty of the LS drop, make LS drop from certain specific enemies? (like power carrier from excav, but stronger and bigger). Make it faster also an option maybe 1 second of real time to 2 or 3 seconds of mission time? 


    overall I respect the changes that you guys bring it's a change towards a better but my suggestion might be able to be implemented as well as other brilliant ideas that people have stated here too. Good luck DE!

  7. Share your knowledge instead. Do I get tired of carrying low level players who bring mk 1 weaponry to a Sortie? Of course I do but at least it's a challenge. In yesterday's one there was a guy with a Loki Prime who built his "Disarm" build with Narrow Minded. That's cos he doesn't know any better. After bringing my own Loki to the next mission and showing him how to play it, I then gave him my build upon finishing the mission.

    Hopefully that person will use the knowledge they gained however I did see them asking on Recruit chat LF LoR... The point however is that even if they don't learn from it, I've given them a chance to improve their gameplay. If I Rage, insult them or refuse to play with them, they won't get any better and continue to bumbke through the game. I'd rather help them improve.

    The outright abusive ones are rare and best ignored. I revived a guy 4 times who was spamming EV even though we didn't need it. I suggested he use Bless to keep his health up and received a torrent of abuse about telling him how to play etc. I told him I won't revive him next time and the others agreed. He proceeds to tell me he doesn't care etc and promptly gets dropped. Then abuses us once because we didn't revive and Rage quits. The same idiot was trying to rip off new players in trade chat so I know he's a really wholesome individual.


    the EV thing is deep bro lol, yeah while I understand that huge wall barrier at lower level (I felt that myself), I'd think I'm a bit lucky to have a friend who has played longer and pretty much knows everything about the game to help me understand things and doing stuff that I could not believe I'd done without help.


    and yeah the problem here is to Listen. If you stuck on a dead-end and don't know what to do stuff just Ask, preferrably clan mates or close friend (region chat.. duh) the whole thing when people tells other to do exactly how they want to do, is downright abusive and deterrant. I found myself backlashing at most of people like that by just simply saying "I know what I'm doing.".


    that aside, I agree that we should give a decent amount of help to the new players, lost players.. but as well giving them full authority to learn themselves and to improve themselves so you don't stick to other's back all the time.. which is mostly an attitude thing. 

  8. I'm joining in!

    as I love archwing since it first came out..


    I have seen so many brilliant ideas here from you guys and I'd say I'm all interested with it. My little idea here is simple, we have a big map at the first of the archwing mission right? that one with asteroids.. 


    I want to see actual grineer or corpus ship to be an objective as we blaze through the space and shooting them down or some kind of infiltration mission with some interception that will spawn from the enemies mothership (I know I have too much gundam influence..)

    the mechanism will have us to take control of the surrounding airspace to seize victory. 

  9. Radiant Finish having more purpose is something that I approve of. A change similar to what I proposed would make that mod so much more worth it.


    indeed, it is the most useful mod in conjunction with EB cause people can disable and still deal high damage with EB, even with lower str.. it will help people aim blinded enemies and hit em, rather than be the blinded person and hit thin air.. lol

  10. Firstly, calm your t*ts everyone. Whenever someone hears about something akin to a "nerf" they immediately think it's a very bad and hateful thing. A change can be a very good thing, if it makes you take positive measures in your gameplay.


    Secondly. this is not a nerf, as the damage you do is not decreased. It's just a way to make you use something other than spamming the first combo on Exalted Blade. I mean, as it is now, why wouldn't you use it?


    You may think that attacking empty air is cool just because you can, but that is like firing your weapon non-stop during a mission because it has infinite ammo, right? Wrong, that is not good at all, it promotes degenerate gameplay.


    Even if it's changed to energy drain per attack like Ivara, people still spamming thin air xD


    well at least that could've helped a bit, helping people to actually hit enemies and please, am I the only one using radiant finish? @@

    it's a good mod and it's really useful for the team especially with high dur and range.. alright, that aside. yes we can use some buff like.. faster animation of slash n dash? and yeah changing the mechanism of EB, just like some ppl stated here. could be a start.

  11. I'd like to see extractors receive a buff to the resources it collects, just cant seem to get enough plastids and nano if you run multiple raids each day. Be nice if we could plant our dojo/mothership on a planet like the current invasions giving the clan members a chance to get a bigger increase in resources etc. Would also engage more the clan members as a whole i believe. Almost like dark sectors but against the factions :)


    would be a good idea if it's just a simple increased amounts of resources it collects.. but idk much about clan solar rail I do not own one in my clan and well I might stick to my personal extractor.. or stick to dark sector missions who has boost on it :/


    Nice... another one trying to ruin another system by bloating it's drop table....


    Resource Extractors are already badly worth it, no way I want DE touching them, specially to add more loot.


    I don't want to take note if I would ruin the other systems drop table. no. A simple different loot mechanics, as it is whole different systems.. one is a drop you get in missions and one you can collect outside of the missions.


    all I ever gladly ask is just simple boost of the resource gained, not a bling bling kind of stuff, or even is there a point of them being in the game?

    just wondering

  12. theres little problem, either they are useless and people dont visit these places or they are unique in something and people farm them nonstop (hello draco), Simply allowing to get boss or move to next planet after finishing 80% of previous planet, make some chain quest that would send you to less visited places (not second dream, something like sorties: hey do you remember sergeant on mars ? he has some special info in his computer so if you can visit this spy mission and get all 3 intact) if you toyed with that for a while you could even think of some good reward for high gear players so they would visit old nodes too, also make alerts more often or something like random missions (anyone played wow ? random dungeon finder ?) you simply click on button random and it will send you to any mission (maybe preferring unlocked but not completed nodes)


    Agree with you, actually a randomizers on navigation is a nice idea, but we have alert missions already.. Alert missions spawns random maps, and it's pretty good if you ask me, it's just the rewards we get that sometimes high level players or even low levels don't find most of it interesting as they only gives low amount of credits. Randomizers can actually work with that manner so we can complete uncompleted missions, which is good.


    but another thing to note is the rewards. Spy is good enough as it give some decent mods and good ol' void keys if you really do it, excav are also good if you really want to work harder, survival? mostly forgotten unless it's void or dark sector. Deception? (hello Albedo, Ker) Sabotage? hmm this one is fast but rewards are meh, except void ofc.. exterminate? most likely another invasion type favorite :x. Defense? hmm dark sector. Interception? sounds familiar..


    I dig that all these types of mission has it's own "specialization" on specific planets or dark sector or alerts. Some of these have actually good rewards and some are nearly forgotten. But the main problem is how stuff like R5 cores or some good mods can really drop in these nodes so most people will do more variety of mission over constant spread around a planet than doing 1 node constantly.. eh, I guess it's behaviour? but idk if some change can be done, either with alerts or the whole randomizer idea.. while improve the reward value of these random mods! :3 

  13. idk if this stuff has even touched or anyone even bothered, but yeah guys we need this stuff to really do it's job to replace hours of farming or even give us something that we can't get with the loot, thoughts?


    for me, the idea is good but the rewards is some kind of a measly side dish than what it's actually is (a huge extractor). So I want this system to actually give rare resources give better amounts, or maybe even rare mods? sure let's mix it with common stuff but would it be rewarding to see a rare mod dropped from these thing? 


    so what's your thought?

  14. So, as the title speaks.. I've been a type to explore the nodes of each planet if I ever get bored of routines of leveling ranks and forma and grind for stuff to craft at certain planets. So, I often do these random missions that people are overlooking like spies, deceptions, random survival, and many more.. 


    Thing is I did some spies to earn good keys and mods, excav, survival or deception or even exterminate just to mess around and see the rewards. It turns out lately some rewards might have been dropped in quality before the U18 kicks in. Idk about it but guys you be the judge and I want to share opinion with you on how to really improve hundreds of untouched nodes to attract people and to make it something rewarding just to dip inside..


    That, could also help our lazy fellow tenno to unlock nodes themselves and stop looking for a friggin taxi, every damn single time :D please, I want the rewards to scale well, for most of the untouched nodes there are rarely anything to look into other than some random stalker hunt party or zanuka or whatever.


    I want to see people dip into these nodes and see different stuff inside, even at the slightest difference.. so y'all can have fun in every random &#! nodes that has huge potential but remained unraveled. (sharkwings anyone?)

  15. The RNG is real, I always get duplicates.

    Sortie is repeating the same mistake the daily reward did.

    And Token crafting is not going to help. Sorry DE, but you're not doing a great job here.

    And please no daily reward system here because the trading channel is going to take a major blow.


    how can daily reward system give a major blow to trading channel?? in any way? care to elaborate?

    while I agree the checkboxes helps, but it still have a major problem (and since it's RNG). So here's my idea to solve it all the "unsatisfying rewards" we've been getting.


    maybe a wild idea.. But why don't we fight the boss that actually represents the set of sortie that took place? example: defeat Kela de thaym forces. Why don't we fight her at the end? making it a final boss 4-man raid kind of thing, with short map and modified battle. and give unique loot in form of a weapon parts, and we'd need to craft the parts to craft the weapon. It helps with the gruesome RNG that it should be placed separately from the sortie rewards while keeping it unique and a worthwhile to get?

  16. I guess remove Nezha from the rewards list, nobody is even want him anymore.. or probably new players already got him idk, he's not selling and just sitting there on my inventory just to oblige people that haven't got him and I would be able to supply...


    so I guess, remove him :3

  17. all I can sum is.. The concept version actually has more fabric or soft feeling to the dress, and basically it's down to the area of the belly which someone's already stating it that the 3D version have some "belly piece".


    let's take a look at our syandana, especially Udyat or that nelumbo /bombyx/ foxglove or w/e.. look how silky they are.. Maybe my Idea would to make these silky and shiny looking syandana as the piece of the dress so it can shape up the body so it'll look more skinnier.


    as for the colours I dig the plain matte colors of the concept one, I really want them to keep it that way or, at least making some kind of shading to the dress like what they done to Saryn's orchid skin (which in my opinion are really awesome).


    idk about the arms but it's look disproportioned, especially the black one. maybe they make it so that we can still attach shoulder piece but I wouldn't know.. maybe it's better to make it a shoulder piece and make it a little bit up in Y axis.. also her white strip thing on the other arm is kinda confusing too, maybe it's just the coloring idk it looks out of place.


    the head part is kinda off I think the face features, I dig it. But the I don't get the round antenna-like thing poked from her forehead it's like shaping the head rounder.. I get how it will look more sensual if the line stretches outward and make a "V" shape than a "O" shape but the part of the upper head to the back that looks like weird hair thing, kinda looks Corpus-y.. The headphone it looks great but it kinda rounds up thing a little bit more if not, so in overall it needs some working (at this time I kinda see Ultraman..) xD


    and then we look at her back profile, it looks like she have a bit muscle to show around the neck and shoulder area and it's not a bad thing, really. The bottom area which is the sexy butt area in my opinion needs more of a profiling and needs tighter section to it, you see that is a "V" shaped bottom of the dress, I expect a more flat end like the actual chinese dress or something.. But again, the material of the dress on the concept art looks like a real silk dress packed tight to a body, now what we actually see is an armor that looks like a dress that shows muscle profile.. while I don't know if it breaks the rule of a warframe if they had worn actual fabric material on top of their armor (exoskeleton) body.


    so, long story short, I do like the model but I just don't seem to be a fan of roundy lines, and the 3D model accentuates more of it so people might see her gain weight or might be losing some height, idk. I do prefer more sharp lines and I'd yet to see actual fabric model like the syandana to be a piece of cloth that actually covers a warframe.. let's hope it happens.

  18. these kind of people exist in alot of other games believe me. And yeah I don't mind leech as long as they know how it works and don't break the mission, that's my self-limit. For the only thing I know people can leech off is Draco (the most popular one). And I don't mind leech as I'm leeching too for re-leveling frames and weapons and such, and it's even more better if people can switch roles and not sitting there all day complaining to the other guy to stay and help him level (happen to me once). 


    Alright.. so in all I'm a guy who reach MR 16 in only 3 months, thanks, many thanks to my best ever friend who taught me and carry me up through missions and make my way up fast by learning everything in the game while also leaving me the space to improve and do my part well, carry my own soul to the end of the mission.


    And yeah I'm not a fan of a low rank guy trying to act big or talk big who doesn't prove anything (which is quite common encounter on sorties in my personal experiences), and also the high MR guy who is probably just grinding their lives off Draco and get all weapons and stuff without exactly knowing what it could do and ruining the hell out of a SPY mission with a stealth Loki, and proceeds to immediately leave me and my friend on a mission failed screen without words (which is happening to me too).. Such thing is common.. and there is nothing that can really solve the problem but to stay off random or they decide to make a Level Barrier (rate of weapons / frame ranks) which is idk, sounds kinda... 

  19. that's what I noticed too, FC yields lower, enemies buffed and in much more density.


    I tested some of the survival map of the same tier, on Neptune, Despina.


    it's used to give like 5-15 FC up to 20 mins mark, but now it's nothing left there. tested everything up to higher tier and everything still gave same results. AND yes we get steel fiber, yep, steel fiber.


    I really appreciate if they would not touch some other missions other than excav but it turns out no.. even regular anonymous missions that rarely people do it unless for some, are getting (nerfed) somehow.. it's kind of dissapointing though, and well I guess I should cry at my fusion cores now while having no place to go for it, other than wasting time around hieracon or triton. y'know, gotta get all these steel fibers! xD

  20. it's happening to me too, using mirage, trinity and ember. they are all immediately glitched into casting animation of a skill activated just before the shot.. exactly like the video.


    I don't have problems with other secondaries tho, only Twin Grakata and Dual Cestra, haven't tried another weapons tho it's kind of disturbing and annoying cause it jammed the weapons firing..

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