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Posts posted by (PSN)Bosnia_Akhalar

  1. 5 minutes ago, DatDarkOne said:

    I refuse to laugh at this because I know for a fact that Karma can be a cruel mistress.  I do hope that things get resolved in time for you to enjoy the update as it's released.  Good luck fellow Tenno. 

    oh, did you play dragon dogma dark arisen on x360 ? your name is so familiar

  2. 1 hour ago, (PS4)Regiampiero said:

    About you just explain what you're talking about instead? 


    30 minutes ago, HerpDerpy said:

    oh excuse me guys while I do waste 8 hours of my life so I can understand the thread... smh


    he just said he rage because of ... nothing, and all of this thread is nonsense too. that's all what I understand. SAO is silly concept, perhaps it is what he want to say, just silly.

  3. If you nerf Symulor, then people will use Tonkor. Nerf Tonkor, people use Secura Penta, Vaykor Hek, nerf Tonkor, Hek... people use Quanta ... How many weapons do you want DE nerf ? I see a simple solution, create new OP weapon and make enemy very easy to be killed by no-forma weapons, and immediatly people will focus on new thing. No one wants to nerf old weapons anymore. An example : Tigris. Do you still see people cry about Santi Tigris ?

  4. i don't see people use Atlas anymore, because he is no useful in any mission type. Exterminate : nope ( people use ember, volt, saryn ... ) , Survival ? Nope ( you can try Nekros, Saryn, Banshee, ... ) , Spy ? huehuehue ( loki, ivara is your only choice )...Rescue, sabotage ... mission : nope ( Vauban, Limbo, Loki ... do it better ).

  5. 1 hour ago, DON97801 said:

    So far i am questioned, i am almost a leader of a clan, almost, if i am a leader, and if someone ignores me and starts abusing the chat while i don't know it cause that person ignored me, will i be still able to see what they say on the clan chat? Even though they ignored me?

    if your clan member ignored you, you should kick him immediately. report him to other leaders the guy who disrespect you, report him to other clans in your alliance to let them know your alliance is not welcome him anymore. don't care about what he can see, or what you can see, just kick him out and put his name on your "black list website"

  6. 10 hours ago, ShadowSquid96 said:

    And yes, I am aware of the "you can form a party" or "you can always solo it" ideas. I've been there. But this is a game built around working with others, so why should we be discouraged from doing just that?

    maybe you can try to go to the "friendly fire" mission and kill all your team mates asap, before they can do that to you ? :laugh: by doing that, you can avoid being killed and run out revive.

  7. 2 hours ago, Minion135 said:

    I don't get why you would do min duration anymore. Kill the EV target, bam insta-energy. No need to gimp all other abilities just for quicker regen on energy when you can already get it instantly by killing targets.

    EV target is not always near EV to kill. Some time, example, in phase 1 stage 2 LOR ( stand on pads to unlock the door ), EV bring energy to the team while standing. Also in some missions, EV can't kill target fast enough if not bring Tigris prime. Some mission, EV uses spell to deal damage to enemy faster than shooting ( Sentient ) ... just some examples.


    I use hybrid Trinity ( max duration, some range, some power strength ), I see it is not easy to kill target fast in Sortie 3 Eximus ( or Enemy Armor Enhance )

    1 hour ago, The_Madman_of_Chaos said:

    Really, play the game how you want. High end, min-max modding is not for everyone, every mission, or every frame. If you are having fun, and not dying once a minute(Unless you have some sort of "Beyond the Grave" build with long bleed out time and high damage boost...) then you'll be doing fine.

    oh yeah, waste 1 team slot for a frame can't help to do mission. just like Eximus Sortie, if the team doesnt have 1 EV, then others will burn a lot of enery pads. I'm sick of those players still try to have fun while ruining other's fun.

  8. How about " Green " potato ? We can equip it on frame or weapon, compatible with both, but cost 30p in market, or a blueprint ( cost 10p ) to craft. this blueprint needs 1 built regular potato. DE will have plat when people buy it ( blueprint or built ). People will still buy regular potato because it's cheaper, and who have a lot potaoes from alerts..., will buy blueprint of special potato to "convert" the type to "Green ".

    In the end, DE still have money from players.

  9. 21 minutes ago, Phoenixriderx said:

    So nightmare mods are on and we have a "friendly fire on" mode. How do we deal with a player who is doing nothing but killing his own team mates then teabaging them? 

    return the favor. I always do this :laugh: I remembered in battlefield 3, some team mates killed me to steal my helicopter, then I used a tank and destroyed all tanks, heli, ... in that match.

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