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Posts posted by Morgul

  1. Killed 3 kuva liches, my short feedback.

    Relic/mods farming - its not that bad, at least we get kuva. Gold reward should be build weapon exlius.

    Blood stains looks really bad (quality) and sometimes its hard to say if the mission is occupied by kuva lich.

    KUVA LARVLING - this should be 24h alert type mission, not rng (even if chances are high). Its very daunting when he not spawn, and at some point players would prefer to avoid this system.

    Farming murmur? - its painful, my main issue is that we do missions that gives no rewads (only trash). Thralls should drop something extra to justify this grind, and it should be shorter. It takes too much missions to reveal one mod. I like grind (2k+ h in wf) but thats not fun.

    Killing kuva liche - if we dont know mods, its pointless. Liche lvl should add something to the weapon - little dmg buff, bigger mag, anything. When we know all 3 mods, there should be 100% chance to spawn liche regardless of his "enrage meter" . (because the feeling of running pointless missions now is stronger - we know all mods so murmur is useless)

    RNG - imo first time there should be greater chance of getting every weapon (just for mr), then completely random, for min-maxers that wanna farm those weapons for best stats.

    My main issue is the time it takes to kill one kuva liche - its one looong grind whitout any rewards along the way, just one weapon at the end. Shortening it would help a lot, you could add timer on kuva larvling to balance it a bit.

  2. I like nightwave, the rewards are ok (armor/umbra). For the last year (except forutna release) i was just log in -> log out, now i logi in->do some nightwave challenges->log out.. Even in my dead clan some people started playing again, and once a week we did nightwave together.

    I fought wolf few times, 3x today on hydron while lvling saryn/kitgun and dont understand why people saying that hes too tanky. In 4 random group he always died in ~3min If you have weapon that can kill stuff hes not a problem. Ofc hes way harder than stalker.. 3sec vs 3min, but stalker is just a sad joke.

  3. Na taki styl gry nigdy nie jest dobry moment. Wybierając bounty określasz cel misji i nie jest nim bycie 500m z tyłu i kopanie skałek. Nie rozumiem tu zdziwienia Jacobussa, że ludzie reagują na niego negatywnie gdy gra w sposób samolubny. Zdarza mi się trafić, na szczęście bardzo rzadko, na takich graczy i nie jest to sympatyczne uczucie, gdy odwalasz całą robotę za kogoś. Jak ktoś chce sobie pokopać/połowić to idzie się na poe z kolegami, albo na free roam lub bounty solo.

    Sytuacja z kuva wygląda na problem z komunikacją, albo przebieg gry wyglądał troszkę inaczej. Bo to normalne na kuvie, że robi się cel misji i kuve jednocześnie. Nigdy nie widziałem, żeby ktokolwiek miał z tym problem.


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