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Posts posted by Deus_Mortuus

  1. 38 minutes ago, Ayase.Eli said:

    Warframe0354.jpgUsed the right combination of Requiems, killed the Lich multiple times, and each time he has still taken his 'tithe.' While returning to the orbiter after the mission, I am unable to move, interact, or pull up menus. 

    Restarting the game shows that the Kuva Lich still persists as if nothing happened.


    1 hour ago, azurFox said:

    with both the latest hotfix ( and the one before I'm unable to convert the Lich, even though I got the combination right. I get the short ingame video with something "friend now", but after extraction he still steals things! And back in my orbiter my interface freezes... after killing the game and restarting he is still there...

    /edit: I did not try to kill him, as I don´t want to. So I don´t know if that would work. (And yes, as you can see I was extremly lucky with the order of the Requims. Or is that some kind of bug?)


    I assume the two of you are having the same issue I am: upon attempting to kill or convert the Lich, it gives the appropriate message, then goes straight back to being an enemy. Upon testing further, I noticed after missions that it was giving me the "<LICHNAME> Vanquished/Converted" message with the wrong Lich's name: one I'd already killed in the past instead of the one I was supposed to be fighting.


  2. Just now, Venom said:

    So have you managed to find a fix for it ?

    I haven't. I've tried killing and converting, in solo and in public matchmaking, repeatedly. At this point, I can't think of anything else to do but report it here and hope of the best.

  3. I've had the same issue with having all three correct mods and not being able to kill the Lich. After some testing, I've finally realised what's happening: it gives me a message that I've vanquished my previous Lich again, instead of the current one.


  4. Not really sure how much constitutes one entry, but this propaganda piece consists of a poster and a pamphlet.

    Alad V is hoping to enrapture the voting public this coming year.



    Again, I'm not certain as to the correct way to link a PDF on these fora. I hope a Dropbox link won't get me banned.



    Edit: The supremely magnanimous Alad V also deigns to advertise in a long-dead language using obsolote Latin characters.


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