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Posts posted by Batsssa

  1. The reward system of the fissures seems totally broken after the 11th hotfix of Sotr. Just before it you would not get the same choices than your team after the 1st run you made together and had to regroup each time to get it right, Now we still have this bug and also a better one: not getting the reward that you chose at the end. It happened twice in a row for me, 1st time i chosed a Saryn prime bp and i got a lex prime barrel instead and the 2nd was a Trinity prime bp and i received a forma bp. The bug where everybody in the party has to chose between totally different items is annoying but the other where you don't even get what you chose is just terrible. I hope it gets addressed soon since it removes the whole point of enhancing the relic with traces. Thanks for your time and have a nice day.

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