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Posts posted by Ms_Strangelove

  1. 9 hours ago, [DE]Taylor said:

    Hey Tenno!

    Sorry for the delay in a reply on this matter. We're running with a smaller crew this holiday season, and there's a lot to handle today!

    Let's get to it: The requirements for the Hema are intentional.

    This burst-fire Infested rifle offers a unique mechanic, and with the ability to absorb health and ammo from enemies it adds a new level of variety to your Arsenal. The Resource costs, the Mutagen Samples in particular, are set to encourage Clan participation and collaboration in investing for this new weapon. It is clear to us you are eager in doing so in the most efficient manner possible, so let’s break it down: 

    To meet the Mutagen Sample requirement, each Clan member would need to contribute 500 samples. Depending on what kind of squad you run with, the requirements can be met after running a few Orokin Derelict Defense missions (especially if you have a few Nekros’ to help). Many of you may already have the required samples, if not more, already in your inventory.

    Ultimately, Clan research is meant to take cooperation and effort. It won’t necessarily be something that can be done with resources you have lying around already. Although we do not intend to make any changes, we appreciate constructive and respectful feedback. 

    PLease DE stop killing your game! Stop doing everything for hating you! What's wrong with your brigh thoughts and creativity? Where's your: "Hey, Tenno! Thats was jocke!"?
    Why so grindy?

  2. My english is bad, but I'll try to explain my bug.


    Well, I wanted to play this quest at projector and I'm started 1th mission for setting colors at projector and setting mouse. It's taked ~15 min or more and my mission was failed, (I din't know about this scripts), so I was try again this mission, but Lotus said comething about Teshin and I had seen that my 1th mission completed and I need to folow Teshin!
    Please give me chance to play my 1th mission! :(


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