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Posts posted by Ohmage

  1. Still no fix for broken reload cancelling. This actually affects all guns but is most obvious on the Vectis / Tigris. You now have to wait out the fire rate delay before the reload starts, where you used to be able to initiate the reload manually and cancel the fire rate delay (if the magazine was empty). It plays the reloading sound when you try to cancel now, but the reload doesn't actually happen.

  2. 4 hours ago, Loxyen said:

    You forgot to mention that the Vectis not only became a dmg nerf, but you guys also killed the reload cancel + added an extra reload time punishment if you still try to reload cancel it..... thanks that was really unnecessary :/

    Yep, just did an Alert and the very first thing I noticed was that my Vectis Prime with Depleted Reload - my favorite gun - has been wrecked. That thing was a blast to use with the reload cancelling, felt a lot like the Alien Swarm railgun. DE why, it isn't even OP and definitely didn't need a nerf :-(

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