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Posts posted by GOMiCHO

  1. Farming his parts is such a pain. So far, everything just leaves on the first round or the machines get destroyed. I only managed to finish one game of 3-4 rotations, all we got were 80 endo. So, I made 0% progress on collecting his parts the past 4 hours.

    Cmon DE, I just wanna open the door ;(

  2. So excited. Valkyr was one of the first frames I used since the beginning of the game.
    I got 200-300 platinum from a gift card when starting the game, I didn't like any of the starters so I bought Valkyr because I fell in love with her design, abilities, lore and specialty with melee.

    I never regretted that choice, she carried me so far throughout the game. I still used her a lot even after I got different frames.

    I've been waiting for this moment for so long, getting prime access just for this moment. The hype train is real.
    You're the best DE :^) :heart:

  3. The game is balanced to be a Free to Play game, it's more beneficial to just farm the Frames instead of out-right buying it with Platinum (Real money). You're encouraged to work for stronger Frames/Weapons, since you can't directly buy them with Platinum.

    While Platinum itself is currency bought with real money, you can just as easily get Platinum by trading your rare items for it, without spending a dime.

    Plus, the community is pretty great, you form bonds with Clan members, work with others to finish quest, etc. It's simple and fun, with new content being constantly added to the game (Umbras and new Frames/Weapons being added in the future).

  4. Implementing Umbra Warframes into the game sounds interesting, would really make frames more diverse for the players' play style.
    Really hope they don't make Excalibur Umbra an exclusive deal like Excalibur Prime when it gets released globally.

    Nonetheless, I'm pretty excited for this :)

  5.  file:///C:/Users/User/Desktop/Untitled-4.jpg : <<link to image>>

    Sorry but i dont know how to put in an image so it's "psychic Nyx". Hope you like!

    We can't see the picture, that's a path to your computer files (You're using the wrong type of link).

    Try uploading the picture onto the internet somewhere like Tinypic, and use the website link in the comment on your post link:

    [ img] <<Insert Link Here>> [/img ] (Remove the spaces).

    Why is she wearing a bear dragon beanie you may ask? Well like, Valkyr is a Berserker, and bears and dragons are wild and berserk or something... (Too lazy to think of a clever pun, [iNSERT CLEVER PUN HERE]).

    Side Note: Yea I know, I messed up her name in the pic. And yes, I drew the hat myself. Took me a while to make it, so show some love :')

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