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Posts posted by juggalonumber27

  1. lol, awesome! So it wasn't just me. 

    I'm not sure how DE is going to be able to fix this without changing the way AI works and how things render off screen. Also not sure how they'll be able to do that without drastic performance hits. I have faith tho! :D 

  2. During a Plains run, I came across a random event to guard a drone. During this time, the drone went in the opposite direction of the map marker and then got stuck. I stood at the stuck point for a good 15-20 minutes and Grineer spawned the whole time. I figured it was broke and moved on. While I was gone, Lotus kept saying reinforcements were coming, over and over again.

    After about 45 minutes of running around the Plains, I came back because the drone was still alive. When I got back in the area..... well.... 

    I was greeted by an army

    I'm assuming this was caused by the way the game treats things off screen. Like to help with rendering, if things aren't in eye shot, they "don't exist", so when I ran away from the area, the script for the reinforcements stayed running, but because they weren't in eyeshot, their ai was disabled? so, they just piled up. Thats my guess. 

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