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Posts posted by LadyFuzztail

  1. Just now, magusat999 said:

    How long have you been playing? Exalted Blade is what put him on the map. It seems like DE thinks giving him a good power TEMPORARILY is going to make people want to play him again. before his initial re-work, before Exalted Blade - NOBODY was playing Excal - he was voted the most useless frame over ad over again. nobody cares about that "he is supposed to be melee" bull - a knife throw is still considered melee. Also, this frame is EXCALIBUR, not Rodney the sword guy. Remember who Excalibur is in fairy tales? He isn't a normal person, and neither should this Warframe be. In any case, he is going back in the dustbin where he was before DE gave us all this false hope, so toodles to you and your happiness with it.

    At endgame, CC presides over damage, and Excal excels at CC.

  2. My thoughts on the update.

    Polarize was never meant to be a damaging ability, it was supposed to be used as a way to quickly get shields back when you're surrounded by enemies and taking heavy damage. In fact this ability just got a lot more useful, since it can also be used to restore nearby players' shields.

    Magnetize (Bullet Attractor) got a lot more powerful, not only was the damage multiplier buffed, but it can also deal DoT to nearby enemies.

    The other two abilities did the job back then, and it still does its job now, only Pull has the added benefit of generating energy orbs.

    Excalibur has always been used as an OP turret frame, and with how draining abilities work, it is entirely possible to make it so that Excal can last practically forever on a single energy pool spamming EB. Forcing him to get close is a good move, though tweaking the base damage at melee range to be higher would round this out very nicely.

    It never made sense for Trinity's Blessing or Mirage's Blind to have the reach that it does before the update. Get off your crutches and actually play the game.

    The one criticism I agree with is Valkyr's Hysteria, but it isn't because of its nerf, it's because it never was a well-thought out ability to begin with. If you want to design an ability around berzerking, the ability has to reward the player for reckless hyperaggressive play and punish those for playing more carefully. I'll say this though, if you're playing as a Valkyr, and you NEED Hysteria to survive, then you aren't really a great player to begin with. I personally have rarely ever used Hysteria on my Valkyr, even when things start to get hectic, simply because her ridiculous armor makes a Rage+Lifestrike synergy work really well for her.

  3. I think the issue here that people are complaining about is the number of possible drops per tower key. A typical Survival/Defense/Interception mission will take 20-30 mins for 20 Waves/Mins or 4 interceptions and will reward 2 rotation A rewards, and 1 from Rotation B and C, and if the rewards aren't satisfactory, players could always stay in longer for a higher risk, but a higher chance of better rewards. That means that there is a potential for one Survival, Defense or Interception key going very very far when it comes to farming. Sabotage is somewhere in the middle, where you are given 1-4 chances of getting a drop you want per key. The other mission types, on the other hand are pretty woeful in terms of potential rewards, as you have one chance, and one chance only per key to get the item you want. Mobile Defense is the worst of the lot, because there is no way to push the run time down to sub 5 mins, and at the end of it, there is only one void drop possible.


    Now this wouldn't be so much of an issue if the Key drop amount from the reward tables were adjusted to reflect on that, with Survival/Defense/Intermission keys being the rarest, followed by Sabotage, and then the rest of the keys being much more common. However, from my experience, you seem to collect tower keys for each mission type at about an even rate. This results in a net chance for a desired void drop to happen, if you were to burn through all of your collected keys in a weekend, to be heavily skewed towards the Defense/Survival/Interception missions.


    As for Mobile Defense void missions, I have a few suggestions.

    - Change the failure condition to "ALL Orokin Consoles destroyed" instead of just one.

    - Have each successful hack net one void drop each.

    - Increase the hacking time for each console to 3:00

    - Have the remaining health of each console upon each successful hack contribute to a better chance of a rarer drop.


    As for Exterminate, I think a multi-stage system with different nightmare modes attached would make it more interesting something like :

    - Stage 1 : Time Limit Mode

    - Stage 2 : Vampire Mode

    - Stage 3 : Eximus Stronghold

    - Stage 4 : No Shield Mode

    After each stage, players can choose to extract or teleport to another floor to keep exterminating. Every stage will net a reward.


    Void capture should have more than one target.

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