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Posts posted by Myrvair

  1. In general, I find the addition of command and crewmembers a really good one. It has a far fewer problems than avionics/railjack performance rework. A few things I'd like to see/have issue with.

    • I am unable to manage my crew from the orbiter's panel or the inside of the railjack itself. Having to go to the dry dock whenever I want to change something is bothersome.
    • The role that I hoped the most for my crew was someone to crew the tunguska/forward artillery cannon. Having a crew member sit there and start charging/firing the cannon on helm's command would be wonderful (could be achieved by allowing people manning helm/turrets etc to mark things they see in space, a feature that I lack and which would be wonderful in general)
    • I should underline and reiterate. Let us please waypoint/mark things in space when we man various 'facilities'. Both to command the crew (ordering focused turrent fire, aiming tunguska cannon at a crewship, flying in particular direction) and simply mark points of interest.
    • Ability to approach and interact (actively, through pressing a key) with crewmembers walking around. A few very short voicelines, from at least simple "Sir" to lines depending on their personality, faction and assigned role on the ship if DE would feel more ambitious (gunners making comments about armaments, engineers wondering about supplies for omnitool repairs etc).
    • Maybe even such crewmembers could replace animations of various out-of-nowhere-hired faction members somehow doing maintenance in my docks.
    • Liches after conversion probably should have an optional toggle for the severed head of their progenitor. Seems a bit rude they're supposedly good and on my side but still carry a warframe head decoration welded onto their pauldrons.
    • I'd also like to be able to still choose a weapon for liches. I understand they have their own and they may even favor it, but if I really, really would like them to use something slightly different, I'd like that option. Even if they complain.
    • I appreciate character fluff/descriptions. Wouldn't mind it expanded though, to give hints about their personality and explain some of their competencies. In general, more blurbs are needed as despite how new and fresh the whole crew system is, I keep seeing some descriptions repeated very often.
    • Bigger selection of potential crew members at Ticker's would also be good. Possibly including variations of various faction looks - not only gender, but how for example Steel Meridian sometimes seems to be making use of Grineer armaments - seeing actually armored, standard-issue faction rifle-totting potential crew member as they're specialized in Defender competency would make a lot of sense.
    • Possibly such looks options could be even allowed under apperance tab. Particular-faction-crewmember-restricted reskins/pieces of armor etc can also be an option. At the very least, let me change their helmets. Some of them do not appeal to me as much as others, even in boundaries of their own faction.
    • To be honest, I am not sure if Ticker should be the one managing those. Given that almost all potential crew members come from Tenno-affiliated relay station factions, I'd move ability to hire them there. Funnily enough, I am actually yet to see any Fortuna cyborg (with or without to-be-expected engineering competency) for hire.
    • Since it's mostly decorational, anyway, and no one really would lose any practical value I'd like to see ability to hire from certain factions dependant more on prior player decisions. Maybe since certain level of favor/hostility, one could hire special, more fancy-looking and archetypical crewmembers from their supported faction, while having crewmembers from the hostile ones unavailable, rather than just having varied tax which seems weird in general.
    • Like 4
  2. As the the new content was about to be launch, I've made a substantial post regarding certain proposed ideas. I believe it's wise, now that I played with that content to verify and reconsider some of my earlier points, while making it more digestible:

    • The Plexus system seems inferior to the system we had previously. It's questionable whether it's simpler (a chief reason to change was supposedly making it more approachable) and certainly it's not more interesting. Thoughts regarding various aspects of it will be mentioned in points below.
    • Addition of the plating part I found to be a good move. In general, rather than just mods, I would concentrate on there being more types of parts, affecting core stats of a railjack, functionality (like various fire patterns depending on the turret) as well as the form - be it aesthetics of the ship's exterior as well as perhaps some of the interior, providing long-term gameplay goals as well as sizeable improvement of "fashionframe" due to ship's behavior and looks being even more player-dependant than just currently used skin system (but both could be made to be used together). It's weird that some of the abilities and other elements changing how a railjack works are in mods, while parts, with exception of armaments, are just there for basic stats.
    • Current changes however make me feel like the importance of those parts was diminished. I sadly feel it confirmed that current plexus - where various players mods have the main effect on ship's performance are leading to railjack design itself to be less more consistent and resistant to often less-than-appreciated randomness caused by dependancy on crewmembers' setups, which are often not agreed upon and thrown in the face of whatever tactics and considerations the builder/captain intended.
    • Together with still very questionable decision to make ship's power supply dependant on warframes (further making stats of the railjack not dependant on intelligent, smart planning of its equipment but whatever players decide to equip for themselves) it, if anything, makes it less intuitive and forces players (or, at the very least, me) to completely abandon multiplayer aspect if they want their ship to function just the way they wanted it, with abilities they prefer. Furthermore, it now forces players to take up certain warframes and zenurik focus path over others for the sake of energy.
    • I do find the idea of divided energy pool pretty interesting but in practice there's only really one station on the ship - helm - that requires it consistently anyway. There is an issue of crewmembers using some on intrinsics (and/or tactical) abilities but making those dependant on warframe's personal energy pool would be much more elegant and intuitive.
    • Furthermore, current system made use of the forge in-battle, especially Tunguska cannon ammo refilling far less intuitive. It may be a bug but now max ammo forward artillery shows less max ammo at the beignning of the round (2 for me, when earlier 5 was the standard), yet one can refill it past that maximum number. Revolite is used up by various players seemingly haphazardly, but making more in the forge always gives different number than what the forge indicates.
    • In general it's weird that every player now has private energy pool as if railjack's generator would be a decoration, yet somehow despite every player having their own omnitool, they still use shared revolite. If anything, it seems less logical to me than how it could be the other way around. I can understand shared pool revolite for repair drones summoned through Engineering 10 intrinsic ability, but that's about it.
    • General change of the railjack interior layout is an improvement. Makes reaching and use of various facilities inside much more convenient, albeit it also decreases the worth of Tactical intrinsics warp ability, but that's a low price to pay. It does look less "spaceship-py" and intuitive, as it's an open floor plan, not really a thing you do with a vessel that may suffer a breach, but again, I am okay with that sacrifice of believability for the sake of mobility.
    • It seems that with current mods and their balance, all the ships I've seen became much more firefight-oriented. Since railjacks seem more vulnerable by default now, many more powerful mods are in regards to armaments - especially ordinance and turrets - and the number of mod slots is so limited, majority of players seems forced to concentrate on making offensively powerful railjacks, rather than mobile or specialized ones (though that may be more due to aforementioned dependancy on crewmember plexus mod mix making things less organized).
    • Like 5
  3. Just to make sure, have you verified that you got the avionics and then it was nowhere in your railjack avionics list? I more often than not got a messed up summary after finishing railjack missions, but the actual loot seems to be counted properly... at least usually.

  4. Does it mean that the enemies should just stand there and get murdered without doing anything just because player is some distance away? I understand that enemies not engaging each other at some distance is likely a design decision, so there's infighting when the player is around to witness it, but only some enemies attacking all the others while those others do absolutely nothing is neither believable nor logical.

  5. I feel like I should contribute to this thread as the issue seems to lie in where melee "dash" stops upon an attack, not merely in locking.

    To reiterate what OP claims (and which mirrors my experience) using veritux may be locking onto enemies fine, however the archwing autorushing them stops some distance in front of the enemy and the swings are all ineffective. One has to "manually" fly a bit further or have a luck of enemy flying into the archwing and only upon said enemy's model practically clipping into veritux there's a chance the swing will connect and deal any damage - suffice to say that since enemies are usually in motion as well, that makes melee nearly completely useless.

  6. Randomly, at times teleporting back onto the railjack through the use of omnitool led to situation where the warframe was holding both archwing and "infantry" weapons at the same time. As far as I know, only the proper weapon is used at the time, it's just the models of other weapons are stuck to the warframe. Perhaps it has little to do with omnitool per se, just transition between archwing and going on foot. Some additional check cleaning the models upon such transition would be welcome.



  7. If the host changes and then remaining squad members minus one will extract before the last one finished loading, the last player is left with "mission success" except the screen shows all their equipment as unranked and with no affinity gained, all stats for the mission at 0, no relicts shown as opened or items gained (relicts themselves chosen during the round seem to have been used up, though). Additionally, when looking at equipped items through mouse-over on the player icon in upper-left corner of the screen, I now seem to have equipped relic (likely the last one I equipped before mission's end) that gets updated/disappears upon any changes in the arsenal.

    Thankfully, it seems that the progress screen showing my equipment as unranked doesn't actually affect the stuff I entered the mission with. Two of the opened relics (perhaps the issue happened just before the third was to be opened?) were received later in the 'retrieved' mail. It is unknown if regular items or credits for the mission were counted as acquired.

  8. The performance is very haphazard. Like I wrote before, I have a rig just a bit better than listed as minimum requirements one and the game works quite well even when things happen most of the time, but then suddenly it can completely freeze and/or crash my computer, even during a situation when absolutely nothing happens and in the same location it worked great a minute ago.

  9. All I can say: time to upgrade your gaming rigs.


    I run with a mediocre PC and no issues here. 


    Carnaga, that's kinda the point - while oldish, my rig is somewhat above the minimum requirements and barring issues Rydian mentions, shouldn't be the cause (and actually when the game doesn't freeze and/or crash, it runs pretty smoothly). It's that random crashing/freezing for no apparent reason that's a bother, especially when it makes it problematic to access certain basic gameplay features at times.

  10. I am aware what minimum requirements mean, merely pointing that out in case it seemed like I am someone with greatly underperforming, unsupported hardware expecting people to work so the game will work how I want it to.


    As for BSODs, I was researching (googling) potential causes and issues like these trying first to resolve the problem myself and while there were a few cases of people reporting BSODs (and great many cases of people simply complaining about lack of stability, lag and poor performance when in relays or longer/more-enemies-populated missions) on different forums, reddit etc it was over years and by no one I personally know so I am afraid I cannot be of use here.

  11. Archwing missions offer quite a different scope of distances (and sizes, since it seems that everything is bigger, including models and enemies from "regular" missions) which I suspect is why UI conveniently points to nearby enemies. However, it's very easy to miss loot and containers so I'd like to ask if it'd be possible to have similar marking system used for nearby storage units/items drifting in space. Shouldn't mess up balance of the game but would be a great help.


    Second thing is being able to access syndicate services (mostly, I am thinking about Sanctuary) from one's orbiter. Despite talking with cephalon Simaris, getting some standing and so on, I have to "leg it" to the sanctuary in person just to use its services, buy some scanners and so on. Since such visits are somewhat hard on my computer and since many relay features are already accessible through orbiter bridge terminals, I wonder if syndicate services couldn't be as well.

  12. Didn't send that as ticket since it is something that can be avoided through regular game/computer reset, however it's still quite bothersome and detracts from enjoyment of the game.


    Both me and my acquaintance with whom I regularly play the game experienced certain issues when it comes to graphics in some of the locations, despite our rigs varying quite much in age. For example, relays, even those without players are quite laggy for both of us and just in my case (as I sport hardware only slightly above minimum requirements listed in the FAQ), they're a common culprit (though not the only one) of BSOD informing me that the OS stopped everything to prevent hardware damage and listing infinite loop as the source of the issue. If I am unlucky enough to experience freezing yet lucky enough to not receive BSOD straight away, sometimes game works after 20 or so seconds - but models disappear (I see background, flames and other effects, just no characters, props, corridors etc) till either I'll leave the location (almost always, again, a relay) or restart the game.


    The longer I play without game's reset, the higher the chance that the issue will happen.


    Yes, I have the newest drivers (as dated as they are for my line of GeForce) and no other program, including games theoretically more demanding than Warframe cause similar issues. I should point out that outside of this sudden freezing/crashing the game works surprisingly well.


    I write to simply get attention of the devteam, asking for some optimization of resource allocation/cleaning, especially in regards connected to graphics.

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