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Posts posted by AvatarOfWar

  1. I guess we'll just have to keep bumping this thread every day and for every person this affects.  Mine is still broken, even after the patch.  This is clearly not a user error, so don't waste time trying to do reinstalls, verify cache, etc.

    Isn't the ability to communicate with other players one of the most important facets of an online multiplayer game??

  2. I have this same problem.  At first I thought it was my internet connection, since it is far less than stellar.  But when my internet connection is working, its working just fine.  I literally logged off at night with chat working, then logged in the next day with no chat.  Its now day 3.  No amount of option checking, internet testing, rebooting, cache verifying or program restarting will fix the problem.  I can access everything else on the internet just fine.  I can log in just fine, but chat is not connecting.

    I don't suppose anyone has the IP address for their chat server?

  3. This Hydroid fix is absolutely brilliant. People have been abusing this for months, but a casual player like me just learned of it 3 days ago. It was the light at the end of the tunnel. It was the ray of hope that the rest of the game wasn't going to be a time-wasting grind-fest to gather 1000+ cores, run Alad V for the thousandth time for a single neural sensor, or even slog through earth for neurodes. Finally I was looking at a real opportunity to make progress.

    And the same day my Hydroid finishes building, you severely nerf the whole reason I got him. It kind of leaves a fowl taste in the mouth. If you nerfed this, what else are you going to nerf? If I find something else fun and enjoyable, will you nerf that too? Hey, I like soloing T4 survival... will you nerf the tower preventing people from soloing it? I can run Nightmare missions over and over in 90 seconds flat. Will you nerf that and adjust the time so Nightmares take a minimum of 10 minutes to run? Who can say.

    DE, you seem completely out of touch with reality. It gives me no hope for the rest of the game. I'm done. Theres nothing to look forward to.

  4. How can wallrunning become obsolete when its not even an important game mechanic to begin with? The only reason to wallrun 99.9% of the time is because "its cool". You can't obsolete cool. And I can only think of two places outside the void where wallrunning is necessary (greneer tileset with the vent shaft overhead, and corpus outdoor map with the chasm too wide to jump).

  5. Thats interesting, considering I have received both the blue drop and rare drop at the same time, more than once. I even said that in my post. It may not visibly drop, but it drops. I've run missions where I've done nothing but rush to a boss, kill him, pick up a blue resource, then check my foundry after mission: blue resource AND rare resource found. So, yeah. I'm not wrong. I have direct observation of this. You see, its real easy to prove a positive (which is what I'm doing), and impossible to prove a negative (which is what you are doing).

  6. All you have to do is get both the new clan resource and the old rare resource to drop at the same time, to know that this is not how it works. They're two completely independent drops. Also, on more than one occasion have I had the rare resource drop from a boss, but no feedback from the game that it dropped at all; it looked like the boss dropped only the new clan resource. But checking foundry immediately after the mission showed that a rare was found as well. Bottom line: I have seen no rarity change from before U8 to after it for the rare resources.

  7. Theres a danger in trying to find hidden meaning in stats, when all you are looking at is a list of game titles and players playing.

    Having said that, I'm going to do it anyway. :P Notice how the top two games are both free games? Free games get more players on steam than other games because, well, they're free. Theres no cost or penalty to just download one and try it out. You don't even need to be a "player" of the game; just try it out for an hour, and you're counted. This inflates the game numbers.

    However, Warframe is definitely doing better than some other free games that have been on steam for considerably longer time. Which is impressive, considering I give Warframe a "meh" out of 5 points for being so tedious. :P

    And FYI, you can pretty much disregard all statistics from all third-party sites like Raptr; those are opt-in services. Whereas Steam gets useage statistics from everyone who owns a game through steam, regardless if they want to or not.

  8. People are noticing the mods they don't use; people are failing to notice the mods they do use, and fuse into their weapons. People are noticing, after a few days, that they've gotten stacks of certain mods and failing to put 2 and 2 together.

    I just looked through all my mods. Yes, I have tons of Mind Controls. Yes, I have an obscene amount of Organ Shatters. And a couple others like Venom and Sonar. In fact, almost all commons are, well, common. A couple, like Marathon and Stopping Power, I've only found 2 of each. But those would be the exception, not the norm.

    This isn't a problem with drop rates; its observer error, which is a constant and neverending problem.

  9. This is a weird one; initially it seemed like an issue on my side. My internet connection dropped while Warframe was running, and I noticed because chat dropped because of it. However, after many attempts to fix the problem on my end, chat still remains nonfunctional. I've restarted Warframe, restarted steam, reset my internet connection, ran utilities to test my internet connection, verified my firewall settings, even rebooted my computer. None of it helps. When I start up Warframe, I get:

    Failed to connect to the chat server: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host. ERROR 10054.

    Not sure whats up. And sorry for any formatting in the post; this forum seems to strip any line breaks I add.

  10. Along those lines, I've seen a couple of occasions where the incoming random wave was composed of a heart-attack inducing FIFTY moas. No, I didn't get a headcount; there were so many, sound was glitching and they couldn't even move through the giant sliding doors that lead in and out of a base on those ice planet maps.

    I don't know if I could have run past them with Invisibility, because a volley of 50 moas shreds rather quickly when you're a noob.

    So, yeah. Random generator gets out of hand sometimes. Um... slightly.

  11. I am a noob. When I first saw this thread, I thought it was talking about the little rollerballs that stick to you and explode. I didn't see what the rage was about; they're nearly harmless. But today, I saw the big rollerballs for the first time and thought "okay, lets see what these things really do". And it turns out, they were even less of a threat than the little ones. They're easy to shoot, their stumble doesn't last long enough to get you into trouble, and if you happen to get several of them you can just run down a corridor 30 meters to line them all up for shooting. I even had 4 circling me at one point, managing to stumble me a few times in a row with greneer firing at me, and it still wasn't a threat.

    I've played this game for a little over a week. I only solo, which makes it one heck of a struggle. I fail to see how these rollerballs are even worth a single rage.

  12. While the disconnect from my ISP is not a problem with the game, the handling of it during a mission is. Saturday I was struggling with a 5-difficulty alert (one of the good ones) and failed it 3 times before I managed to get a version that switched to a "just kill everything instead" which was actually doable. It was a struggle and took me half an hour, but I finished it, all solo.

    Only problem is, during the match my internet got disconnected, and I received no feedback about it until the end of the match when I was presented with a "your mission stats cannot be uploaded" message.

    Wouldn't it be nice if there was some kind of feedback during a mission that there was a problem? And a capability to reconnect during the match so that the stats can be uploaded?

  13. I had one that was thoroughly glitched. After picking up the requested artifact, and then being told to also pick up a captive, I was told "good job tenno, your work here is done." So I follow the beacons like normal, and the last one is pointing under the floor in the middle of a locker room. And what do I hear? "Good, you found the artifact. Now get that so we can get out of here." Wait, what?

    Spent an hour combing the entire complex. And I do mean all of it. Ran back to start. Ran back to the artifact room. Searched every ceiling. Searched for crawlspaces. Searched EVERYTHING. Nothing ever led to that beacon.

    Not the first time I had an exitless map either. Just the worst.

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