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Posts posted by Levonia

  1. I haven't ran eidolons for a while, but this past week I have been running into the same problem. Hacked lures frequently don't follow even when set correctly, no matter how many times I tell it to hold and then follow again or even switching to archwing/k-drive/operator. Additionally for me, lures are not spawning in all the locations with 2-3 lures stuck across the map, resulting in a rather frustrating hunt. I usually run hunts solo, so I am unsure if another person can get the lures to move or not when they refuse my commands. In the past, I haven't been running magus lockdown since it is useless in eido fights (lately I haven't bothered to switch it out). Maybe that could be messing with the lure's AI, but I will have to test it out. Hope this gets fixed soon.

  2. Hope everyone had a happy Halloween! Just finished up my poster (just barely in time). It was a lot of fun setting a scene with a bunch of Captura photos frankensteined together with the help of PS. First time posting in forums, so hope everything is done right. Best of luck to everyone!


    The Corpus text says the following:

    Based on a true story

    The Culling

    -A Nef Anyo Production-

    By the void they came, but by the void we can prevail

    Place your bets on who will survive at the nearest Anyo Kiosk


    Essentially Nef Anyo is trying to earn a profit from the endless amounts of security footage of Tenno raiding Corpus ships, by turning their grisly final moments into a betting game. Nef is also insane enough to spin these raids to be a sort of religious like culling of the weak and grofitless, because he is just that much of a prophet of profit.


  3. I also had this problem and I found that it was caused by having non-default keybinds for warframe abilities 1-4. Once I switched back to the default I could swap fishing gear again. Strangely, when I went back to my initial keybinds (not default), I could use my fishing gear perfectly. This persisted through logging in and out as well, so at least it is "fixed" now?

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