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Posts posted by GuardianRainwalker

  1. Oooh ya, this. Ya I've seen this one, and it is related to host migration like Owl said. It's pretty easy to replicate.

    1.Be in a squad in the Orb (or probably Plains as well). 2.Be zephyr for ease of reproducing, use her 1 to go high enough that you can 3.Open your menu and leave the squad once the long-falling sound has started playing. Upon landing it will play forever. 4.Head to Fortuna/Cetus via their gate/elevator transition, note that even once you're in the 'relay' the sound continues to play. 5.Return to the orbiter, note that the hard-transition removes the continual sound effect.

  2. It's nice to see that there's a few other Miter users out there that thought of this. Can we get a confirm if this is intended behavior or not? My five forma multishot riven-ed Miter and I would love to know. ^_^


    Also, a duplicate of posts 1026295 and 1027954. If we could merge the three that'd be cool.




  3. I don't even know how to explain this. I was in ESO, I bullet jumped into an OOB zone and OOB'd like I'd expect to. Then I was stuck in the 'landing from a long fall' animation, not just once I landed from the OOB, but through a revive which put me in the ESO starting room. This was during Zone 7 ESO week of 6/6/18 (the tiles are predetermined, so maybe something specific to this tile? I have legit no idea what made this OOB different to the hundreds that have happened in the past.



    (The metadata on these may be useful to support, hard to say.)

  4. I'll just chime in with a couple more observations and screenshots.

    Here we have slightly clearer shot of the Ignis wraiths fire particle (off to the left) as well the operators hand and my reticle. The reticle is nowhere near the conculysts hurtbox, implying that the ignis's AoE hitbox is still working even though it's being projected from the operators hand, the particle is however trying to render from where Ivara would be holding the ignis in this animation, if it were even in this animation.

    And here we have some conculysts with resistances to both the damage types that my Ignis Wraith had available at the time. So that seems to be working properly as if the ignis was equipped as well.

    I also noted that after extracting from this mission that during the next...part...of the quest the operators beam was back to normal. So it's not a progression blocking bug, just really weird.

    And this ...is from the next...part...of the quest, and probably unrelated, but it's hard to say with things like this. And there's no such thing as useless data.

  5. Huh, I'm not the only one. I noticed that while loading in I could see all five loading wheels but only four ships, and between rotations (defense) I could see four names selecting to stay or go but there was a delay that looked like the fifth person whose name I couldn't see was still selecting.

    On the bright side, everything seemed to work fine otherwise. Who knows, maybe extended squads could become a feature sooner rather than later.

    Matchmaking: Public

    5-man cell screenshot.

  6. So, my roommate and I are getting started for the night, running some T2sab for TrinP helm. I use my first key for the night, and I'm stuck in the loading screen while he loads in just fine. While I write this he's searching the map for caches, and I'm alt+tab'ed writing a bug report.

    Some notable things that may help diagnosis.  1. My shade seems to be hanging out at spawn, and I show up on the map, but my frame is nowhere to be found.  2. as he finds caches, the black [?] box pops up over my loading screen.  3. the sound that plays when you close the gate in Void Sabotage is the only thing I've heard for SFX the entire time waiting here (I have play sounds while not in focus on).  4. while trying to extract, he's waiting on me even though I'm not fully in the mission.  5. now that he's sat at extraction for a minute to force extraction...this series of screenshots has happened, note that he found 2/3 caches (and the screencaps are out of order because i was mashing to make it work, ingame screencap was somewhat inconsistent, due to bug or alt+tab i don't know.)  https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B2L0sEQBFIvpSTE5R3JROUNRdUk

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