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Posts posted by shadowslasher1

  1. would u guys consider baseing dojo requirements on the #of people in the clan so the more people the higher the cost but vice versa for clans with 2 players or something really low cost?


    how do u enter for platnium giveway?

    would u consider highering some of the rarer resources drop rate like morphics because 10 for despair and like 1 morphic every 5 missions is pretty high

    i want to keep leveling up my warframe but i dont want to reset and lose everything on it could u do something like that such as after level thirty the mod "energy" keeps increasing but the base stats (health,energy,shields) stops to make it fair?

  2. i just finished mercury a few days ago because i thoroughly farmed the first few levels btw the first level has something like 114 guys i hunted down each one

    did anyone else start out completely solo i usually only go online for alert missions

  3. what if it's a rare mod and by the way if your getting mods that often your extremely lucky or cheating also when u combine a ton of mods together it gets better so if u put a lot of mods together it'd get super good and furthermore u equip mods and u dont equip a skill seeing as the warframe is a super suit basically it'd be like building a computer chip but this is just a game so yeah u'd just build a skill it'd be pretty cool lol


    looking at that it comes off  pretty rude sorry but i still want to say that point

  4. If anyone wants this game to be harder, then get rid of your mods and run pluto solo...


    Play this game to Play it. Have fun by making your own fun.


    We as gamers have forgotten how to have fun. We have gotten so obsessed with "grinding" to unlock some mystical "fun" at the end of the grind, but don't realize that the journey is the point of playing, not the destination.

    that was deep man like totally


    but for realzies i agree its the playing thats fun

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