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Posts posted by xgladar

  1. wait what? im supposed to somehow deduct that Ceres is the only planet with pollution in the entire game?

    not only is that not true, since we have the grineer mucking it up in places like earth and uranus polluting the environment, but ITS NOT SAID ANYWHERE IN THE LORE that ceres is the only polluted planet or that it contains the flowers i need. or that the other flowers are anywhere else specific in the systems (for instance sunlight threshcones on earth when you have other planets with sun)

    sorry that is not a puzzle, thats just lazy.

  2. to clarify the title : a player should never have to go alt-tab the game to look for information on the wiki for a thing they want to do ingame. 

    this mostly relates to quests , of which i have 4 currently active, yet i have no idea how to do them.

    for instance :


    one of the quests is called "the Silver Grove" , the voice lines say i need to find some flower that "grows in absolute filth" and that is all. clicking the quest doesnt automatically start the relevant mission like every other alert does and the codex doesnt provide any info besides having to forge the nightfall apothic. because the story is about protecting earth's last forest from the grineer, i tried several missions on earth before going on the wiki and finding out i had to get the flowers on CERES...

    i'd like to suggest the codex give exact information on what we need to do and how in order to finish these quests. for reference, i currently have hidden messages, octavia's anthem and silver grove active

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