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Posts posted by Flarow

  1. When PoE came out and Brozime started streaming, I made sure to watch him earn "By the dawn's early light" achievement on the first day, but didn't get the Sigil due to it being bugged. I watched him play for the next three days after the first day (took time off work to ensure I got that Sigil) and get the achievement over and over but still got nothing from it still being bugged. To make up time at my work I had lots of overtime on this Monday, where he apparently got the achievement again, but this time it worked properly. So despite watching Brozime get the achievement multiple times I missed out in seeing him get the achievement when it was finally working properly.

  2. I played 5 games continuous placing first twice, second twice and third once for a total of fifteen points. However when I left Conclave I found out I was only rewarded two points instead of the 15 points I should have had, or the bare minimum of five points (one for each game). I sent a case over to the support but all I got was an animated reply saying they can't give me the points I should already have. Any helpful replies would be very much appreciated. I love this game but when I'm unable to achieve an award based on the fact the game isn't working as intended that really concerns me for the future of the game.

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