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Posts posted by jessicakqs

  1. 53 minutes ago, _Vortus_ said:

    Some rewards shouldn't be able to be bought and left as random.  Needs to be a purchase list with tokens, and a list that is rng based for completing the mission.   Purchase items, Kuva, Nitain, Rivens, Endo, Traces, Lens, etc  should be lower tier items.    Items like Catalysts, Reactors, made Exillus, made Forma and other items need left on a rng roll.    Or made significantly more expensive if on the purchase scale.

    As to AW, time will tell.   I can't wait for it either as I want to play it, enjoy a challenge.  Heh Especially when someone says there is only one way to do it.    High MR players were bailing from today's sortie 3 Grineer Exilus raging it was to hard due to all the knock downs, slow downs and leeches.  Started with 4, 3 bailed over the first wave, within a couple min of each other, pissing and moaning,  finshed the game with two players that didn't even start with me.   I expect AW will be no different.   Know what's coming, pick our loadout and mod appropriately and win.      But hey, no, lets gets upset about it before it even gets added.   Don't like AW after its put in, don't play that days sortie.   lol I know some that did that whenever there was a Corpus sortie due to their..... issues.... with some Corpus units.   


    It is a good idea but...

    Rivens should not be purchasable, this is not good for the people who earns platinum by selling them. I don't understand why people needs them, currently you can get a tons of kills without rivens :/, I don't care about it but it's nice when you got a nice one... I personally prefer this way, people who really want them then should play in order to acquire or buy them if they don't have any patience, but i'm surprised, rivens aren't as common as uncommon lenses for me! xD

    and also I agree, prices should be higher, not good for business 

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