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Posts posted by adkrox

  1. 18 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

    Soon we'll have a webpage that is automated to provide drop information for those who seek it - this screenshot is just proof of concept that we've got something in the works (using real data with effective rarity % in this particular vault!)."

    My question is why you decided to take this very heavy handed approach to, what you have known to be a problem for a long time without having the aforementioned site in place first ?

    Instead we are now left with the word "soon" which coming from DE carries next to no weight (for me at least), when i consider the amount of times "soon" has been tossed out as a response on Dev streams only to see the subject forgotten or delayed to such an extent, that calling it "soon" is just a slap in the face to the community.



  2. On 7/12/2016 at 5:40 PM, [DE]Rebecca said:

    Ironing out one issue at a time here with Credits, but the Sortie Credit Reward decrease issue is 100% a bug and will be fixed next Hotfix.

    I do appreciate all the work that must be going into fixing bugs atm. 

    What does get to me though is why there is no clarification as to what DE considers to be bugs and what is intended game design, eg. Did you actually intend to overall reduce credit income and if you did then why ?

    The lack of clear info just leaves the player base to speculate and a lot of misinformation getting circulated.

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